Selected Writings, p. 114, note 90, Ramsey, New Jersey: Paulist Press GuyBedouelle (1981) St. Dominic: The Grace of the Word, p. 185, San Francisco: Ignatius
London: Routledge. ISBN 9781032506647. Ch.1 Jacques Lefèvre d’Etaples. GuyBedouelle, OP. in Lindberg, Carter (ed.) The Reformation theologians: an introduction
the Rector of the University. 1 January 2008: GuyBedouelle [fr] became Rector of the university. Bedouelle, renown for his work in literature and theology
universités et instituts catholiques. Regards sur leur histoire (1870-1950), (GuyBedouelle et Olivier Landron dir.), Paris, Parole et Silence, 2012, p. 35-50.