Nitride fluorides containing nitride and fluoride ions with the formula NF4-. They can be electronically equivalent to a pair of oxide ions O24-. Nitride fluorides were discovered in 1996 by Lavalle et al. They heated diammonium technetium hexafluoride to 300 °C to yield TcNF.[1] Another preparation is to heat a fluoride compound with a nitride compound in a solid state reaction.[2] The fluorimido ion is F-N2- and is found in a rhenium compound.[3]

More information name, formula ...
nameformulaN:F ratiosystemspace groupunit cell (Å)volumedensitypropertiesreferences
dimagnesium fluoride nitrideL-Mg2NF1:1tetragonalI41/amda = 4.186, c = 10.042decompose over 1000 °C to MgF2, Mg gas and N2[1][4]
H-Mg2NF1:1H for 1250-1350 °C and 20 kbar[1][4]
Mg3NF31:3cubicPm3ma = 4.216light green[1][4]
dicalcium fluoride nitrideCa2NF1:1cubicFd3ma = 10.0215, Z = 161006.462.987light yellow[1]
dichromium fluoride nitrideCr2NF31:3dark green[5]
dicobalt fluoride nitrideCo2NF1:1[1]
dicopper fluoride nitrideCu2NF1:1[1]
αZn2NF1:1orthorhombicP212121a = 5.850, b = 5.892, c = 6.536band gap 2.7 eV[1]
βtetragonalP41212a = 5.873, c = 6.532band gap 2.8 eV
Zn9N4F62:32 allotropes[1]
distrontium fluoride nitrideSr2NF1:1Fd3ma = 10.692, Z = 16yellowish brown[1][7]
Fd3ma = 10.765, Z = 16dark red[7]
SrCaNF1:1cubicFd3ma = 10.340, Z = 161105.63.862yellow[8]
YNF31:3hexagonala = 5.93, c = 4.79[9]
Zr4ON3F53:5monoclinicP1121/ba = 5.1217, b = 21.513, c = 5.3669, γ = 90.128°, Z = 4
ZrNF1:1monoclinicP21/ca = 5.227, b = 5.026, c = 5.191, β = 98.98°[1]
NaZr3N3F43:4P63/mmca = 3.654, c = 18.266[10]
TcNF1:1hexagonala = 5.98, c = 4.79[1]
dibarium fluoride nitrideBa2NF1:1Fm3ma = 5.679, Z = 2dark violet[11]
LaNxF3(1-x}x:3(1-x}cubica = 5.8475.871[1]
Ce3NF61:6a = 5.8027F conductor[12][2]
Pr3NF61:6a = 5.7723[12]
Gd3NF61:6cubica = 5.617[1]
Ce2MnN3F2−δtetragonalP4/nmma = 3.8554, c = 13.088Nitridomanganate[13]
LiSr2[TaN3]F3:1orthorhombicPbcaa = 10.768, b = 5.591, c = 15.891, Z 8956.7Nitridotantalate, red, air sensitive[14]
ReNF1:1tetragonala = 5.88, c = 13.00[1]
Bi3NF61:6orthorhombicPbcma = 5.8174, b = 5.7018, c = 18.5113, Z = 4614.018.165grey, moisture sensitive[15]
ThNF1:1rhombohedrala = 7.13[1]
UNxFy (UNF)1:1orthorhombica = 5.6325.643, b = 5.6025.610, c = 5.7125.707[1]
1:2yellow, O-bridged[16]
Rb4[O(TcNF4)2]1:4orange yellow[16]
Cs4[O(TcNF4)2]1:4orange yellow[16]
(NEt4)3(NH4)[Tc4N4O4F8]yellow green[16]
phosphonitrile fluoride (trimer)(NPF2)31:2rhombohedraltriple point 27.8 °C; refractive index nα = 1.388, nβ = 1.419, nγ = 1.443[17][18]
phosphonitrile fluoride (tetramer)(NPF2)41:2monoclinictriple point 30.5 °C[17]
poly-phosphonitrile fluoride(NPF2)n1:2[17]
rhenium tetrafluoride nitrideReNF41:4orthorhombica = 5.64, b = 14.76, c = 4.26354.6yellow, molecular, mp 85 °C[19]
fluoroimidorhenium pentafluorideReNF61:6monoclinica = 5.298, b = 9.286, c = 9.979, β = 109.4, Z = 4463.24.507orange, molecular, N-F bonded, mp 80 °C[19]


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