Group or Formation |
Period |
Notes |
Arbuthnott Group/Dundee Formation | Devonian | |
Ardwell Farm Formation | Ordovician | |
Ardwell Group/Balclatchie Formation | Ordovician | |
Ardwell Group/Craighead Limestone | Ordovician | |
Balclatchie Formation | Ordovician | |
Barr Group/Stinchar Limestone | Ordovician | |
Bearreraig Sandstone | Jurassic | |
Blackwell Formation | Carboniferous | |
Broadford Beds Formation | Jurassic | |
Bu Ness Group/North Gavel Beds Formation | Devonian | |
Cementstones Formation | Carboniferous | |
Cementstones Formation | Carboniferous | |
Cementstones Formation | Carboniferous | |
Charlestown Main Formation | Carboniferous | |
Clackmannan Group/Lower Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Clackmannan Formation | Carboniferous | |
Clackmannan Group/Upper Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Clackmannan Group/Lower Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Clackmannan Group/Passage Formation | Carboniferous | |
Clackmannan Group/Upper Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Coal Measures Formation | Carboniferous | |
Croisaphuill Fm. Formation | Ordovician | |
Cutties Hillock Sandstone | Permian | |
Dounans Limestone | Ordovician | |
Drummock Group/Ladyburn Formation | Ordovician | |
Drummock Group/South Threave Formation | Ordovician | |
Drummuck Group/Lady Burn Formation | Ordovician | |
Dryden Shale | Devonian | |
Dundee Formation | Devonian | |
Eday Flagstone Formation | Devonian | |
Eday Flagstone Formation | Devonian | |
Fish Bed Formation | Silurian | |
Golden Grove Group/Llandeilo Formation | Ordovician | |
Great Estuarine Formation | Jurassic | |
Great Estuarine Series Group/Estheria Shales Formation | Jurassic | |
Great Estuarine Group/Duntulm Formation | Jurassic | |
Great Estuarine Group/Kilmaluag Formation | Jurassic | |
Great Estuarine Group/Lealt Shale | Jurassic | |
Great Estuarine Group/Lealt Shales Formation | Jurassic | |
Great Estuarine Group/Valtos Sandstone | Jurassic | |
High Mains Formation | Ordovician | |
Hillhead Formation | Devonian | |
Index Formation | Carboniferous | |
Inshes Formation | Devonian | |
Interbasaltic Plant Formation | Palaeogene | |
Inverclyde Group/Ballagan Formation | Carboniferous | |
Kirkcolm Formation | Ordovician | |
Limestone Coal Group/Limestone Coal Formation | Carboniferous | |
Lossiemouth Sandstone | Triassic | |
Lower Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Lower Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Lower Limestone Group/Middle Longcraig Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Lower Lothian Group of Calciferous Sandstone Measures (Series) Group/Garlton Hills Volcanic Formation | Carboniferous | |
Lower Lothian Group of Calciferous Sandstone Measures (Series) Group/Garlton Hills Volcanic Formation | Carboniferous | |
Lower Oil Shale | Carboniferous | |
Lower Oil Shale Group/Wardie Shale | Carboniferous | |
Lower Old Red Sandstone Group/Strathmore Group | Devonian | |
Lower Stromness flagstone Formation | Devonian | |
Manse Burn Formation | Carboniferous | |
Mauchline Volcanic Formation | Permian | |
Millbuie Sandstone | Devonian | |
Millstone Grit Formation | Carboniferous | |
Mulloch Hill Group/Mulloch Hill Formation | Silurian | |
Newlands Formation | Silurian | |
Newlands Group/Mulloch Hill Sandstone | Silurian | |
Observatory Group/Furse Argillaceous Beds Formation | Devonian | |
Oil Formation | Carboniferous | |
Old Red Sandstone Group/Strathmore Group | Devonian | |
Orchard Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Passage Formation | Carboniferous | |
Penkill Group/Penkill Formation | Silurian | |
Priesthill Group/Kip Burn Formation | Silurian | |
Priesthill Group/Patrick Burn Formation | Silurian | |
Reservoir Formation | Silurian | |
Sandwick Fish Beds Formation | Devonian | |
Saugh Hill Group/Saugh Hill Grits | Silurian | |
Scalpa Sandstone | Jurassic | |
Second Abden Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Second Abden Shale | Carboniferous | |
Staffin Bay Formation | Jurassic | |
Stonehaven Group/Cowie Formation | Silurian | |
Strathclyde Formation | Carboniferous | |
Strathclyde Group/Gullane Formation | Carboniferous | |
Strathclyde Group/Kirkwood Formation | Carboniferous | |
Strathclyde Group/Lawmuir Formation | Carboniferous | |
Strathclyde Group/Lower Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Superstes Mudstone | Ordovician | |
Thurso flagstone Formation | Devonian | |
Top Hosie Shale | Carboniferous | |
Tyne Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Upper Border Group/Glencartholm Volcanic Group | Carboniferous | |
Upper Hartfell Shale | Ordovician | |
Upper Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Upper Oil Shale Group/East Kirkton Limestone | Carboniferous | |
Upper Oil Shale Group/Pettycur Volcanics Formation | Carboniferous | |
Upper Old Red Sandstone Group/Horse Road Sandstone | Carboniferous | |
Valtos Sandstone | Jurassic | |
Volcanic (= Lower Oil Shale) Group/Clyde Plateau Volcanic Formation | Carboniferous | |
Waterhead Group/Slot Burn Formation | Silurian | |
West Lothian Oil Shale Group/Hopetoun Formation | Carboniferous | |
Whitehouse Group/Mill Formation | Ordovician | |
Whitehouse Group/Shalloch Formation | Ordovician | |
Wick Flagstone Formation | Devonian | |