Mexico in the years from 1849 to 1852. The Conservative writer JoséMaríaRoaBárcena began literary career during this time, publishing Leyendas mexicanas
Founded La Sociedad Católica a Catholic lay organization in 1868. JoséMaríaRoaBárcena Poet, novelist, and historian who supported the Second Mexican Empire
Ignacio Ramírez, Guillermo Prieto, Ignacio Montes de Oca y Obregón, JoséMaríaRoaBárcena, Manuel Payno, Riva Palacio, Justo Sierra, and Manuel Acuña. Altamirano
Camarillo and Dolores Roa Bárcena, who was the niece of the writer JoséMaríaRoaBárcena. There is a historical plaque marking the house where she was born