January 3, 2021, and aired through May 20, 2021. The series follows Mike Baxter, a senior executive and director of marketing for the Outdoor Man sporting
appeared in several episodes of Mad Men as Ken Cosgrove's father-in-law EdBaxter, the CEO of Corning, Inc. He appeared in "Chinese Wall" (Season 4, Episode
resident EdBaxter, 58, became the first person to complete the "Inclinathon", 13 consecutive trips up and down the Incline in one day. Baxter completed
Richard Baxter (12 November 1615 – 8 December 1691) was an English Nonconformist church leader and theologian from Rowton, Shropshire, who has been described
Baxter International Inc. is an American multinational healthcare company with headquarters in Deerfield, Illinois. The company primarily focuses on products