Alfred von Waldersee was the fifth of six children of the Prussian cavalry general Franz Heinrichvon Waldersee (1791–1873) and Bertha vonHünerbein (1799–1859)
still alive. A descendant of Franz Heinrich {1791-1873} and Bertha vonHünerbein {1799-1859} was General Alfred von Waldersee. Louise Eleonore Fredericka
2. Magdeburgisches Nr 27 von 1815-1895. Berlin, 1896. Lossberg, Friedrich Wilhelm von. Briefe in die Heimat. Cassel, 1844. Loza, Stanislaw. Legia Honorowa
Name 15 April 1815 FriedrichHeinrichvonHünerbein 11 February 1819 Wieprecht Graf von Zieten 29 November 1839 Generalleutnant Friedrich Wilhelm, Count Brandenburg