Committee, with JanStopyra as its leader. It was decided that the monument would be built at the Bright Meadows Square, at the boundary with the Jan Kasprowicz
mayor of Scinawa, the chairman of the municipal councils of Szczecin (JanStopyra) and Augustów, and Patryk Hałaczkiewicz from JOW. In the 2018 elections
Square and Jagiellońska Street. On 1 December 1973, by decision of Mayor JanStopyra, tram traffic was withdrawn from the section of the avenue between Szarych
Webb Ismo Lius Petri Tiainen Philippe Fargeon Carmelo Micciche Yannick Stopyra José Touré Kostas Antoniou Kostas Batsinilas Andreas Bonovas Tasos Mitropoulos
elections, he was the acting mayor until 18 June 1990, when the new mayor, Jan Czesław Bielecki, was appointed by the city council. During the 2002 local