Culture. Heidelberg: Menon 2013. p. 10. Dietz: Acting Independently for the Good of the Whole. p. 10. Karl-MartinDietz: Dialog die Kunst der Zusammenarbeit
a post-Hesiodic interpolation. According to the German classicist Karl-MartinDietz, in Hesiod's scriptures, Prometheus represents the "descent of mankind
than the usual interpretation of illustrating change. Classicist Karl-MartinDietz [de] has said: "You will not find anything, in which the river remains
Lawrence, 1934. Karl Liebknecht, "The Future Belongs to the People" Leopold Classic Library, 2015. H. Wohlgemuth, Karl Liebknecht, Dietz Verlag, 1975. Annelies