Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana (née Hastuti; born 23 January 1949), popularly known as Tutut Suharto, is an Indonesian businesswoman and politician. She is the
Citra (MNC)), thus its name. One of its commissioners at that time, IndraRukmana, is the husband of Tutut Soeharto, the founder and ex-owner of its eventual
the wife of Bimantara Citra's co-founder and RCTI's then-commissioner IndraRukmana [id] on 23 January 1990 via her company PT Citra Lamtoro Gung Persada
by Bambang Trihatmodjo (former president Suharto’s middle son) and IndraRukmana (TPI's founder and Tutut Suharto's husband), as well as with their partner