Ákos (1850–1888) Preisz Hugó (1860–1940) Hutÿra Ferenc (1860–1934) Magyary-KossaGyula (1865–1944) Korányi Sándor (1866–1944) Marek József (1868–1952) Aujeszky
to save the Jews. He also sent a letter to Lord Lieutenant Aladár Magyary-Kossa, in which he detailed the special past of local Jewish community, among
Gyula Magyar (1884–1945) agricultural botany, pomology, horticulture Pál Magyar (1895–1969) forestry, plant systematics, phytosociology GyulaMagyary-Kossa
to save the Jews. He also sent a letter to Lord Lieutenant Aladár Magyary-Kossa, in which he detailed the special past of local Jewish community, among