Gàidhlig na Lasair is an alternative rock and punk compilation album, by the bands Oi Polloi, Mill a h-Uile Rud, Atomgevitter, Nad Aislingean and The Thing Upstairs. It was released in 2006 by Problem Records. The album is particularly significant as all of the songs are in Scottish Gaelic, representing musical styles as broad as thrashcore and hip-hop, the first such album of its kind.

Quick Facts Released, Genre ...
Gàidhlig na Lasair
Compilation album by
Oi Polloi, Mill a h-Uile Rud, Atomgevitter & Nad Aislingean
GenreAlternative rock & Punk
Length41.18 Minutes
LabelProblem Records
Oi Polloi, Mill a h-Uile Rud, Atomgevitter & Nad Aislingean chronology
Ceòl Gàidhlig mar Sgian nad Amhaich Gàidhlig na Lasair

Track listing

  1. "Carson?" by Oi Polloi
  2. "'S e Muncaidh a th' annam" by Atomgevitter
  3. "Òran Sabaid Sabhal Mòr Ostaig" by Mill a h-Uile Rud
  4. "Pòg a-Rithist Mi" by Nad Aislingean
  5. "Ramalair Rùisgte" by Oi Polloi
  6. "Aye Robot" by Atomgevitter
  7. "Steòrnabhagh" by Mill a h-Uile Rud
  8. "Saòrsa Do Vanunu" by Oi Polloi
  9. "Coin Hirt" by Atomgevitter
  10. "Crath D' Thòn" by Mill a h-Uile Rud
  11. "Lasair san Adhar" by Nad Aislingean
  12. "Deiseil 's Deònach" by Oi Polloi
  13. "Dè a-Nis" by Atomgevitter
  14. "Nan Soluis Dhubh" by The Thing Upstairs
  15. "SS Politician" by Oi Polloi

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