This article is a list of anti-abortion organizations in the United States. Individual organizations on this list may either be primarily oriented towards anti-abortion activism, or have adopted anti-abortion positions while not actively campaigning.

National organizations

Physicians' associations

Political party-affiliated organizations

Other organizations

  • 40 Days for Life, an anti-abortion activist group, named for the pattern of several biblical events lasting 40 days.[4]
  • Abolitionists Rising (formerly Free The States), a national, Protestant anti-abortion organization based in Oklahoma that advocates for the total abolition of abortion.[5]
  • Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF, formerly Alliance Defense Fund), a conservative nonprofit organization with the stated goal of "defending the right to hear and speak the Truth through strategy, training, funding, and litigation."
  • Alpha Center, a nonprofit agency also founded by Leslee Unruh (also its CEO) whose stated goal is to provide positive alternatives with practical support to women and men involved in an unplanned pregnancy.
  • American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), a politically conservative social activism organization founded to protect constitutional and human rights worldwide, and which generally pursues constitutional issues and conservative Christian ideals in courts of law.[6][7][8][9]
  • American Coalition of Life Activists (ACLA), a now-defunct advocacy group which made controversies surrounding their use of Wanted-style posters to target abortion providers.[10]
  • American Family Association (AFA), a nonprofit organization that opposes abortion, pornography, and same-sex marriage.[11]
  • American Vision, a nonprofit organization which operates as a Christian ministry and calls for "equipping and empowering Christians to restore America’s biblical foundation."
  • Americans United for Life (AUL), an anti-abortion public interest law firm and advocacy group which calls for protection of human life at all stages of life, from conception to death, and is involved in the related issues of health and biotechnology.
  • Arlington Group, a coalition which unites the leaders of prominent Christian conservative organizations in the United States.[12]
  • Bound4life, a grassroots nonprofit organization whose major goal is to train and multiply the number of Christians that pray regularly for the ending of abortion.[13]
  • Care Net, an operator of crisis pregnancy centers in the United States.
  • Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, an organization generally promulgating right to life views which uses graphic images of aborted fetuses.
  • The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), an organization founded in 2013 by activist David Daleiden also known for its undercover video sting operation in a Planned Parenthood clinic with the accusation that the reproductive health service provider sells fetal body parts and tissues for profit.[14][15]
  • Choose Life, Inc., an advocacy group based in Ocala, Florida that created the concept behind the "Choose Life" specialty license plate that promotes an anti-abortion message: to choose adoption over abortion.
  • Christian Coalition of America (CCA), an interdenominational Christian advocacy group.
  • Concerned Women for America, a politically conservative Christian women's activist group whose stated mission, "is to protect and promote Biblical values among all citizens—first through prayer, then education, and finally by influencing our society—thereby reversing the decline in moral values in our nation."
  • Eagle Forum, a conservative interest group that uses grassroots techniques to promote conservative women's and family issues in public policy.
  • Elliot Institute, an advocacy group founded by electrical engineer and anti-abortion activist David Reardon, which studies "the effects of eugenics, abortion, population control, and sexual attitudes and practices on individuals and society at large."
  • Faith and Freedom Coalition, an ecumenical nonprofit organization which opposes abortion and same-sex marriage, and supports limited government, lower taxes, education reform, free markets, a strong national defense, and Israel.
  • Family Research Council[16]
  • Feminists for Life, a nonprofit, non-governmental organization that promotes anti-abortion views on the basis of feminism.
  • Focus on the Family (FOTF or FotF), whose stated mission is "nurturing and defending the God-ordained institution of the family and promoting biblical truths worldwide."
  • Justice House of Prayer (JHOP), a neocharismatic organization which focuses on prayer for issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and humanism,[17] and also regularly practices fasting.[18]
  • Life Chain, one of the largest anti-abortion social movement organization in America.[19]
  • Life Dynamics Inc., an organization whose stated motto is, "Pro-Life: without compromise, without exception, without apology".
  • Live Action, a nonprofit organization that is best known for its undercover video sting operations on Planned Parenthood clinics,[20][21][22][23] which was co-founded by anti-abortion activist Lila Rose.[24]
  • March for Life, an annual event held in Washington, D.C., on or around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, organized by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.
  • MassResistance, a Waltham, Massachusetts-based group that promotes socially conservative positions on issues relating to homosexuality, abortion, anti-bullying, gun control, the transgender community and same-sex marriage.
  • Missionaries to the Preborn, an advocacy group founded by Rev. Matthew Trewhella in 1990 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.[25]
  • National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, founded in 1993 which aims in "developing a network of life-affirming ministries in every community across the nation in order to achieve an abortion-free America."
  • National Pro-Life Religious Council (NPRC), a coalition representing numerous Christian anti-abortion denominations and organizations in the United States.
  • National Right to Life Committee, the oldest and largest national anti-abortion organization in the US,[26][27] which works through legislation and education to work against induced abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.
  • Operation Rescue (Kansas) (formerly Operation Rescue West or California Operation Rescue), engages in activities that it describes as "on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates."
  • Operation Save America (formerly Operation Rescue National), which opposes abortion and its legality, as well as same-sex marriage.
  • Population Research Institute (PRI), a nonprofit organization whose stated goals are "to expose the myth of overpopulation" as well as "human rights abuses committed in population control programs, and to make the case that people are the world's greatest resource."
  • Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians (PLAGAL), an interest group opposed to legalized elective abortion and supportive of alternatives to abortion, which is inclusive of all LGBT people as well as straight allies.
  • Pro-Life Action League, a Chicago-based activist group founded in 1980 currently led by Eric Scheidler.[28]
  • Secular Pro-Life (SPL), an all-volunteer organization which works both to end elective abortion and to incorporate non-religious people into the U.S. anti-abortion movement.
  • Silent No More, an organization for people who regret that they or their partners had abortions.
  • Stoneridge Group, a political campaign marketing firm based in Alpharetta, Georgia.
  • Students for Life of America (SFLA) or simply Students for Life (SFL), a tax-exempt nonprofit organization that seeks to end abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide by educating students about these issues and identifying anti-abortion student leaders and giving them the training, skills, and resources to effectively spread their message.
  • Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, a group which uses graphic imagery of aborted fetuses in protest against abortion.[29]
  • Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a social welfare, nonprofit organization that seeks to reduce and ultimately end abortion in the United States by supporting anti-abortion politicians, primarily women, through its SBA List Candidate Fund political action committee.[30]
  • The Lord's Ranch, an outreach ministry for the poor located in Vado, New Mexico; part of their ministry includes anti-abortion work.
  • The Nurturing Network, an international charitable organization dedicated to relieving the many forms of abuse, neglect and exploitation that exist in a global world.
  • TheCall, which practices prayer and fasting in protest against issues such as same-sex marriage and legal access to elective abortion.
  • Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a conservative, nonprofit, public interest law firm promoting what it describes as Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values in defense against same-sex marriage and abortion.[31][32]
  • Thomas More Society, a Chicago-based conservative anti-abortion law firm.[33][34][35][36]
  • Traditional Values Coalition (TVC), a conservative organization preserving what they describe as "Bible-based traditional values", which include: "Defending human life from its earliest moments to natural death."
  • United Families International (UFI), a nonprofit organization that works on an international scale to influence public policy toward "maintaining and strengthening the family."
  • Vision America, a politically conservative organization which describes itself as formed to "inform, encourage and mobilize pastors and their congregations to be proactive in restoring Judeo-Christian values to the moral and civic framework in their communities, states, and our nation."
  •, a campaign whose executive director is anti-abortion activist Leslee Unruh.
  • Women Exploited By Abortion (WEBA), an organization of women who regret having undergone induced abortion.[37]
  • Young America's Foundation (YAF), a conservative youth organization.

Religiously-affiliated organizations


Roman Catholic

United Methodist

State and local organizations



  •, a nonprofit organization founded as part of Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), which is active in influencing public policy on various social issues.


  • Colorado Right to Life (CRTL), a Colorado-based advocacy group which believes all human beings not convicted of a capital crime have a right to life from the moment of fertilization until natural death.
  • Colorado Family Action, a lobbying organization founded in 2007 that opposes same-sex marriage and adoption, birth control access, and abortion.


  • Family Institute of Connecticut, an interdenominational, conservative[39] tax-exempt nonprofit organization whose stated goal is to encourage and strengthen the family as the foundation of society and to promote Judeo-Christian ethical and moral values in the culture and government of Connecticut.


  • Georgia Right to Life (GRTL), a Georgia-based nonprofit advocacy group organized for activities in the areas of education, legislation, and political action to oppose legalized abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning and artificially produced genetic transformation.



  • Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), the oldest and largest right-to-life organization in Minnesota founded in 1968 to resist the legalization of abortion, as well as euthanasia, assisted suicide and embryonic stem cell research.
  • Minnesota Family Council (MFC), a Christian organization founded to work against the teaching in schools of tolerance for homosexuals and is also opposed to abortion, stating that: "human life is sacred from conception to natural death and must be protected by government".



New York



  • American Pregnancy Association, a nonprofit which operates a pregnancy education website[49][50][51]
  • Texas Alliance for Life, a nonprofit organization which opposes abortion (except to preserve the mother's life), infanticide, euthanasia, and all forms of assisted suicide.


See also


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