orientation and crash. Former Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister, ArístidesCalvani [es], his wife, and two daughters perished in the crash. Air New Zealand
which is no longer operational. In the countryside, especially in the AristidesCalvani parish, fruit trees are grown and cattle is raised. The Cattle Raisers
Switzerland Cardinal Maximilian von Fürstenberg Holy See Minister of Foreign Affairs ArístidesCalvani Venezuela Ambassador to Pakistan Zhang Tong China
y su tiempo. Caracas: Libros Marcados, 2012. 316 p. (in Spanish) ArístidesCalvani y la Fundación Konrad Adenauer; H. C. Josef Thesing – Diálogo Político
historia. 1926–1976. by Ramón J. Velazquez; ArístidesCalvani; y otros Ramón J. Velázquez, ArístidesCalvani, y otros. "Venezuela Moderna. Medio siglo de