Hindu Marathi people celebrate several festivals during the year. These include Gudi Padwa, SHIV CHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ JANMA UTSAV, Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti, Narali Pournimaon pournima, Mangala Gaur, Janmashtami, Ganeshotsav, Kojagiri, Diwali, Khandoba Festival (Champa Shashthi), Makar Sankranti, Shivaratri, and Holi. Most villages in Maharashtra also have a Jatra or Urus in honor of the village deity. On traditional festival people also makes traditional food that is puran poli and shrikhand. Other dishes include chapati and shrikhand and chapati, bhat and rassa etc.


More information Festival name, Date - Hindu lunar calendar ...

See also


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