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Atonement in Judaism is the process of causing a sin to be forgiven or pardoned. Judaism describes various means of receiving atonement for sin, that is, reconciliation with God and release from punishment. The main method of atonement is via repentance. Other means (e.g. Temple sacrifices, judicial punishments, and returning stolen property) may be involved in the atonement process, together with repentance.
In Rabbinic Judaism, atonement is achieved through repentance, which can be followed by some combination of the following:
Which of these additions are required varies according to the severity of the sin, whether it was done willfully, in error, or under duress, whether it was against God alone or also against a fellow person, and whether the Temple service and ordained law courts are in existence or not. Repentance is needed in all cases of willful sin, and restitution is always required in the case of sin against a fellow person, unless the wronged party waives it.
According to Maimonides, the requirements for atonement of various sins between man and God are as follows:[1]
Sinned under duress | Sinned in error | Sinned willfully | |
Positive commandment | none | none | Repentance + confession or Yom Kippur Temple service |
Negative commandment | none | none | Repentance + confession + Yom Kippur or Yom Kippur Temple service |
Severe negative commandment | none | Sin offering (if Temple exists) in some cases + confession | Repentance + confession + Yom Kippur + tribulations or Repentance + confession + Yom Kippur Temple service |
Profaning God's name | Repentance | Sin offering (if Temple exists) in some cases + confession | Repentance + confession + Yom Kippur + tribulations + dying |
The sentence of an ordained court (when available) can also substitute for Yom Kippur + tribulations + dying.
Anyone guilty of a sin which is punished by Kareth ("excision") may be atoned by receiving lashes. According to the Mishnah: "If by the commission of a single sin one forfeits his soul before God, then all the more so by a single meritorious deed (such as voluntary submission to punishment) his soul should be saved."[2]
In Judaism, once a person has repented, they can be close to and beloved of God, even if their atonement is not yet complete.[3]
Repentance from sin (Hebrew: teshuvah, literally "return (to God)") has the power to wipe out one's sins, eliminating the punishment for sin and obtaining God's forgiveness.[4] When one repents with the correct intentions, one's sins are said to actually be transformed into merits.[5]
Judaism describes various means of receiving atonement for sin (e.g. Temple sacrifices, judicial punishments, and returning stolen property). However, in general these methods only achieve atonement if one has also repented for the sin:
Those who must bring sin-offerings or guilt offerings... their sacrifices do not atone for them until they repent... And similarly, one who was obligated the death penalty or lashes, their death or lashes does not atone for them, unless they repent and confess. And similarly, one who injures his fellow or damages his property, even if he paid to him what was obligated, does not receive atonement until he confesses and repents from ever doing such actions again... The scapegoat [of Yom Kippur] atones for all sins in the Torah... on condition that one has repented. But if he did not repent, the scapegoat only atones for minor sins... When the Temple is not in existence, and we have no altar for atonement, there exists [for atonement] nothing other than repentance. Repentance atones for all sins... and the essence of Yom Kippur atones for those who repent.[6]
Judaism teaches that our personal relationship with God allows us to return to God at any time as Malachi 3:7 says, "Return to Me and I shall return to you," and Ezekiel 18:27, "When the wicked man turns away from his wickedness that he has committed, and does that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive." Additionally, God is compassionate and forgiving as is indicated in Daniel 9:18, "We do not present our supplications before You because of our righteousness, but because of Your abundant mercy." The poem Unetanneh Tokef summarizes the Jewish attitude as follows:
For You [God] do not desire a person's death, but rather that he repent from his way, and live. Until the day of his death You wait for him; if he repents, You accept him immediately.[7]
A number of animal sacrifices were prescribed in the Torah (five books of Moses) as part of the atonement process. The sin-offering and guilt offering were offered for individual sins,[8] while the Yom Kippur Temple service helped achieve atonement at a national level.[9]
However, the role of sacrifices in atonement was strictly limited, and simply bringing an offering never automatically caused God to forgive a sin. Standard sin-offerings could only be offered for unintentional sins;[10] according to the rabbis, they could not be offered for all sins, but only for unintentional violations of some of the most serious sins.[11] In addition, sacrifices generally had no expiating effect without sincere repentance[12] and restitution to any person who was harmed by the violation.[13] The Hebrew Bible tells of people who returned to God through repentance and prayer alone, without sacrifices: for example, both Jews and non-Jews in the books of Jonah and Esther.[14] Additionally, in modern times, Jews do not perform animal sacrifices.
Later Biblical prophets made statements to the effect that the hearts of the people were more important than their sacrifices:
Similarly, in many places Rabbinic literature emphasizes that performing charitable deeds, praying, and studying Torah are more meritorious than animal sacrifice, and can replace animal sacrifice when the Temple is not active:
Some Jewish denominations may differ with Rabbinic Judaism on the importance or mechanics of atonement. Consult the articles on specific denominations for details.
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