Luitpold Rupprecht Heinrich Prinz von Bayern (born 14 April 1951) is a member and second in line of succession to the headship of the House of Wittelsbach
Max-Emanuel Ludwig Maria Herzog inBayern (sometimes styled Prince Max of Bavaria, Duke in Bavaria; born 21 January 1937) as the younger son of Albrecht
Maria in Bavaria (22 April 1879 – 10 July 1963). He was married to Anna Sibig (18 July 1874 – 1 January 1958)[citation needed] Duke LuitpoldEmanuel Ludwig
"Rupprecht, Maria Luitpold Ferdinand, Kronprinz von Bayern, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Herzog von Bayern, Franken und in Schwaben usw.". In Bautz, Traugott (ed