authorities of the prisoner exchange. In the subsequent study by Professor HeikkiYlikangas it turned out that about 2,000 of the exchanged prisoners joined the
(2002), pp.9-10 Himmler's healer: The story of Felix Kersten, Haaretz HeikkiYlikangas: Jatkosotaa varjonpuolelta. Report to the Prime Minister's Office in
those around him (both lay and clergy) and is based upon a play by HeikkiYlikangas. Ameriikka is a study of love and long-distance relationships: a miner
Archived from the original on 4 June 2011. Retrieved 31 July 2014. Ylikangas, Heikki, Heikki Ylikankaan selvitys Valtioneuvoston kanslialle Archived 8 August