Benarba County is one of the 141 cadastral divisions of New South Wales.

Quick Facts Benarba New South Wales ...

Benarba is believed to be derived from a local Aboriginal word.[1]

Parishes within this county

A full list of parishes found within this county; their current LGA and mapping coordinates to the approximate centre of each location is as follows:

More information Parish, LGA ...
BalerangMoree Plains Shire29°01′54″S 149°25′04″E
BallallaMoree Plains Shire29°04′54″S 149°19′04″E
BanarwayMoree Plains Shire29°18′54″S 148°45′04″E
BaroonaMoree Plains Shire29°11′54″S 149°31′04″E
BibbleMoree Plains Shire29°06′54″S 148°50′04″E
BirooMoree Plains Shire29°17′54″S 149°00′04″E
BoolmucklediMoree Plains Shire29°03′54″S 149°15′04″E
BoomiMoree Plains Shire28°42′54″S 149°23′04″E
BoonaldoonMoree Plains Shire29°29′04″S 149°24′48″E
BoonangarMoree Plains Shire28°38′54″S 149°32′04″E
BoonereyMoree Plains Shire29°11′54″S 148°52′04″E
BoonoonaMoree Plains Shire29°10′54″S 149°36′04″E
BorongaMoree Plains Shire28°46′54″S 149°40′04″E
BorooMoree Plains Shire28°47′54″S 149°14′04″E
BoyangaMoree Plains Shire29°09′54″S 149°14′04″E
BrigalowMoree Plains Shire28°56′54″S 149°32′04″E
BucknelMoree Plains Shire29°00′54″S 149°01′04″E
BunarbaMoree Plains Shire29°00′54″S 149°13′04″E
BundoriMoree Plains Shire28°42′54″S 149°28′04″E
Bunna BunnaNarrabri Shire29°45′54″S 149°14′04″E
BurragilloMoree Plains Shire29°27′54″S 149°09′04″E
BurrandoonMoree Plains Shire29°24′54″S 149°08′04″E
CaidmurraMoree Plains Shire29°13′54″S 148°47′04″E
CarbeenbriMoree Plains Shire29°34′54″S 149°17′04″E
CarraaMoree Plains Shire29°01′54″S 149°36′04″E
CollymongleMoree Plains Shire29°26′54″S 148°44′04″E
CollyuMoree Plains Shire29°09′54″S 149°08′04″E
CookWalgett Shire29°35′54″S 148°44′04″E
CooloobongMoree Plains Shire28°50′54″S 149°40′04″E
CoonalgraMoree Plains Shire29°13′54″S 149°03′04″E
CoubalMoree Plains Shire28°55′54″S 149°26′04″E
CowmertonMoree Plains Shire28°49′54″S 149°27′04″E
CrinolineMoree Plains Shire29°13′54″S 149°08′04″E
CudgildoolMoree Plains Shire29°22′54″S 149°25′04″E
CurrahMoree Plains Shire28°55′54″S 149°22′04″E
CurrothaMoree Plains Shire29°34′54″S 149°02′04″E
CurrygundiMoree Plains Shire29°13′54″S 149°15′04″E
DangarWalgett Shire29°37′54″S 148°50′04″E
DerraMoree Plains Shire29°28′54″S 149°13′04″E
DindiernaMoree Plains Shire28°54′54″S 149°13′04″E
DirelmabildiMoree Plains Shire29°20′54″S 149°09′04″E
DoorabeebaMoree Plains Shire29°46′54″S 149°23′04″E
DundungaMoree Plains Shire29°09′54″S 149°03′04″E
GallowayMoree Plains Shire29°05′54″S 149°01′04″E
Gil GilMoree Plains Shire29°05′54″S 149°10′04″E
GinMoree Plains Shire29°19′54″S 149°15′04″E
GinghamMoree Plains Shire29°14′54″S 149°21′04″E
GoocallaMoree Plains Shire29°06′54″S 149°24′04″E
GormanWalgett Shire29°42′54″S 148°55′04″E
GreavesMoree Plains Shire28°55′54″S 149°36′04″E
GreenawayMoree Plains Shire29°27′54″S 148°50′04″E
GunatheraMoree Plains Shire29°28′54″S 148°52′04″E
HamiltonMoree Plains Shire28°50′54″S 149°10′04″E
HillMoree Plains Shire29°34′54″S 148°57′04″E
KamilaroiWalgett Shire29°31′54″S 148°41′04″E
KeeloMoree Plains Shire29°23′54″S 148°44′04″E
KruiMoree Plains Shire29°41′54″S 149°24′04″E
KunopiaMoree Plains Shire28°41′54″S 149°36′04″E
MallowaMoree Plains Shire29°34′54″S 149°07′04″E
MarkhamNarrabri Shire29°44′54″S 149°08′04″E
MeeiMoree Plains Shire29°29′54″S 148°48′04″E
MeeroMoree Plains Shire29°24′54″S 149°15′04″E
MeroeMoree Plains Shire29°24′54″S 149°15′04″E
MillebeeMoree Plains Shire29°39′54″S 149°15′04″E
MongyerMoree Plains Shire29°35′54″S 149°12′04″E
MoominMoree Plains Shire29°39′54″S 149°07′04″E
MoorinaMoree Plains Shire29°08′54″S 149°31′04″E
MungiMoree Plains Shire29°38′54″S 149°02′04″E
MyallMoree Plains Shire29°17′54″S 148°50′04″E
NarrawallMoree Plains Shire29°03′54″S 149°06′04″E
NeargoMoree Plains Shire29°24′54″S 149°03′04″E
NewcastleMoree Plains Shire28°45′54″S 149°32′04″E
NoonahMoree Plains Shire29°11′54″S 149°24′04″E
NooraMoree Plains Shire28°37′54″S 149°30′04″E
Numby NumbyMoree Plains Shire29°19′54″S 149°04′04″E
OreelWalgett Shire29°44′54″S 149°02′04″E
PearseMoree Plains Shire29°22′54″S 148°52′04″E
PiallyMoree Plains Shire29°37′54″S 148°54′04″E
SingleMoree Plains Shire29°34′54″S 149°24′04″E
TalaMoree Plains Shire29°00′54″S 149°20′04″E
TellaragaMoree Plains Shire29°31′54″S 149°25′04″E
TielaMoree Plains Shire29°23′54″S 149°20′04″E
TillalooMoree Plains Shire29°13′54″S 149°26′04″E
TurrawahMoree Plains Shire29°00′54″S 149°07′04″E
TycawinaMoree Plains Shire28°37′54″S 149°37′04″E
TyrrellMoree Plains Shire28°46′54″S 149°37′04″E
UmbriMoree Plains Shire28°51′54″S 149°10′04″E
UranbahMoree Plains Shire29°39′54″S 149°10′04″E
WaddenMoree Plains Shire29°00′54″S 149°31′04″E
WandoonaMoree Plains Shire29°19′54″S 149°21′04″E
WarrenMoree Plains Shire29°13′54″S 149°12′04″E
WerrinaMoree Plains Shire28°43′54″S 149°18′04″E
WhalanMoree Plains Shire28°50′54″S 149°34′04″E
WillaleeMoree Plains Shire29°28′54″S 149°02′04″E
WinslowMoree Plains Shire28°48′54″S 149°22′04″E
Wirra NorthMoree Plains Shire29°23′54″S 149°00′04″E
Wirrir SouthMoree Plains Shire29°28′54″S 148°57′04″E
WirritMoree Plains Shire29°19′54″S 149°26′04″E
WolongimbaMoree Plains Shire29°41′54″S 149°19′04″E
YarouahMoree Plains Shire29°01′54″S 149°03′04″E
YarrolMoree Plains Shire29°09′54″S 149°18′04″E
YoungMoree Plains Shire29°12′54″S 149°01′04″E


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