Deutscher Spiele Preis Dicebreaker Games (magazine) / GraRoku (Poland) Le Diamant d'Or Origins Award Premio JdA (Spain) Premio Ludopedia
2018: The Golden Elephant Award People's Choice 2020: GraRoku Advanced Game of the Year 2020: GraRoku Game of the Year "Brass | Board Game". Board Game
making a strong play". 1980 Spiel des Jahres (German Game of the Year) 1993 GraRoku [pl] (Polish Game of the Year) Games #3 Family Games: The 100 Best Israeli
Origins Hall of Fame 2004: Czech Game of the Year Award (Hra Roku) 2005: Game of the Year (GraRoku) [pl] 2006: Games Magazine Hall of Fame 2015: GamesCom Vegas