| Representative | Group | Electoral district | Language group | Comments |
Meyrem Almaci | Ecolo/Groen | Antwerp | Dutch |
Rita Bellens | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Kristof Calvo | Ecolo/Groen | Antwerp | Dutch |
Monica De Coninck | sp.a | Antwerp | Dutch |
Zuhal Demir | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Peter De Roover | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Maya Detiège | sp.a | Antwerp | Dutch |
Bart De Wever | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Filip Dewinter | Vlaams Belang | Antwerp | Dutch |
Sophie De Wit | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
David Geerts | sp.a | Antwerp | Dutch |
Johan Klaps | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch | since 11 October 2014, replacing Jan Jambon, who became Minister in the Michel Government |
Nahima Lanjri | CD&V | Antwerp | Dutch |
Koen Metsu | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Jan Penris | Vlaams Belang | Antwerp | Dutch | since 19 June 2014, replacing Marijke Dillen |
Griet Smaers | CD&V | Antwerp | Dutch |
Annemie Turtelboom | Open Vld | Antwerp | Dutch | was replaced by Frank Wilrycx from 25 July 2014 until 29 April 2016, when she was Minister in the Bourgeois Government |
Yoleen Van Camp | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Rob Van de Velde | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Jef Van den Bergh | CD&V | Antwerp | Dutch |
Dirk Van Mechelen | Open Vld | Antwerp | Dutch |
Valerie Van Peel | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Servais Verherstraeten | CD&V | Antwerp | Dutch |
Bert Wollants | N-VA | Antwerp | Dutch |
Siegfried Bracke | N-VA | East Flanders | Dutch | President |
Peter Buysrogge | N-VA | East Flanders | Dutch |
Sarah Claerhout | CD&V | East Flanders | Dutch | since 11 October 2014, replacing Pieter De Crem, who became Secretary of State in the Michel Government |
Peter Dedecker | N-VA | East Flanders | Dutch |
Christoph D'Haese | N-VA | East Flanders | Dutch |
Leen Dierick | CD&V | East Flanders | Dutch |
Katja Gabriëls | Open Vld | East Flanders | Dutch | since 11 October 2014, replacing Alexander De Croo, who became Minister in the Michel Government |
Egbert Lachaert | Open Vld | East Flanders | Dutch |
Barbara Pas | Vlaams Belang | East Flanders | Dutch |
Fatma Pehlivan | sp.a | East Flanders | Dutch |
Sarah Smeyers | N-VA | East Flanders | Dutch |
Ine Somers | Open Vld | East Flanders | Dutch |
Karin Temmerman | sp.a | East Flanders | Dutch |
Goedele Uyttersprot | N-VA | East Flanders | Dutch |
Carina Van Cauter | Open Vld | East Flanders | Dutch |
Dirk Van der Maelen | sp.a | East Flanders | Dutch |
Stefaan Van Hecke | Ecolo/Groen | East Flanders | Dutch |
Stefaan Vercamer | CD&V | East Flanders | Dutch |
Evita Willaert | Ecolo/Groen | East Flanders | Dutch |
Veli Yüksel | CD&V | East Flanders | Dutch |
Philippe Blanchart | PS | Hainaut | French |
Christian Brotcorne | cdH | Hainaut | French |
Olivier Chastel | MR | Hainaut | French |
Paul-Olivier Delannois | PS | Hainaut | French |
Laurent Devin | PS | Hainaut | French |
Elio Di Rupo | PS | Hainaut | French |
Denis Ducarme | MR | Hainaut | French |
Jean-Jacques Flahaux | MR | Hainaut | French |
Catherine Fonck | cdH | Hainaut | French |
Benoît Friart | MR | Hainaut | French |
Eric Massin | PS | Hainaut | French |
Richard Miller | MR | Hainaut | French | since 11 October 2014, replacing Marie-Christine Marghem, who became Minister in the Michel Government |
Jean-Marc Nollet | Ecolo/Groen | Hainaut | French |
Özlem Özen | PS | Hainaut | French |
Daniel Senesael | PS | Hainaut | French |
Eric Thiébaut | PS | Hainaut | French |
Marco Van Hees | PTB-go! | Hainaut | French |
Fabienne Winckel | PS | Hainaut | French |
Hendrik Bogaert | CD&V | West Flanders | Dutch |
An Capoen | N-VA | West Flanders | Dutch |
Koenraad Degroote | N-VA | West Flanders | Dutch |
Franky Demon | CD&V | West Flanders | Dutch |
Roel Deseyn | CD&V | West Flanders | Dutch |
Wouter De Vriendt | Ecolo/Groen | West Flanders | Dutch |
Daphné Dumery | N-VA | West Flanders | Dutch |
Rita Gantois | N-VA | West Flanders | Dutch |
Sabien Lahaye-Battheu | Open Vld | West Flanders | Dutch |
Nathalie Muylle | CD&V | West Flanders | Dutch |
Alain Top | sp.a | West Flanders | Dutch |
Johan Vande Lanotte | sp.a | West Flanders | Dutch |
Ann Vanheste | sp.a | West Flanders | Dutch |
Vincent Van Quickenborne | Open Vld | West Flanders | Dutch |
Jan Vercammen | N-VA | West Flanders | Dutch |
Brecht Vermeulen | N-VA | West Flanders | Dutch |
Nawal Ben Hamou | PS | Brussels | French |
Véronique Caprasse | FDF | Brussels | French |
Georges Dallemagne | cdH | Brussels | French | since 22 July 2014, replacing Céline Fremault, who became Minister in the Brussels Vervoort II Government |
Francis Delpérée | cdH | Brussels | French |
Benoit Hellings | Ecolo/Groen | Brussels | French |
Emir Kir | PS | Brussels | French |
Gilles Vanden Burre | Ecolo/Groen | Brussels | French | since 28 May 2015, replacing Zakia Khattabi, who became party co-leader of Ecolo |
Ahmed Laaouej | PS | Brussels | French |
Karine Lalieux | PS | Brussels | French |
Olivier Maingain | FDF | Brussels | French |
Laurette Onkelinx | PS | Brussels | French |
Philippe Pivin | MR | Brussels | French |
Françoise Schepmans | MR | Brussels | French |
Damien Thiéry | MR | Brussels | French |
Gautier Calomne | MR | Brussels | French | since 22 September 2015, replacing Sophie Wilmès, who became Minister in the Michel Government. Wilmès had since 11 October 2014 replaced Didier Reynders, who became Minister in the Michel Government |
Aldo Carcaci | Parti Populaire | Liège | French |
Caroline Cassart-Mailleux | MR | Liège | French |
Frédéric Daerden | PS | Liège | French |
Willy Demeyer | PS | Liège | French |
Julie Fernandez-Fernandez | PS | Liège | French |
Gilles Foret | MR | Liège | French |
André Frédéric | PS | Liège | French |
Muriel Gerkens | Ecolo/Groen | Liège | French |
Philippe Goffin | MR | Liège | French |
Luc Gustin | MR | Liège | French | since 11 October 2014, replacing Daniel Bacquelaine, who became Minister in the Michel Government |
Raoul Hedebouw | PTB-go! | Liège | French |
Kattrin Jadin | MR | Liège | French | Jadin is leader of PFF, the German-speaking chapter of MR, but there is no German language group in the Chamber (all Walloon representatives are automatically part of the French language group) |
Alain Mathot | PS | Liège | French |
Michel de Lamotte | cdH | Liège | French | since 19 April 2015, replacing Melchior Wathelet, who left national politics |
Vanessa Matz | cdH | Liège | French |
Sonja Becq | CD&V | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Hans Bonte | sp.a | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Patricia Ceysens | Open Vld | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Inez De Coninck | N-VA | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Anne Dedry | Ecolo/Groen | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Renate Hufkens | N-VA | Flemish Brabant | Dutch | since 11 October 2014, replacing Theo Francken, who became Secretary of State in the Michel Government |
Dirk Janssens | Open Vld | Flemish Brabant | Dutch | since 11 October 2014, replacing Maggie De Block, who became Minister in the Michel Government |
Karine Jiroflée | sp.a | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Jan Spooren | N-VA | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Luk Van Biesen | Open Vld | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Tim Vandenput | Open Vld | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Els Van Hoof | CD&V | Flemish Brabant | Dutch | since 11 October 2014, replacing Koen Geens, who became Minister in the Michel Government |
Eric Van Rompuy | CD&V | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Kristien Van Vaerenbergh | N-VA | Flemish Brabant | Dutch |
Hendrik Vuye | N-VA | Flemish Brabant | Dutch | quit the party on 21 September 2016, remained independent member of parliament |
Wouter Beke | CD&V | Limburg | Dutch |
Patrick Dewael | Open Vld | Limburg | Dutch |
Karolien Grosemans | N-VA | Limburg | Dutch |
Veerle Heeren | CD&V | Limburg | Dutch |
Werner Janssen | N-VA | Limburg | Dutch |
Meryame Kitir | sp.a | Limburg | Dutch |
Nele Lijnen | Open Vld | Limburg | Dutch |
Peter Luykx | N-VA | Limburg | Dutch |
Wouter Raskin | N-VA | Limburg | Dutch | since 11 October 2014, replacing Steven Vandeput, who became Minister in the Michel Government |
Raf Terwingen | CD&V | Limburg | Dutch |
Peter Vanvelthoven | sp.a | Limburg | Dutch |
Veerle Wouters | N-VA | Limburg | Dutch | quit the party on 21 September 2016, remained independent member of parliament |
David Clarinval | MR | Namur | French |
Jean-Marc Delizée | PS | Namur | French |
Benoît Dispa | cdH | Namur | French |
Georges Gilkinet | Ecolo/Groen | Namur | French |
Gwenaëlle Grovonius | PS | Namur | French |
Stéphanie Thoron | MR | Namur | French |
Emmanuel Burton | MR | Walloon Brabant | French |
Marcel Cheron | Ecolo/Groen | Walloon Brabant | French |
Sybille de Coster-Bauchau | MR | Walloon Brabant | French |
Stéphane Crusnière | PS | Walloon Brabant | French | since 22 July 2014, replacing André Flahaut, who became Minister in the Demotte III Government of the French Community |
Vincent Scourneau | MR | Walloon Brabant | French | since 11 October 2014, replacing Charles Michel, who became Prime Minister in the Michel Government |
Benoît Lutgen | cdH | Luxembourg | French |
Benoît Piedboeuf | MR | Luxembourg | French |
Sébastian Pirlot | PS | Luxembourg | French |
Isabelle Poncelet | cdH | Luxembourg | French |