from Aromanian authors such as Caragiu Marioțeanu, Tache Papahagi or IonelZeana [bg; ro; roa-rup], as well as from Vrana himself. Also included are poems
Avasilchioaie, D. Călin, L. Coman, A. Todor, N. Dodeanu, I. Langa, I. Olaru, Stere Zeană, and Gh. Milea, among others. The 1960s was one of the best periods for
Archived from the original on 2013-10-23. "George Pușcaș". "Ionel Ganea". FRF. Archived from the original on 2013-10-23. "Ianis Hagi". EU-Football
Avasilchioaie, D.Călin, L.Coman, A.Todor, N.Dodeanu, I.Langa, I.Olaru, S.Zeană and Gh.Milea, among others. The 1960s was one of the best periods in the
industry from Hunedoara County. In that season, Minerul (coached by Mircea Zeană and Mircea Miron) was ranked 2nd, with the same number of points as the