List of United States War Department Forms

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Forms of the United States War Department, Office of the Chief of Ordnance, are handbooks, descriptions, instructions, that would later be called technical manuals (TM's): a technical description of a cannon, machine-gun, rifle, pistol, revolver, some wagons and trucks belonging to the artillery and ammunition, also some field manuals (FM's). The forms have their own numbers, at least through no. 2050.


More information Document #, Name ...
Document # Name Year of publication Number of pages Type of publication
400Special specifications for steel wire to be used in connection with Ordnance pamphlet no. 445191416specifications/wire
1623Instructions to accountants attached to Cost Accounting Section, Finance Division, Office of the Chief of Ordnance, War Department
1659Handbook of the 3-inch gun matériel, model of 1902 : with instructions for its care ... revised June 5, 19171917284TM/Artillery
1660Handbook of the 3.2-inch field battery, with instructions for its care, July 30, 1902, revised June 23, 1908191769TM
1661Handbook of the 5-inch siege gun battery with instructions for its care ... August 12, 1903. Revised May 10, 1911. Rev. June 9, 1914191795TM
1662Handbook of the 7-inch siege howitzer battery with instructions for its care ... August 15, 1900. Revised August 12, 1903. Rev. June 23, 1908191498TM
1663Description of the Pratt range board, model of 1905 : mechanical features and rules governing its care and preservation in service, May 20, 1908191729TM/Artillery
1665Description of 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 Inch Seacoast Guns and Their Breech Mechanisms191759TM/Coastal artillery
1666Description of the Deflection Board, Model of 1905, for Guns: Mechanical ...191720TM/Artillery
1668Description of the deflection board (model of 1906) with De Carre drift chart for 12-inch mortar : mechanical features, rules governing its care, operation and preservation in service, April 4, 1907, revised December 13, 1907191726TM/Artillery
1669Description of the Whistler-Hearn plotting board (model of 1904), mortar plotting board (model of 1906 and model of 1906 MI), and submarine plotting board (model of 1906) : and instructions for assembling, adjusting, caring for, etc.190926TM/Artillery
1670Description of the fire commander's plotting board, model of 1906, and instructions for assemblage, adjustment, care, and preservation, February 14, 1908191730TM/Artillery
1672Description and instructions for use of the 360° mortar plotting board, model of 1911 ... October 9, 1912191717TM/Artillery
1673Description of the 110° plotting board, model of 1915 ...191711TM/Artillery
1675Description of the mortar range board, model of 1914, with instructions for care and operation1916TM/Mortar
1678Safety features of firing and breech mechanisms of field, siege, and seacoast cannon, May 28, 1915191740FM/Artillery
1683Instructions for mounting, using and caring for 5-inch barbette carriages, model of 1896, balanced pillar mounting191719TM/Artillery
1684Instructions for mounting, using and caring for 5-inch barbette carriage, model of 1903 ... October 19, 1905. Revised May 25, 1908. Revised June 7, 1911191724TM/Artillery
1685Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 8-inch barbette carriages, model of 1892, for 8-inch rifle, model of 1888 ...TM/Artillery
1686Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for disappearing carriage, L. F., model of 1898, for 6-inch gun, model of 1897 MI ..191758TM/Artillery
1688Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 6-inch barbette carriage, model of 1900, October 10, 1904, revised December 3, 1907191725TM/Artillery
1689Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 8-inch disappearing carriages, L. F., model of 1894, for 8-inch gun, models of 1888 MI and MII ..191640TM/Artillery
1690Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 8-inch disappearing carriages, L. F., model of 1896, for 8-inch gun, models of 1888 MI and MII ..191750TM/Artillery
1691Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for Disappearing Carriage L.F., model of 1894 M 1 for 10-inch guns, models of 1888 MI and MII191774TM/Artillery
1693Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for Disappearing Carriage A.R.F. for 10-inch rifles...191763TM/Artillery
1694Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for Disappearing Carriage L.F., model of 1901 for 10-inch guns, models of 1895 and 1900191783TM/Artillery
1695Instructions for mounting, using and caring for disappearing carriage L.F., model of 1896 for 12-inch guns, models of 1888 and 1895, April 19, 1904191764TM
1696Instructions for mounting, using and caring for disappearing carriage L.F., model of 1897 for 12-inch gun, model of 1895, revised May 31, 1904191766TM
1697Instructions for mounting, using and caring for disappearing carriage L.F., model of 1901 for 12-inch guns, models of 1895 and 1900, revised May 31, 1904, revised March 23, 1908191787TM
1700Instructions for Mounting, Using and Caring for barbette carriage, Model of 1893, for 10-inch guns, Model of 1888191640TM/Artillery
1701Instructions for mounting, using and caring for 3-inch 15-pdr barbette carriage, model of 1903191735TM/Artillery
1702Instructions for mounting, using and caring for barbette carriage, model of 1892, for 12-inch rifles, models of 1888, 1888 MI and 1888 MII, February 5, 1908191725TM
1703Instructions for mounting, using and caring for disappearing carriage L.F., model of 1905 and 6-inch R. F. guns, model of 1905191768FM/Artillery
1704Instructions for mounting, using and caring for disappearing carriage L.F., model of 1905 MI and 6-inch R. F. guns, models of 1903, 1905, and 1908191755FM/Artillery
1705Instructions for mounting, using and caring for mortar carriages, model of 1896 MI and model of 1896 MII for 12-inch mortars, model of 1890 MI, April 22, 1909 ... rev. January 11, 1916191741TM
1711Instructions for mounting, using and caring for disappearing carriage L.F., model of 1905 MII and 6-inch guns, models of 1905 and 1908191771FM/Artillery
1712Instructions for mounting, using and caring for disappearing carriages L.F., models of 1907 and 1907 MI for 14-inch guns, models of 1907 and 1907 MI and model of 1910191356FM/Artillery
1713Instructions for mounting, using and caring for 6-inch Barbette carriage, model of 1910, for 6-inch guns, model of 1908 MII191735TM
1722Instructions for mounting, using and caring for Barbette carriage, model of 1917 for 12-inch gun, model of 1895 MI191722TM
1741Description and instructions for the use of rifle and hand grenades191215FM
1741aDescription and instructions for the use of Hand Grenades1917FM
1750Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 4.72-inch gun, Armstrong, 45 caliber, mounted on barbette carriage, Armstrong ...191742TM/Artillery
1752Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 6-inch rapid-fire gun, Armstrong, and 6-inch barbette carriage, Armstrong ... May 21, 1903 ...191722TM/Artillery
1755Gun making in the United States, by Captain ... Rogers Birnie, Jr. ...1907144
1758Handbook of the Colt automatic machine gun, caliber .30 : with pack outfits and accessories ... Aug. 17, 1901191653TM
1759Handbook of the Colt machine gun, model of 1917, caliber.30191717TM
1761Handbook of the 2.95-inch mountain gun matériel and pack outfit ... June 10, 19121916108TM
1766Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 3-inch (15-pounder) gun and barbette carriage, model of 1902191735TM
1768Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 3-inch saluting gun and mount191815TM
1770Handbook of the Maxim automatic machine gun, caliber .30, model of 1904, with pack outfits and accessories, June 15, 1906, revised January 7, 1908 ... revised August 21, 1915191774TM
1771Handbook of the 4.7-inch gun matériel, model of 1906 : with instructions for its care, November 19, 19101917153TM
1773Handbook of the 3.8-inch gun matériel ... January 19, 1917191753TM
1775Handbook of the Vickers machine gun, model of 1915, with pack outfits and accessories ... March 19, 1917191769TM
1779Handbook of the 6-inch Howitzer matériel: Model of 1908 and 1908 MI with ...1917225TM/Artillery
1781Handbook of the 3.8-inch howitzer matériel, model of 1915 : with instructions for its care1916155TM
1794Description of the wind component indicator. Mechanical features, method of assembling and dismounting, and rules governing its care and preservation in service ... July 15, 1906191724TM/Artillery
1795Instructions for the care, preservation, repair and adjustment of instruments for the fire-control systems for Coast Artillery fire control system coast and field artillery191779FM/Coastal artillery
1796Handbook of fire-control equipment for field artillery1916101FM
1797Handbook of range-finders, 70 cm. and 80 cm. base, for use of infantry and cavalry : with description and instructions for their care and use, December 9, 1915191767TM/Artillery
1798Handbook of the 8-inch howitzer matériel, model of 1917... with instructions for its care ... January 15, 1918191875TM
1814Description and instructions for care and operation of firing magnetos, types GA and MA191726TM/Firing magnetos
1815Handbook of the 75-mm gun matériel, model of 1917 (British) with instructions for its care. (Thirty-two plates) February 9, 1918. Rev. September 6, 19181918106TM
1819Handbook of the 75-mm gun matériel, model of 1916 : with instructions for its care1918140TM
1820Description of twelve-inch mortars and instructions for their care ... Nov. 4, 1904. Rev. Dec. 11, 1907. Rev. Oct. 3, 1913191727TM/Mortar
1861Handbook on Ordnance data1919523FM/artillery
1869Oils, Paints and Materials for the Cleaning and Preservation of Seacoast ...191731FM/Artillery
1876Description of Lewis Depression Position Finders, Model of 1907, Classes AA ...191734TM/Position Finders
1908Instructions for mounting, using, and caring for 6-inch rapid-fire gun, Armstrong, and 6-inch barbette carriage, Armstrong, May 21, 1903191722TM
1912Ordnance property regulations, 19171917135FM
1917Description and rules for the management of the United States rifle, caliber .30, model of 1917, October 8, 191762TM
1919Description of the Colt's double-action revolver, caliber .38, with rules for management, memoranda of trajectory, and description of ammunition ... April 1, 1905. Rev. Oct. 3, 1908191715TM
1920Description and rules for the management of the U. S. magazine rifle model of 1898 and magazine carbine model of 1899, caliber .30191774TM
1923Description and rules for the management of the United States rifle, caliber .30, model of 1903 ... March 3, 1904. Rev. Apr. 18, 1906, Feb. 14, 1908, Apr. 2, 1909, Oct. 17, 1911, March 20, 1914, Jan. 22, 1917191780TM
1925Description and instructions for the management of the gallery-practice rifle, caliber .22—model of 1903 : October 18, 1907, revised December 14, 1908, revised October 17, 1913191312TM
1926Handbook of the Benet-Mercié machine rifle, model of 1909, with pack outfits and accessories. Thirty-one plates. March, 1912 ... rev. September 6, 1917191783TM
1927Description of the Colt's double-action revolver, caliber .45, model of 1909 : with rules for management, memoranda of trajectory, and description of ammunition, September 10, 1909191313TM
1952Handbook of sights for field and seacoast carriages, not covered by other pamphlets1913/191735FM/Artillery
1955Description of 3-inch telescopic sights, model of 1904, June 15, 1905, revised July 15, 1906, revised December 5, 1907191216TM/Telescopic sights,
1956Description of 2-inch telescopic sights, model of 1906 ... October 11, 1907. Revised October 11, 1910. Revised December 16, 1913. Revised March 1, 1917191717TM/Telescopic sights
1957Description of telescopic musket sights, models of 1908 and 1913 ... December 14, 1908. Revised July 22, 1912191510TM/Telescopic sights
1958Description of 2 inch telescopic sights, model of 1909 ...191758TM/Telescopic sights
1959Description of 3-inch telescopic sights, model of 1912191412TM/Telescopic sights
1960Description of 3-inch telescopic sights, model of 1910191511TM/Telescopic sights
1962Handbook of the artillery repair truck body, model 19181918159TM
1986Directions for using, mounting, and dismounting 1-pdr and 2.95-inch subcaliber guns in the bore of seacoast guns and mortars ...191739FM
1990Description of Decapping and Cleaning Tools for Small-arms Cartridges ...191613FM/Artillery
1991Coast Artillery targets and accessories191711FM
1994Mobile artillery targets, accessories, and smoke-bomb outfits191723FM Artillery
1995Handbook of the six-ton special tractor, model 1917191812TM
1996Handbook of the 5-ton artillery tractor, model 1917 : with instructions for its care, operations and maintenance1918260TM
1998Target range pocket book for use with the U.S. magazine rifle, model of 1903, cal. .30 ... April 28, 1908191713TM
1999Handbook of the two-ton truck chassis : Nash model 4017-A and 4017-L July 3, 19181918261TM
2003Handbook of the ten-ton artillery tractor, model 19171918278TM
2017Service Handbook of the 155-mm Howitzer Matériel, Model of 1918 (Schneider): Motorized ...192236TM/Artillery
2018Handbook of the 3-inch Antiaircraft Gun Materiel Model of 1918 Motorized with instructions for its care (10 May 1919)1919203TM/Artillery
2028Handbook of 12-inch howitzer railway mount, model of 19181919115TM
2030Army ordnance. History of district offices, [1918-19]1920-general
2033Handbook of artillery : including mobile, antiaircraft, trench and automotive matériel / Prepared in the Office of the chief of ordnance, July, 19211925398FM
2034 Vol.1Railway Artillery: A Report on the Characteristics, Scope of Utility, Etc., of Railway Artillery ...1921861FM
2034 Vol.2Railway artillery; a report on the characteristics, scope of utility, etc., of railway artillery, in two vols. .1922224FM
2035Theory and design of recoil systems and gun carriages. Prepared in the Office of the chief of ordnance. September, 192119211011FM
2035-ATheory and design of recoil systems and gun carriages (chapter VIII) / Prepared in the office of the Chief of Ordnance192285FM
2049Handbook of the St. Chamond recoil mechanism for 75 mm gun carriage, model of 1916MI ...192443TM/Artillery
2050Notes on the selection and use of metals in ordnance design192457FM

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