GeorgFriedrich Karl Freiherr von Hertling, from 1914 Count von Hertling, (31 August 1843 – 4 January 1919) was a German politician of the Catholic Centre
(1908–1932), XIV 219b GeorgFriedrichvonGuaita (1772–1851), Mayor of Frankfurt, C 8 Karl Gutzkow (1811–1878), author, D 272a Philipp Friedrich Gwinner (1796–1868)
December 1912, he inherited the family's manor at Schochwitz. He wed Melitta vonGuaita on 3 May 1924; the marriage produced four children. He also later fathered
Westphalia. Her younger sister Meline Brentano (1788–1861) married GeorgFriedrichvonGuaita [de], who became the first Catholic mayor of Frankfurt since the