El HombreCaimán (The Alligator Man) is a legend from the Caribbean coast of Colombia that takes place in the riverside town of Plato: Saúl Montenegro's
has a rich tradition of myths and legends that include La Llorona, El HombreCaimán, La Ciguapa, the Vallenato Legend, La Madre Monte, El Simborcito, la
Tabu Ley Rochereau "En Barranquilla me quedo" by Joe Arroyo "Hombrecaimán (Se va el caimán)" by José María Peñaranda [es] "Hips Don't Lie" by Shakira "Bajo
beautiful, tall woman, who has hair made of plants and glowing eyes. The HombreCaiman, or Alligatorman, is a legendary creature that possesses both Alligator