Trade Paperbacks have also been released, typically collecting older, hard-to-find issues and compiling them in a single volume. These include:
Early Specials
- Sonic Firsts (1998) (Includes the first appearances of Sonic the Hedgehog, Princess Sally Acorn, Bunnie Rabbot, Super Sonic, and Knuckles the Echidna, taking stories from issue #0 of the original Sonic Miniseries, and issues #3, #4, and #13 of the regular series. The stories are edited to give both Sally her modern brown color and Rotor his modern name instead of the Boomer one. A special electronic edition of this comic is among the special features in the Sonic Mega Collection game. The foreword is by Paul Castiglia, a former editor of the Sonic comics.)
- Sonic: The Beginning (2003) (A reprint of the original Sonic Miniseries, with a foreword by their author Michael Gallagher) (Eventually rebranded Sonic Archives #0 in February 2009)
Sonic Archives
- Sonic Archives #1 (December 2006) (A reprint of issues #1–4 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #2 (January 2007) (A reprint of issues #5–8 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #3 (June 2007) (A reprint of issues #9–12 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #4 (April 2007) (A reprint of issues #13–16 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #5 (September 2007) (A reprint of issues #17–20 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #6 (October 2007) (A reprint of issues # 21–24 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #7 (June 2008) (A reprint of issues #25–28 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #8 (August 2008) (A reprint of issues #29–32 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #9 (October 2008) (A reprint of issues #33–36 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #0 (December 2008) (An Archives rebranding of Sonic: The Beginning)
- Sonic Archives #10 (March 2009) (A reprint of issues #37–40 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #11 (August 2009) (A reprint of issues #41–44 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #12 (February 2010) (A reprint of issues #45–48 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #13 (August 2010) (A reprint of issue #49 of the regular series, the Sonic #50: Director's Cut Super Special and Sonic Super Special #4, 5 and 6)
- Sonic Archives #14 (December 2010) (A reprint of issues #51–54 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #15 (June 2011) (A reprint of issues #55–58 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #16 (October 2011) (A reprint of issues #59–62 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #17 (February 2012) (A reprint of issues #63–66 of the regular series and Sonic Super Special #15)
- Sonic Archives #18 (July 2012) (A reprint of issues #67–70 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #19 (December 2012) (A reprint of issues #71–74 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #20 (March 2013) (A reprint of issues #75–78 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #21 (August 2013) (A reprint of issues #79–82 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #22 (February 2014) (A reprint of issues #83–84 of the regular series and Sonic Super Special #13)
- Sonic Archives #23 (September 2014) (A reprint of issues #85–87 of the regular series and Sonic Super Special #14)
- Sonic Archives #24 (February 2015) (A reprint of issues #88-91 of the regular series)
Cancelled releases
- Sonic Archives #25 (A reprint of issues #92-95 of the regular series)
- Sonic Archives #26 (A reprint of issues #96-99 of the regular series)
Knuckles Archives
- Knuckles Archives #1 (September 2011) (A reprint of issues #1–3 of the Knuckles miniseries and #1–3 of the spin-off series.)
- Knuckles Archives #2 (April 2012) (A reprint of issues #4–9 of the spin-off series)
- Knuckles Archives #3 (October 2012) (A reprint of issues #10–15 of the spin-off series)
- Knuckles Archives #4 (April 2013) (A reprint of issues #16–21 of the spin-off series)
Cancelled releases
- Knuckles Archives #5 (A reprint of issues #22–27 of the spin-off series)
- Knuckles Archives #6 (A reprint of issues #28–32 of the spin-off series)
Sonic Select
- Sonic Select #1 (May 2008) (A reprint of the 48 page specials, "Sonic In Your Face", "Sonic & Knuckles", "Sonic Triple Trouble", and one story, "The Substitute Freedom Fighters" from "Sonic Live")
- Sonic Select #2 (December 2008) (A reprint of the 48 page specials, "Knuckles' Chaotix", "Super Sonic VS. Hyper Knuckles", "Mecha Madness" and part 2 of "Knuckles' Quest" as seen in "Sonic Live")
- Sonic Select #3 (February 2011) (A reprint of the 48 page Sonic Super Specials, "Battle Royal", "Brave New World" and "Return of the King", "Eel of Fortune" from "Mecha Madness" and "Bugged Bunny" from "Sonic Blast")
- Sonic Select #4: Zone Wars (December 2011) (A reprint of the 48 page Sonic Super Specials, #8, #10, #12 & #14 plus content from "Sonic Blast")
- Sonic Select #5 (May 2012) (A reprint of the 48 page Sonic Super Specials, "Sonic Kids", "Sonic Kids 2" and "Girls Rule!"
- Sonic Select #6 (October 2012) (the entire Sonic Quest Mini-Series plus the special 2010 & 2011 Free Comic Book Day stories)
- Sonic Select #7 (March 2013) (the entire Princess Sally Mini-Series, "My Special Friend" from Knuckles #29 and Sonic #222)
- Sonic Select #8 (September 2013) (the entire Tails Mini-Series plus "Submersible Rehearsal" from Sonic Triple Trouble, "Growing Pains" from Sonic #28 & #29 and "The Chosen One" from #149 & #150)
- Sonic Select #9: The Games (April 2014) (A reprint of issues #160–161, #180, #191, #193, #197, #219 and #230, Sonic Super Special Magazine #3, #9 & #10, Sonic Universe #45, Sonic Super Digest #5, the special Sonic Lost World comic & the special Sonic & the Secret Rings comic)
- Sonic Select #10 (January 2015) (A reprint of Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2007, "Some Enchantra Evening: Part 1" from Sabrina the Teenage Witch #28, Sonic Super Special #8, #10, Sonic the Hedgehog #247, #252, Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2014, Sonic Super Digest #8 and #9)
Best of...
- Best of Sonic the Hedgehog #1: Comics (May 2012) (special reprint of the entire "Mecha Madness", "Rage against the Machine", the ending to "Endgame", "Order of Chaos" and "Future Tense")
- Best of Sonic the Hedgehog #2: Villains (August 2013) (special reprint of "Dark Tidings", "Dark Hearts", "Lost in the Moment", "Forged in Fire", "Babylon Rising" and "Scrambled")
- Best of Sonic the Hedgehog #3: Rivals (cancelled)
- Best of Sonic the Hedgehog Comics #4: Ultimate Edition (February 2015) (special reprint of "Race Against the Machine", "Mecha Madness", "Future Tense", "Lost in the Moment", "Dark Hearts", "Forged in Fire", "Babylon Rising", "Line in the Sand", "Endangered Species", "The Great Chaos Caper", "I Am", "Shadow Fall", and "Father and Son")
Sonic Universe
- Sonic Universe #1: The Shadow Saga (September 2011) (A reprint of #1–4 containing the arc "The Shadow Saga")
- Sonic Universe #2: 30 Years Later (March 2012) (A reprint of #5–8 + #131 containing the arc "30 Years Later")
- Sonic Universe #3: Knuckles Returns (August 2012) (A reprint of #9–12 + #186 containing the arc "Knuckles Returns")
- Sonic Universe #4: Journey to the East (February 2013) (A reprint of #13–16 + #212 containing the arc "Journey to the East")
- Sonic Universe #5: The Tails Adventures (June 2013) (A reprint of #17–20 containing the arc "The Tails Adventures")
- Sonic Universe #6: Treasure Team Tango (November 2013) (A reprint of #21–24 + #217 containing the arc "Treasure Team Tango")
- Sonic Universe #7: Silver Saga (April 2014) (A reprint of #25–28 containing the arc "Silver Saga")
- Sonic Universe #8: Scourge: Lockdown (August 2014) (A reprint of #29–32 containing the arc "Scourge: Lockdown")
Cancelled releases
- Sonic Universe #9: Babylon Rising (A reprint of #33–36 containing the arc "Babylon Rising")
- Sonic Universe #10: Scrambled (A reprint of #37-40)
- Sonic Universe #11: Secret Freedom (A reprint of #41-44)
- Sonic Universe #12: Chaotix Quest (A reprint of #46-49)
- Sonic Universe Sagas #1: Pirate Plunder Panic (A reprint of #55-58)
- Sonic Universe Sagas #2: Shadow Fall (A reprint of #59-62)
Sonic The Hedgehog
- Sonic The Hedgehog 1: Countdown to Chaos (September 2014) (A reprint of #252-256)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 2: The Chase (February 2015) (A reprint of #257-259 and Sonic Comic Origins #1-4)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 3: Waves of Change (August 2016) (A reprint of #260-263)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 4: Control (November 2016) (A reprint of #264-267)
Cancelled releases
- Sonic The Hedgehog 5: Champions (A reprint of #268-271)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 6: Planetary Pieces (A reprint of #272 and #276-279)
- Sonic The Hedgehog 7: Keys to Victory (A reprint of #280-283)
Sonic Saga
- Sonic Saga 1: Darkest Storm (September 2012) (selections from issues #162–167)
- Sonic Saga 2: Order from Chaos (April 2013) (selections from issues #168–172)
- Sonic Saga 3: Eggman Empire (July 2013) (selections from issues #173–176 + #160-161)
- Sonic Saga 4: House of Cards (October 2013) (selections from issues #177–180 + #129)
- Sonic Saga 5: Evil Reborn (July 2014) (selections from issues #181–184 + #186)
- Sonic Saga 6: Mogul Rising (November 2014) (selections from issues #185-189)
- Sonic Saga 7: The Dark Mirror (April 2015) (selections from issues #190-194)
Cancelled releases
- Sonic Saga 8: Hedgehog Havoc! (selections from issues #195-198)
- Sonic Saga 9: The Eggman Wars (selections from issues #199-202)
- Sonic Saga 10: On the Run! (selections from issues #203-206)
Sonic Legacy
- Sonic Legacy Series #1 (October 2011) (A black and white reprint of issues #0–3 from the Original Sonic miniseries and #1–16 of the regular series)
- Sonic Legacy Series #2 (October 2012) (A black and white reprint of issues #17–36 of the regular series)
- Sonic Legacy Series #3 (December 2013) (A black and white reprint of issues #37–54 of the regular series)
- Sonic Legacy Series #4 (December 2014, Digital Only) (A black and white reprint of issues #55-74 of the regular series)
Worlds Collide
- Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Collide Vol. 1: Kindred Spirits (Published December 2013)
- Reprints: Mega Man #24, Sonic Universe #51, Sonic the Hedgehog #248, and Mega Man #25
- Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Collide Vol. 2: Into The Warzone (Published February 2014)
- Reprints: Sonic Universe #52, Sonic the Hedgehog #249, Mega Man #26, and Sonic Universe #53
- Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Collide Vol. 3: Chaos Clash (Published May 2014)
- Reprints: Sonic the Hedgehog #250, Mega Man #27, Sonic Universe #54, and Sonic the Hedgehog #251
- Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Collide: The Complete Epic (Published January 2016)
- Reprints: Sonic the Hedgehog #248-252, Sonic Universe #50-54, and Mega Man #23-28
Cancelled releases
- Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Collide Deluxe Edition (336-page Hardcover Book)
- Sonic/Mega Man: Worlds Collide Super Deluxe Edition (352-page Hardcover Book)
Worlds Unite
- Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Unite Volume 1: Deadly Fusion (Published July 2016)
- Reprints: Sonic Universe #76, Sonic Boom #8, Sonic the Hedgehog #273, Mega Man #50, Sonic the Hedgehog: Worlds Unite Battles #1, and Mega Man: Worlds Unite Battles #1
- Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Unite Volume 2: Broken Bonds (Published November 2016)
- Reprints: Sonic Universe #77, Sonic Boom #9, Sonic the Hedgehog #274, Mega Man #50 and 51, Sonic the Hedgehog: Worlds Unite Battles #1, and Mega Man: Worlds Unite Battles #1
Cancelled releases
- Sonic the Hedgehog/Mega Man: Worlds Unite Volume 3: Allied Forces
- Reprints: Sonic Universe #78, Sonic Boom #10, Sonic the Hedgehog #275, Mega Man #52, Sonic the Hedgehog: Worlds Unite Battles #1, and Mega Man: Worlds Unite Battles #1
Sonic Boom
- Sonic Boom Volume 1: The Big Boom (Published September 2016)
- Reprints: Sonic boom #1-4
- Sonic Boom Volume 2: Boom Shaka-Lacka (Published December 2016)
- Reprints: Sonic boom #5-7 and #11
Sonic Super Special Magazine
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #1 (October 2011) (selections from issues #226, 160, 161, 199, and 200. This also includes a character profile of the Freedom Fighters and part 1 of the Mobius Timeline.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #2 (January 2012) (selections from issues #80-84 and Sonic Super Special #13. This also includes character profiles of the United Federation and Chaos and part 2 of the Mobius Timeline. This issue is a look back on Sonic Adventure.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #3 (April 2012) (selections from issues #25, 213, 214, and 176. This also includes a new story called Time for a Comeback (this particular story is to promote Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode II) and part 3 of the Mobius Timeline.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #4 (July 2012) (selections from issues #132-142, 144, 166, and 167. This also includes part 4 of the Mobius Timeline. This issue is a look back on the Mobius 25 Years Later story arcs.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #5 (October 2012) (selections from issues #198 and 216. This also includes 24 pull out posters made from various issue covers and part 5 of the Mobius Timeline.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #6 (February 2013) (selections from issues #201, 203, 204, 209, 217, 218, 12, and Sonic Universe #13. This also includes part 6 of the Mobius Timeline.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #7 (May 2013) (selections from issues #230, 7, 14, and 29 and Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2007. This also includes various character profiles taken from The Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia as a preview for it called Classic Who's Who and a cover gallery for various Sonic graphic novel series’.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #8 (August 2013) (selections from issues #215, 216, 232, 235, 160, and 161, Sonic Universe #17, and Sonic Free Comic Book Day 2011. This also includes a character profile of Blaze the cat and her world and stickers to create your own Sonic scenes.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #9 (November 2013) (selections from issues #177 and 225, Sonic Universe #21 and Sonic Halloween Comic Fest 2013 (this particular story is to promote Sonic Lost World).)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #10 (January 2014) (selections from issues #247, 252, 171, Sonic Universe #1, and 33 . This also includes a new story called Sonic Dash based on the mobile game with the same name.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #11 (March 2014) (selections from issues #250, 253, 254, Sonic Universe #25, and Sonic/Mega Man X Free Comic Book Day 2014.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #12 (September 2014) (selections from issues #255, 256, 180, Sonic Universe #45, and 55 . This also includes the inside scoop of Sonic Boom and the Total Eclipse story arc, Pull Up Posters of various Sega Genesis games, and a preview of Sonic Select #9: The Games.)
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #13 (January 2015) (selections from issues #264, 258, Sonic Universe #59, 29, and Sonic Boom #1.)
Cancelled releases
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #14
- Sonic Super Special Magazine #15
Sonic Super Digest
- Sonic Super Digest #1 (November 2012) (selections from issues #219, 193, 12, 29, 114, 142, 172, 216, 6, 86, and 87.)
- Sonic Super Digest #2 (April 2013) (selections from issues #191, 185, 186, 136, Super Sonic vs. Hyper Knuckles, Sonic & Knuckles: Mecha Madness, Sonic Super Special #1, and Sonic Super Special Magazine #3. This also includes a profile of Angel Island.)
- Sonic Super Digest #3 (July 2013) (selections from issues #30, 26, 34, 173, 142, 143, 162, 177, Sonic Universe #4, and 3.)
- Sonic Super Digest #4 (October 2013) (selections from issues #227, 228, 160, 161, 236, and Sonic Universe #2.)
- Sonic Super Digest #5 (January 2014) (selections from issues #242, 26, 37, 237, 238, 153, 246, and Sonic Free Comic Book Day 2010. This also includes a new story called Sonic Jump based on the mobile game with the same name.)
- Sonic Super-Sized Digest #6 (March 2014) (selections from issues #1-8. This also includes the "Then and Now" features which are a series of one-paged articles located at different points in the issue which give a short description of the comic series' main cast of characters from Sonic the Hedgehog #252 and onward.)
- Sonic Super Digest #7 (May 2014) (selections from issues #203, 204, 207, 10, 172, 23, and Sonic the Hedgehog Free Comic Book Day 2014.)
- Sonic Super Digest #8 (August 2014) (selections from issues #10, 163, 164, 4, 37, 232, 23, 167, Sonic Universe #17, 18, and Sonic Blast. This also includes the new story Sonic Comic Origins: Little Lost Soldier.)
- Sonic Super Digest #9 (October 2014) (selections from issues #257, 260, 217, Sonic Universe #19, and 20. This also includes the new story Sonic Comic Origins: The Belle in the Machine, articles of Our Top 10 Favorite Things about the new Sonic Comic Universe, articles of Take a Closer Look at the New Designs for the Original Freedom Fighters, articles of The Planet-sized Jigsaw Puzzle!, and Pin-Up pages of various covers.)
- Sonic Super Digest #10 (December 2014) (selections from issues #261, 262, 218, Sonic Universe #63, 64, and Sonic Boom #1.)
- Sonic Super-Sized Comics Digest #11 (March 2015) (selections from issues #260-265, 230, Sonic Universe #67-68, 21, 22, Sonic Boom #2, and Sonic Super Special Magazine #10. This also includes the new story Sonic Comic Origins: Nicole.)
- Sonic Super Digest #12 (June 2015) (selections from issues #266, Sonic Universe #23, 24, 69, and Mega Man #24. This also includes the new story Sonic Comic Origins: The Traitor.)
- Sonic Super Digest #13 (August 2015) (selections from issues #267, 268, 269, Sonic Universe #70, 71, and Sonic Boom #3.)
- Sonic Super Digest #14 (November 2015) (selections from issues #270, 271, 272, Sonic Universe #75, 72, and Sonic Boom #3.)
- Sonic Super Digest #15 (January 2016) (selections from issues #276, Sonic Universe #79, 33, 73, and Sonic Boom #4. This also includes the new story Sonic Comic Origins: Castaway.)
- Sonic Super Digest #16 (April 2016) (selections from issues Sonic Boom #5, 6, Sonic Universe #80, 74, and Archie Sonic Halloween Comic Fest 2013.)
- Sonic Super Digest #17 (August 2016) (selections from issues #277, 278, Sonic Universe #81, 82, and Sonic Boom #7.)
Cancelled releases
- Sonic Super Digest #18
- Sonic Super Digest #19
Sonic: Genesis
(April 2012) (special reprint of the entire "Genesis" story arc, "Two Steps Back", and the last six pages of "One Step Forward")
Sonic Comics Spectacular: Speed of Sound
(February 2016) (special reprint of "The Light in the Dark", "Consequences", "Sonic Dash", "A Nice Day to Start Again", "Waves of Change", "Treasure Team Tango", "Total Eclipse", "Champions", "A Ray of Hope", "The Silver Age", "Back in Business", and "Babylon Rising")