Gymnastics at the 2000 Summer Olympics – Men's artistic qualification

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These are the results of the men's qualification round, the preliminary round which decided the finalists for all eight events for men in artistic gymnastics at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney. The qualification round took place on September 16 at the Sydney SuperDome.

The top twelve teams from the 1999 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships completed for places in the team final. Each team was allowed to bring up to six gymnasts. During qualification, each team could have up to five gymnasts compete on each apparatus, and could count the four highest scores for the team total. The six teams with the highest scores in the qualification round advanced to the team final.

Individual gymnasts competed for places in the all-around and apparatus finals. The twenty-four gymnasts with the highest scores in the all-around advanced to that final, except that each country could only send three gymnasts to the all-around final. The eight gymnasts with the highest scores on each apparatus advanced to those finals, except that each country could only send two gymnasts to each apparatus final.

In total, 97 gymnasts from 32 countries competed in the qualification round.


More information Team/Gymnast, Nation ...
Team/Gymnast Nation Floor
Rings Vault Parallel
 Russia 38.1872 38.3746 38.3122 38.6491 37.6629 38.9491 230.1331
Alexei Nemov Russia 9.8001 9.7873 9.60014 9.7126 9.6756 9.7872 58.3611
Alexei Bondarenko 9.47518 9.71213 9.60016 9.7503 9.52528 9.7505 57.8123
Maxim Aleshin 9.28734 9.10062 9.57519 9.57525 8.95065 9.7873 56.27424
Yevgeni Podgorny 9.6256 9.12561 9.46243 9.38737 9.51229 9.16264 56.27325
Nikolai Kryukov 9.7507 9.53726 9.61221 8.81270 9.62529 47.33656
Dmitri Drevin 9.22538 9.22596
 China 38.4241 38.7742 38.1756 37.6497 38.5622 38.4126 229.9962
Yang Wei China 9.6127 9.68717 9.6507 9.67513 9.22553 9.60035 57.4495
Zheng Lihui 9.58711 9.67522 9.57518 9.51232 9.55025 9.41253 57.3118
Li Xiaopeng 9.7252 9.60017 9.22557 9.7623 9.65027 47.96254
Xing Aowei 9.50015 9.72511 9.23755 9.57519 9.53744 47.57455
Huang Xu 9.68718 9.01266 9.6757 9.62530 37.99968
Xiao Junfeng 9.47517 9.67520 9.35051 9.21260 37.71270
 Ukraine 37.6365 38.8241 38.1875 38.3364 37.8996 38.7743 229.6563
Oleksandr Beresch Ukraine 9.6129 9.7755 9.55024 9.67512 9.65010 9.7871 58.0492
Oleksandr Svitlychniy 9.22536 9.71214 9.56223 9.51233 9.57522 9.70013 57.2869
Roman Zozulya 8.68762 9.63728 9.6508 9.56229 8.80071 9.58736 55.92332
Valeriy Honcharov 9.55038 9.33752 9.53731 9.16257 9.02569 53.98759
Valeriy Pereshkura 9.46220 9.56227 9.51230 9.70013 38.23667
Ruslan Mezentsev 9.33732 9.70015 9.42545 28.46287
 United States 37.6624 38.02410 38.2114 38.5002 38.1755 38.6365 229.2084
Paul Hamm United States 9.47516 9.56237 9.51233 9.7009 9.57521 9.61232 57.4366
Blaine Wilson 9.02550 9.46249 9.61213 9.8001 9.31245 9.65025 56.86114
Stephen McCain 9.22539 8.85069 9.46239 8.98772 9.50031 9.66223 55.68636
Morgan Hamm 9.6127 9.40052 9.42547 9.35039 9.47534 47.26257
Sean Townsend 9.35027 9.65017 9.62513 9.71212 38.33765
John Roethlisberger 9.60032 9.62511 9.18763 28.41288
 Japan 37.1127 38.4115 38.3741 38.4983 36.99912 38.6874 228.0815
Naoya Tsukahara Japan 9.16243 9.63730 9.62512 9.61222 9.20054 9.7506 56.98610
Kenichi Fujita 9.42524 9.58734 9.48738 9.66215 8.81269 9.58737 56.56018
Yoshihiro Saito 9.15044 9.52541 9.57521 9.56228 8.97563 9.70013 56.48720
Mutsumi Harada 9.17541 9.45050 9.48737 9.26249 9.60033 46.97458
Akihiro Kasamatsu 9.35026 9.66224 9.66214 9.63728 38.31166
Norimasa Iwai 9.6875 9.45035 9.56223 28.69986
 Romania 37.3246 38.5863 37.8749 38.2116 38.2744 37.41111 227.6806
Marian Drăgulescu Romania 9.7003 9.50042 9.57520 9.63718 9.62513 9.31256 57.3497
Ioan Silviu Suciu 9.43723 9.71212 9.42546 9.35044 9.61216 9.23760 56.77315
Rareș Orzața 9.33730 9.50045 9.63710 9.63719 9.16256 9.28758 56.56019
Florentin Pescaru 8.85059 9.56236 9.23759 9.58724 9.37541 9.21261 55.82333
Marius Urzică 9.8121 9.6628 9.57540 29.04982
Dorin Petcu
 South Korea 36.4879 38.5624 37.57410 38.2625 38.8251 37.6369 227.3467
Cho Seong-min South Korea 9.35029 9.67521 9.51232 9.7009 9.6755 9.02570 56.93713
Jung Jin-soo 8.85058 9.50046 9.51231 9.65016 9.7752 9.28757 56.57417
Lee Joo-hyung 8.71261 9.65026 9.05065 9.01270 9.8001 9.7624 55.98631
Kim Dong-hwa 8.11273 9.30055 8.18775 9.22556 9.25050 9.05068 53.12448
Lee Jang-hyung 9.7378 9.57520 9.53745 28.84983
Yeo Hong-chul 9.57513 9.50034 9.68711 28.76285
 Belarus 37.7993 37.99911 38.1617 37.1379 37.8237 38.3367 227.2558
Ivan Ivankov Belarus 8.92556 9.62531 9.6756 9.35042 9.6629 9.71211 56.94911
Aleksey Sinkevich 9.46219 9.58735 9.46240 9.31247 9.28747 9.51246 56.62216
Ivan Pavlovsky 9.35028 9.32554 9.33753 9.35042 9.46235 9.55043 56.37422
Aleksandr Shostak 9.46248 9.53728 9.41239 9.56241 37.97369
Vitaly Rudnitsky 9.52514 9.48736 9.12564 9.26248 37.39973
Aleksandr Kruzhilov 9.46222 9.23754 9.02569 9.50048 37.22475
 France 38.57412 38.4748 38.24911 38.26112 38.3123 38.1492 225.4699
Dimitri Karbanenko France 9.60010 9.05064 9.30056 9.27553 9.53726 9.66222 56.42421
Yann Cucherat 8.51266 9.55038 9.53728 9.31248 9.7124 9.70013 56.32323
Benjamin Varonian 9.28735 9.10063 9.52530 8.98771 9.52527 9.7378 56.16127
Florent Marée 8.55064 9.16261 9.05066 9.65011 7.67579 44.08763
Eric Casimir 9.72510 9.42538 9.68718 28.83784
Eric Poujade 9.7873 9.78793
 Germany 37.63610 36.8247 38.7993 38.19911 38.3868 38.1368 225.28210
Dimitrij Nonin Germany 8.90057 9.50043 9.55025 8.97573 9.43737 9.68718 56.04929
Andreas Wecker 8.96254 9.67519 9.25058 8.91275 9.55024 9.66221 56.01130
Jan-Peter Nikiferow 8.96255 9.70016 9.62520 8.97564 9.32555 46.58760
Sergej Pfeifer 9.13745 9.20059 9.60015 9.60017 9.01271 46.54961
Marius Tobă 9.37553 9.7004 9.18762 9.07560 37.33774
Rene Tschernitschek 9.03749 9.36250 9.21259 9.38754 36.99877
 Spain 36.7878 38.1619 37.9368 37.5498 37.06211 37.39912 224.89411
Víctor Cano Spain 8.72560 9.7379 9.33754 9.03768 9.41239 9.50048 55.74834
Omar Cortés 8.23770 9.12560 9.53727 9.35039 9.30046 9.51247 55.06137
Alejandro Barrenechea 9.22537 8.91266 9.56222 9.21258 8.75073 9.25059 54.91139
Saúl Cofiño 9.46221 9.63729 9.17560 9.27551 7.60081 9.13766 54.28643
Andreu Vivó 9.66223 9.55035 9.60018 8.85072 37.61271
Gervasio Deferr 9.37525 9.7126 19.08790
 Bulgaria 36.07411 36.67412 36.99912 37.02410 37.47310 37.48610 221.73012
Yordan Yovchev Bulgaria 9.6505 9.58733 9.7752 9.35041 9.61215 9.62530 57.5994
Dimitar Lunchev 9.01251 8.72571 9.07564 9.33745 9.31244 9.48750 54.94838
Deyan Yordanov 8.20072 9.23757 8.95074 9.23752 8.65074 44.27462
Vasil Vetsev 8.32568 8.87567 8.32573 9.15058 8.68773 43.36264
Khristian Ivanov 9.31255 8.90076 9.31243 9.68720 37.21176
Mladen Stefanov 9.08748 8.97565 8.83769 9.38738 36.28679
Ilia Giorgadze Georgia 9.33731 9.52540 9.45044 9.26254 9.63712 9.7377 56.94812
Igors Vihrovs Latvia 9.6624 8.46274 9.37549 9.58723 9.50032 9.60034 56.18626
Erick López Cuba 8.97553 9.50047 9.6379 9.53730 9.06261 9.41252 56.12328
Lazaro Lamelas Cuba 9.13747 9.43751 9.38748 9.31246 8.88767 9.56242 55.72235
Alberto Busnari Italy 9.16242 9.65027 8.36272 8.63778 9.17555 9.70017 54.68640
Craig Heap Great Britain 9.13746 8.80070 9.46241 8.82577 9.07559 9.21262 54.51141
Dieter Rehm Switzerland 8.02575 8.58772 8.86267 9.7255 9.48733 9.7379 54.42342
Philippe Rizzo Australia 9.31233 9.22558 8.83768 9.03767 9.23751 8.47576 54.12344
Igor Cassina Italy 8.38767 9.50044 8.53771 9.30049 8.73774 9.65025 54.11145
Flemming Solberg Norway 8.30069 8.87568 8.62570 9.40036 9.32542 9.45051 53.97546
Damian Istria Australia 9.01252 8.17577 9.46242 9.27552 8.93766 9.11267 53.97347
Diego Lizardi Puerto Rico 8.53765 8.00078 9.16262 9.13763 8.27579 9.15064 52.26149
Rúnar Alexandersson Iceland 8.22571 7.97579 8.31274 8.60079 9.46236 9.57539 52.14950
Lin Yung-Hsi Chinese Taipei 9.22540 8.38775 8.15076 9.28750 8.65076 7.97577 51.67551
David Phillips New Zealand 8.65063 6.72580 7.96277 9.08765 8.45077 8.58775 49.46152
Pae Gil-su North Korea 7.55076 9.7626 6.37578 8.53780 8.23780 7.95078 48.41153
Zoltán Supola Hungary 9.7872 9.18761 9.02562 9.58738 37.58672
Leszek Blanik Poland 8.57573 9.27557 9.7008 8.77572 36.32578
Raouf Abdelraouf Egypt 8.30076 9.10063 9.46234 8.35078 35.21280
Sergey Fedorchenko Kazakhstan 9.66224 9.7752 9.72510 29.16281
Kyle Shewfelt Canada 9.57512 9.57526 19.15089
Dimosthenis Tampakos Greece 9.7623 8.81268 18.57491
Alexander Jeltkov Canada 8.03774 9.66224 17.69992
Szilveszter Csollány Hungary 9.7751 9.77594
Ioannis Melissanidis Greece 9.7374 9.73795
Mitja Petkovšek Slovenia 8.68775 8.68797


Team all-around

More information Rank, Team ...
Rank Team Total
1  Russia (RUS) 230.133
2  China (CHN) 229.996
3  Ukraine (UKR) 229.656
4  United States (USA) 229.208
5  Japan (JPN) 228.081
6  Romania (ROU) 227.680

Individual all-around

More information Rank, Gymnast ...
Rank Gymnast Total
1  Alexei Nemov (RUS) 58.361
2  Oleksandr Beresh (UKR) 58.049
3  Alexei Bondarenko (RUS) 57.812
4  Yordan Yovchev (BUL) 57.599
5  Yang Wei (CHN) 57.449
6  Paul Hamm (USA) 57.436
7  Marian Drăgulescu (ROU) 57.349
8  Zheng Lihui (CHN) 57.311
9  Oleksandr Svetlichny (UKR) 57.286
10  Naoya Tsukahara (JPN) 56.986
11  Ivan Ivankov (BLR) 56.949
12  Ilia Giorgadze (GEO) 56.948
13  Cho Seong-Min (KOR) 56.937
14  Blaine Wilson (USA) 56.861
15  Ioan Suciu (ROU) 56.773
16  Aleksei Sinkevich (BLR) 56.622
17  Jung Jin-Soo (KOR) 56.574
18  Kenichi Fujita (JPN) 56.560
19  Rareş Orzaţa (ROU) 56.560
20  Yoshihiro Saito (JPN) 56.487
21  Dimitri Karbanenko (FRA) 56.424
22  Ivan Pavlovski (BLR) 56.374
23  Yann Cucherat (FRA) 56.323
24  Maxim Alechine (RUS) 56.274
26  Igor Vihrovs (LAT) 56.186
27  Benjamin Varonian (FRA) 56.161
28  Erick López (CUB) 56.123
29  Dimitrij Nonin (GER) 56.049
30  Andreas Wecker (GER) 56.011
31  Lee Joo-Hyung (KOR) 55.986
32  Roman Zozulya (UKR) 55.923
34  Víctor Cano (ESP) 55.748
35  Lazaro Lamelas (CUB) 55.722
36  Stephen McCain (USA) 55.686
37  Omar Cortes (ESP) 55.061
38  Dimitar Lountchev (BUL) 54.948


More information Rank, Gymnast ...
Rank Gymnast Score
1  Alexei Nemov (RUS) 9.800
2  Li Xiaopeng (CHN) 9.725
3  Marian Drăgulescu (ROU) 9.700
4  Igors Vihrovs (LAT) 9.662
5  Yordan Yovchev (BUL) 9.650
6  Yevgeni Podgorny (RUS) 9.625
7  Yang Wei (CHN) 9.612
7  Morgan Hamm (USA) 9.612

Pommel horse

More information Rank, Gymnast ...
Rank Gymnast Score
1  Marius Urzică (ROU) 9.812
2  Zoltán Supola (HUN) 9.787
3  Alexei Nemov (RUS) 9.787
 Eric Poujade (FRA) 9.787
5  Oleksandr Beresh (UKR) 9.775
6  Pae Kil-Su (PRK) 9.762
7  Nikolai Kryukov (RUS) 9.750
8  Lee Jang-Hyung (KOR) 9.737


More information Rank, Gymnast ...
Rank Gymnast Score
1  Szilveszter Csollány (HUN) 9.775
2  Yordan Yovchev (BUL) 9.775
3  Dismosthenis Tampakos (GRE) 9.762
4  Marius Tobă (GER) 9.700
5  Norimasa Iwai (JPN) 9.687
6  Ivan Ivankov (BLR) 9.675
7  Yang Wei (CHN) 9.650
8  Roman Zozulya (UKR) 9.650


More information Rank, Gymnast ...
Rank Gymnast Score
1  Blaine Wilson (USA) 9.800
2  Sergei Fedorchenko (KAZ) 9.775
3  Alexei Bondarenko (RUS) 9.750
4  Ioannis Melissaanidis (GRE) 9.737
5  Dieter Rehm (SUI) 9.725
6  Gervasio Deferr (ESP) 9.712
6  Alexei Nemov (RUS) 9.712
8  Leszek Blanik (POL) 9.700

Parallel bars

More information Rank, Gymnast ...
Rank Gymnast Score
1  Lee Joo-Hyung (KOR) 9.800
2  Jung Jin-Soo (KOR) 9.775
3  Li Xiaopeng (CHN) 9.762
4  Yann Cucherat (FRA) 9.712
6  Alexei Nemov (RUS) 9.675
7  Huang Xu (CHN) 9.675
8  Marius Urzică (ROU) 9.662
9  Ivan Ivankov (BLR) 9.662

Horizontal bar

More information Rank, Gymnast ...
Rank Gymnast Score
1  Oleksandr Beresh (UKR) 9.787
2  Alexei Nemov (RUS) 9.787
3  Maxim Alechine (RUS) 9.787
4  Lee Joo-Hyung (KOR) 9.762
6  Naoya Tsukahara (JPN) 9.750
7  Ilia Giorgadze (GEO) 9.737
8  Benjamin Varonian (FRA) 9.737
9  Dieter Rehm (SUI) 9.737


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