List of Doctor Who novelisations

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Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC since 1963. Hundreds of novelisations of the series have been published by various publishers, the majority based on the original 1963–1989 run of the series.



Frederick Muller Ltd.

Frederick Muller Ltd. commissioned David Whitaker to novelise the first Dalek serial under the title Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks, which was published November 1964 in hardcover just in time for the second Dalek serial, The Dalek Invasion of Earth to be transmitted. The success of this book warranted two reprintings by 1965 and led Frederick Muller to commission two further novelisations, Doctor Who and the Zarbi and Doctor Who and the Crusaders, which were published in 1965 and 1966 respectively. Sales of these books did not live up to the first and so the short range was brought to an end.[1]

Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the Daleks was reissued in paperback October 1965 by Armada Books, an imprint of May Fair Books, with new illustrations. [2] Doctor Who and the Crusaders was reissued in paperback in 1967 by Green Dragon, an imprint of Atlantic Books, again with new illustrations.[3] All three books with reissued in hardcover in 1975 by White Lion, all featuring Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor on the cover while retaining the First Doctor illustrations inside. [3]

Target Books

In 1972 Universal-Tandem Publishing was looking to create a children's book imprint, Target Books. In a visit to Frederick Muller's offices, the three 1960s Doctor Who books were optioned, and then the BBC was contacted with a view to publish new books. This call to the BBC met with enthusiastic support from the current script editor, Terrance Dicks.[4] The Doctor Who novelisations quickly became a backbone of the imprint, surviving corporate acquisitions and novelising almost every Doctor Who television story. New novelisations under the Target imprint came to an end in 1991 (although three more were published under their parent company's new Doctor Who Books imprint). Reprints under the Target imprint continued through 1994.

A short series entitled The Companions of Doctor Who comprised the novelisation of K-9 and Company along with the original works Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma and Harry Sullivan's War. In addition to the television serials, three scripts from the cancelled Season 23—The Nightmare Fair, The Ultimate Evil and Mission to Magnus—were novelised. The former sold less well than the usual novelisations, while the latter sold as well.[5] Target also novelised two additional non-televised stories: the radio play Slipback and the audio story The Pescatons.

Doctor Who Books

Virgin Books created a new imprint, Doctor Who Books, for their Doctor Who novels and non-fiction books. This imprint published the last three books in the "Doctor Who Library" established by Target. (The Power of the Daleks, The Evil of the Daleks, and the radio play The Paradise of Death)

Further novelisations were published as part of their monthly novel lines. Barry Letts's radio drama, The Ghosts of N-Space was published as part of the Virgin Missing Adventures range in 1995, as was the novelisation of the independent spin-off Downtime in 1996. The Virgin New Adventures range published a novelisation of Shakedown: The Return of the Sontarans in 1995.

BBC Books

In 1996 the BBC chose not to renew Virgin's license for publishing Doctor Who fiction, preferring to bring the novels back in house. BBC Books published a novelisation of the 1996 Doctor Who television movie. They also published a novelisation of the webcast Scream of the Shalka as part of the Past Doctor Adventures range in 2004. From 2012 to 2019, BBC Books published novelisations of the 1970s and 1980s serials Target was unable to publish (The Pirate Planet, City of Death, Shada, Resurrection of the Daleks, and Revelation of the Daleks). Novelisations of the unproduced scripts Doctor Who and the Krikkitmen and Doctor Who Meets Scratchman were published in 2018 and 2019 respectively. A new adaptation of The Evil of the Daleks written by Frazer Hines was released in 2023.[6]

BBC Books began reprinting selected Target novelisations starting in July 2011.[7]

The Target Collection

Starting in 2018, BBC Books published novelisations of selected episodes of the revived series as part of a range dubbed The Target Collection featuring the Target logo.[8] Paperback editions of City of Death, The Pirate Planet, Resurrection of the Daleks, Revelation of the Daleks, and the 1996 television movie were also added to the revived Target range. (City of Death and The Pirate Planet were abridged from their previous BBC Books editions.) In 2022, print versions of the previously audiobook-only adaptations by David Fisher of The Stones of Blood and The Androids of Tara were also added to the range, as was a print edition of the expanded audiobook version of Warriors Gate in 2023. The Target Collection was subsequently divided into two series: the Classic Era, comprising books based on stories from the original television series and the revived series through 2022,[9] and the New Era, comprising books based on television stories broadcast since 2023, starting with the three 2023 specials.[10] Four new novelisations in the New Era series, the titles of which have yet to be announced, are due to be released 10 July 2025.[11][12][13][14]


In 2005, BBC Audio released unabridged audiobook versions of the first three Frederick Muller novelisations, read by actor William Russell (who played Ian Chesterton). Beginning in September 2007, they began releasing further unabridged audiobooks of the Target novelisations at a regular rate.

An Unearthly Child was set to receive a new novelisation exclusive to audio, read by William Russell, written by Nigel Robinson, and released by AudioGo.[15] The audiobook was originally scheduled to be released November 2013, but the release was cancelled due to AudioGo's bankruptcy in the same month.[16] Rights issues are currently preventing its release.[17]

Pearson Education

Pearson Education published adaptations of four Eleventh Doctor stories in 2011 (two of which were photonovelisations) and six Twelfth Doctor stories in 2018 for use in schools.

Publication details



Although Target endeavoured to commission the original scriptwriters to novelise their own stories, this was not always possible. As a result, many books in the Target line were written by Terrance Dicks.[18] During the late 1970s to early 1980s, Target, which classified the novelisations as children's fiction, imposed a page limit of 128 pages. Some books (particularly several by Dicks) even fell short of this limit. By the late 1980s, however, the page cap had been lifted, although John Peel was still required to split his novelisation of the epic 12-episode The Daleks' Master Plan into two volumes because the manuscript was too long.


For the first few years of the Target line, it was common practice for the novels to have titles that differed from the adapted serials: for example, Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion, which was based upon the serial Spearhead from Space. This practice was dropped in the mid-1970s. Another tradition established by the books was to prepend the words "Doctor Who and ..." to the titles, except in a few cases where impractical. This practice continued until the early 1980s. From 1990 onwards reprints of the books generally dropped "Doctor Who and..." from the title and changed titles back to the original television story, although some of the reprints merely rejacketed earlier stock.


The first of the Target reissues featured new cover artwork by Chris Achilleos, who went on to illustrate over 30 of the novelisations throughout the 1970s.[19] British artist Andrew Skilleter created much of the cover art from 1979 to 1994, along with video covers and other merchandise.[20][21] His work on Doctor Who was showcased in his 1995 volume Blacklight: The Art of Andrew Skilleter.[21][22]


Target began numbering its novelisations from 1983, with almost all of the first seventy-three books being numbered as reprints came out. The first new book to be numbered was Time-Flight. Target's numbering did not initially reflect original publication order (which would have placed David Whitaker's Doctor Who and the Daleks book first) or the production or broadcast order of the original stories, but rather was conducted in alphabetical order, so that the novelisation of The Abominable Snowmen was numbered "1". Due to print delays and last-minute reordering of publication schedules, some of the later books were released out of numeric order. The revived "Target Collection" from BBC Books is not numbered.

Novelisations of television stories


First Doctor

Featuring William Hartnell's First Doctor

More information Season, Story no. ...
Season Story no. Library no.[a] Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[b]
release date[c]
release date[d]
100168Doctor Who and An Unearthly ChildTerrance Dicks15 October 1981[23]
002Doctor Who in an Exciting Adventure with the DaleksDavid Whitaker12 November 1964[e][24]4 October 1965[f][24]
16Doctor Who and the Daleks2 May 1973[24]7 March 2005[24]
003132The Edge of DestructionNigel Robinson19 May 1988[25]20 October 1988[25]31 August 2010[26]
00494Marco PoloJohn Lucarotti13 December 1984[27]11 April 1985[27]6 December 2018[27]
00538Doctor Who and the Keys of MarinusPhilip Hinchcliffe21 August 1980[28]1 September 2022[29]
00688The AztecsJohn Lucarotti21 June 1984[30]20 September 1984[30]2 August 2012[30]
007118The SensoritesNigel Robinson19 February 1987[31]16 July 1987[31]3 May 2012[31]
008119The Reign of TerrorIan Marter19 March 1987[32]20 August 1987[32]2 June 2022[32]
2009145Planet of GiantsTerrance Dicks18 January 1990[33]4 May 2017[33]
01017Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of Earth24 March 1977[34]5 November 2009[34]
011124The RescueIan Marter20 August 1987[35]21 January 1988[35]4 April 2013[35]
012120The RomansDonald Cotton16 April 1987[36]17 September 1987[36]5 January 2023[37]
01373Doctor Who and the ZarbiBill Strutton16 September 1965[e][38]2 May 1973[38]7 November 2005[38]
01412Doctor Who and the CrusadersDavid Whitaker24 February 1966[e][39]1967[g][39]7 November 2005[39]
015117The Space MuseumGlyn Jones15 January 1987[40]18 June 1987[40]4 February 2016[40]
016140The ChaseJohn Peel20 July 1989[41]4 August 2011[41]
017126The Time MeddlerNigel Robinson15 October 1987[42]17 March 1988[42]6 October 2016[42]
3018104Galaxy FourWilliam Emms14 November 1985[43]10 April 1986[43]6 July 2017[43]
019, 021141The Daleks' Master Plan Part I: Mission to the UnknownJohn Peel21 September 1989[44]6 May 2010[44]
02097The Myth MakersDonald Cotton11 April 1985[45]12 September 1985[45]7 April 2008[45]
021142The Daleks' Master Plan Part II: The Mutation of TimeJohn Peel19 October 1989[46]3 June 2010[46]
022122The MassacreJohn Lucarotti18 June 1987[47]19 November 1987[47]11 June 2015[47]
023114The ArkPaul Erickson16 October 1986[48]19 March 1987[48]1 March 2018[48]
024111The Celestial ToymakerGerry Davis and Alison Bingeman19 June 1986[49]20 November 1986[49]3 April 2025[50]
025101The GunfightersDonald Cotton11 July 1985[51]9 January 1986[51]7 February 2013[51]
026109The SavagesIan Stuart Black20 March 1986[52]11 September 1986[52]4 February 2021[52]
027136The War Machines16 February 1989[53]7 March 2019[53]
4028133The SmugglersTerrance Dicks16 June 1988[54]17 November 1988[54]6 August 2020[54]
02962Doctor Who and the Tenth PlanetGerry Davis19 February 1976[55]7 December 2017[55]
  1. Number in Target's Doctor Who Library, if applicable
  2. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  4. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  5. Published by Frederick Muller Ltd.
  6. Published by Armada Books
  7. Published by Green Dragon

Second Doctor

Featuring Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor

More information Season, Story no. ...
Season Story no. Library no.[a] Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[b]
release date[c]
release date[d]
4030154The Power of the DaleksJohn Peel15 July 1993[56]3 November 2022[57]
03190The HighlandersGerry Davis16 August 1984[58]15 November 1984[58]6 September 2012[58]
032129The Underwater MenaceNigel Robinson18 February 1988[59]21 July 1988[59]2 December 2021[59]
03314Doctor Who and the CybermenGerry Davis16 July 1981[60]20 February 1975[60]12 March 2009[60]
034123The Macra TerrorIan Stuart Black16 July 1987[61]10 December 1987[61]4 August 2016[61]
035116The Faceless OnesTerrance Dicks11 December 1986[62]21 May 1987[62]2 May 2019[62]
036155The Evil of the DaleksJohn Peel19 August 1993[63]
The Evil of the Daleks (unabridged)[e][6]Frazer Hines
(with Mike Tucker and Steve Cole)
26 October 202326 October 2023
The Evil of the Daleks (abdridged)[e]10 October 2024[f][64]
503766Doctor Who and the Tomb of the CybermenGerry Davis18 May 1978[65]7 March 2013[65]
0381Doctor Who and the Abominable SnowmenTerrance Dicks17 January 1985[66]21 November 1974[66]24 March 2009[66]
03933Doctor Who and the Ice WarriorsBrian Hayles18 March 1976[67]7 January 2010[67]
04024Doctor Who and the Enemy of the WorldIan Marter16 April 1981[68]4 July 2019[68]
04172Doctor Who and the Web of FearTerrance Dicks19 August 1976[69]3 August 2017[69]
042110Fury from the DeepVictor Pemberton22 May 1986[70]16 October 1986[70]7 July 2011[70]
043130The Wheel in SpaceTerrance Dicks17 March 1988[71]18 August 1988[71]5 August 2021[71]
604486The DominatorsIan Marter19 April 1984[72]19 July 1984[72]6 September 2018[72]
045115The Mind RobberPeter Ling20 November 1986[73]16 April 1987[73]6 August 2009[73]
04698The InvasionIan Marter16 May 1985[74]10 October 1985[74]7 April 2016[74]
04799The KrotonsTerrance Dicks13 June 1985[75]14 November 1985[75]2 April 2020[75]
048112The Seeds of Death17 July 1986[76]4 December 1986[76]2 February 2023[77]
049147The Space Pirates15 March 1990[78]1 December 2016[78]
05070Doctor Who and the War GamesMalcolm Hulke25 October 1979[79]25 September 1979[79]1 February 2011[79]

  1. Number in Target's Doctor Who Library, if applicable
  2. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  4. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  5. This adaptation follows the Doctor showing Zoe the story at the end of The Wheel in Space.
  6. Released exclusively with Doctor Who Magazine #609

Third Doctor

Featuring Jon Pertwee's Third Doctor.

More information Season, Story no. ...
Season Story no. Library no.[a] Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[b]
release date[c]
release date[d]
70516Doctor Who and the Auton InvasionTerrance Dicks17 January 197412 June 2008
0529Doctor Who and the Cave MonstersMalcolm Hulke17 January 19743 September 2007
053121The Ambassadors of DeathTerrance Dicks21 May 198715 October 19874 January 2018
05489Inferno19 July 198418 October 19847 April 2011
805563Doctor Who and the Terror of the Autons19 February 198115 May 19755 August 2010
05696The Mind of Evil21 March 198511 July 19856 April 2017
05710Doctor Who and the Claws of Axos21 April 19774 June 2016
05823Doctor Who and the Doomsday WeaponMalcolm Hulke18 March 198218 March 19743 September 2007
05915Doctor Who and the DæmonsBarry Letts14 January 198217 October 197414 August 2008
906018Doctor Who and the Day of the DaleksTerrance Dicks20 August 198118 March 19743 November 2016
06113Doctor Who and the Curse of PeladonBrian Hayles17 July 198016 January 19753 July 1995 (abridged)
2 May 2013 (unabridged)
06254Doctor Who and the Sea-DevilsMalcolm Hulke18 June 198117 October 19747 June 2012
06344Doctor Who and the MutantsTerrance Dicks29 September 19774 October 2018
064102The Time Monster12 September 198513 February 198616 March 2023[80]
1006564The Three Doctors[e]20 November 19751978 [f]
7 April 2010
0668Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters20 January 19771978 [f]
13 November 2014
06757Doctor Who and the Space WarMalcolm Hulke23 September 19764 February 2008
06846Doctor Who and the Planet of the DaleksTerrance Dicks21 October 1976[g]5 June 1995 (abridged)
6 June 2013 (unabridged)
06929Doctor Who and the Green DeathMalcolm Hulke16 April 198121 August 19754 September 2008
1107065Doctor Who and the Time WarriorTerrance Dicks[h]18 May 197829 June 197813 November 2008
07122Doctor Who and the Dinosaur InvasionMalcolm Hulke19 February 19765 November 2007
07220Death to the DaleksTerrance Dicks20 July 19783 March 2016
07343Doctor Who and the Monster of Peladon20 November 19804 December 19805 March 2020
07448Doctor Who and the Planet of the Spiders20 November 197516 October 19754 June 2009
  1. Number in Target's Doctor Who Library, if applicable
  2. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  4. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  5. The 1976 edition (and subsequent reprintings until 1991) is titled Doctor Who and the Three Doctors on the front cover.
  6. An abridged version was first published in Doctor Who and the Daleks Omnibus in September 1976
  7. Prologue by Robert Holmes (uncredited)

Fourth Doctor

Featuring Tom Baker's Fourth Doctor.

More information Season, Story no. ...
Season Story no. Library no.[a] Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[b]
release date[c]
release date[d]
1207528Doctor Who and the Giant RobotTerrance Dicks17 April 198613 March 19755 November 2007
Junior Doctor Who and the Giant RobotDecember 1979[81]Early 1980[81]
0764Doctor Who and the Ark in SpaceIan Marter21 April 197710 May 197716 July 2015
07756Doctor Who and the Sontaran Experiment7 December 19787 July 2016
07827Doctor Who and the Genesis of the DaleksTerrance Dicks22 July 197610 July 2012 [e]
5 October 2017
07951Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen20 May 19763 February 2022[82]
1308040Doctor Who and the Loch Ness Monster15 January 19761978 [e]
08147Doctor Who and the Planet of Evil21 July 197718 August 19776 April 2023[83]
08250Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars16 December 197614 August 2008
0832Doctor Who and the Android Invasion16 November 197818 August 2022
0847Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius19 May 197723 June 19774 February 2008
Junior Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius27 June 198013 November 1980
08555Doctor Who and the Seeds of DoomPhilip Hinchcliffe17 February 19775 September 2019
1408642Doctor Who and the Masque of Mandragora19 January 19788 December 19779 April 2009
08730Doctor Who and the Hand of FearTerrance Dicks18 January 19797 January 2021
08819Doctor Who and the Deadly Assassin20 October 197719 March 2015
08925Doctor Who and the Face of Evil19 January 197819 January 2011[e]
7 April 2022
09053Doctor Who and the Robots of Death24 May 19791 February 2018
09161Doctor Who and the Talons of Weng-Chiang17 November 19771 January 2013
1509232Doctor Who and the Horror of Fang Rock30 March 19782 February 2017
09336Doctor Who and the Invisible Enemy29 March 19792 August 2018
09434Doctor Who and the Image of the Fendahl26 July 19796 February 2020
09560Doctor Who and the Sunmakers18 November 19827 February 2019
09667Doctor Who and the Underworld24 January 19806 May 2021
09735Doctor Who and the Invasion of Time21 February 19801 September 2016
1609852Doctor Who and the Ribos OperationIan Marter13 December 19793 March 2011
099The Pirate Planet (unabridged)James Goss5 January 20171 February 2018 [f]5 January 2017
Doctor Who and the Pirate Planet (abridged)11 March 2021
10059Doctor Who and the Stones of BloodTerrance Dicks20 March 1980
The Stones of BloodDavid Fisher14 July 2022[84]5 May 2011
1013Doctor Who and the Androids of TaraTerrance Dicks24 April 1980
The Androids of TaraDavid Fisher14 July 2022[85]5 July 2012
10249Doctor Who and the Power of KrollTerrance Dicks29 May 19807 October 2021
1035Doctor Who and the Armageddon Factor26 June 19806 June 2019
1710421Doctor Who and the Destiny of the Daleks22 November 19795 September 2024[86]
105City of Death (unabridged)James Goss]]21 May 201511 February 2016[f]21 May 2015
City of Death (abridged)5 April 2018
10611Doctor Who and the Creature from the PitDavid Fisher]]15 January 19817 April 2008
10745Doctor Who and the Nightmare of EdenTerrance Dicks18 September 198021 August 19806 October 2022
10831Doctor Who and the Horns of Nimon16 October 19804 April 2024[87]
ShadaGareth Roberts15 March 201231 January 2013[f]15 March 2012
1810939Doctor Who and the Leisure HiveDavid Fisher]]22 July 19821 July 2013
11075MeglosTerrance Dicks17 February 198319 May 19831 July 2021
11126Full CircleAndrew Smith16 September 198215 January 2015
112State of Decay[g]Terrance DicksJune 1981[h]
58Doctor Who and the State of Decay17 September 198114 January 19827 January 2016
11371Doctor Who and Warriors' GateStephen Gallagher (as John Lydecker)[i]15 April 1982
Warriors' Gate[j]13 July 2023[89]4 April 2019
11437Doctor Who and the Keeper of TrakenTerrance Dicks20 May 19821 October 2020
11541LogopolisChristopher H. Bidmead21 October 19824 February 2010
  1. Number in Target's Doctor Who Library, if applicable
  2. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  4. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  5. Published by BBC Books
  6. Original novelisation exclusive to audio
  7. Published by Pickwick Talking Books
  8. Print version of the expanded edition is credited solely to Gallagher
  9. Expanded and restored original version as submitted to Target before John Nathan-Turner demanded that it match the transmitted version more closely. Print version is titled Warriors' Gate and Beyond as it includes two short stories.[88]

Fifth Doctor

Featuring Peter Davison's Fifth Doctor.

More information Season, Story no. ...
Season Story no. Library no.[a] Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[b]
release date[c]
release date[d]
1911676CastrovalvaChristopher H. Bidmead17 March 198316 June 19834 March 2010
11777Four to DoomsdayTerrance Dicks14 April 198321 July 19832 March 2017
11884Kinda8 December 198315 March 19844 August 1997 (abridged)
6 June 2024[90] (unabridged)
11969Doctor Who and the VisitationEric Saward19 August 198219 August 19824 October 2012
120113Black OrchidTerence Dudley18 September 198619 February 198712 June 2008
12178EarthshockIan Marter19 May 198318 August 19832 February 2012
12274Time-FlightPeter Grimwade20 January 198314 April 19831 April 2021
2012380Arc of InfinityTerrance Dicks21 July 198320 October 19833 June 2021
12483Snakedance21 January 198419 April 19846 February 2025[91]
12582Mawdryn UndeadPeter Grimwade18 August 198312 January 19845 July 2018
12679TerminusStephen Gallagher (as John Lydecker)16 June 198315 September 19831 August 2019
12785EnlightenmentBarbara Clegg16 February 198424 May 19843 September 2020
128108The King's DemonsTerence Dudley20 February 198610 July 19865 May 2016
12981The Five DoctorsTerrance Dicks24 November 19832 November 2017
2113087Warriors of the Deep24 May 198416 August 19845 June 1995 (abridged)
4 May 2023[92] (unabridged)
13195The AwakeningEric Pringle14 February 198513 June 19858 July 2010
13291FrontiosChristopher H. Bidmead20 September 198410 December 19842 March 2010[e]
16 April 2015
133Resurrection of the DaleksEric Saward18 July 201911 March 20211 August 2019
13493Planet of FirePeter Grimwade18 October 198417 January 19855 June 2025[93]
13592The Caves of AndrozaniTerrance Dicks15 November 198414 February 19851 November 2018
  1. Number in Target's Doctor Who Library, if applicable
  2. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  4. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated

Sixth Doctor

Featuring Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor.

More information Season, Story no. ...
Season Story no. Library no.[a] Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[b]
release date[c]
release date[d]
21136103The Twin DilemmaEric Saward10 October 198513 March 19865 January 2012
22137138Attack of the Cybermen20 April 19897 August 1995 (abridged)
1 February 2024 (unabridged)[94]
138106Vengeance on VarosPhilip Martin21 January 198816 June 19883 November 1997 (abridged)
7 November 2019 (unabridged)
139107The Mark of the RaniPip and Jane Baker16 January 198612 June 19865 April 2018
140100The Two DoctorsRobert Holmes15 August 19855 December 19853 September 2015
141105TimelashGlen McCoy12 December 198515 May 19863 March 2022[95]
142Revelation of the DaleksEric Saward14 November 201911 March 202114 November 2019
23143127[e]The Mysterious PlanetTerrance Dicks19 November 198721 April 19882 September 2013
139MindwarpPhilip Martin]]15 June 1989
125Terror of the VervoidsPip and Jane Baker17 September 198718 February 19883 October 2013
131The Ultimate Foe21 April 198815 September 1988
  1. Number in Target's Doctor Who Library, if applicable
  2. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  4. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  5. Mistakenly numbered as number 126 on the title page

Seventh Doctor

Featuring Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor.

More information Season, Story no. ...
Season Story no. Library no.[a] Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[b]
release date[c]
release date[d]
24144128[e]Time and the RaniPip and Jane Baker17 December 19875 May 19886 January 2022[96]
145134Paradise TowersStephen Wyatt1 December 19885 April 2012
146135Delta and the BannermenMalcolm Kohll19 January 19891 June 2017
147137DragonfireIan Briggs16 March 19895 December 2019
25148148Remembrance of the DaleksBen Aaronovitch21 June 199019 February 2015
149146The Happiness PatrolGraeme Curry15 February 19902 July 2009
150143Silver NemesisKevin Clarke16 November 19896 July 2023[97]
151144The Greatest Show in the GalaxyStephen Wyatt21 December 19891 August 2013
26152152BattlefieldMarc Platt18 July 19915 May 2022[98]
153149Ghost LightMarc Platt20 September 19902 June 2011
154151The Curse of FenricIan Briggs15 November 19903 September 2015
155150SurvivalRona Munro18 October 19907 September 2017

  1. Number in Target's Doctor Who Library, if applicable
  2. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  4. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  5. Mistakenly numbered as number 127

Eighth Doctor

Featuring Paul McGann's Eighth Doctor.

More information Season, Story no. ...
Season Story no. Novelisation title Author Original publisher Paperback
release date
release date[a]
156The Novel of the FilmGary RussellBBC Books15 May 19962 June 1997 (abridged)
The TV Movie[b]BBC Books (Target collection)11 March 202111 March 2021
  1. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  2. Revised from the previous publication[99]

Ninth Doctor

Featuring Christopher Eccleston's Ninth Doctor.

More information Series, Story no. ...
Series Story no. Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[a]
release date[b]
release date[c]
1157RoseRussell T Davies23 November 2023[100][101]5 April 20183 May 2018
161DalekRobert Shearman30 October 2025[102]11 March 202111 March 2021
  1. Published by BBC Books unless otherwise indicated
  2. Published by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella unless otherwise indicated
  3. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated

Tenth Doctor

Featuring David Tennant's Tenth Doctor.

More information Series, Story no. ...
Series Story no. Novelisation title Author Original publisher Paperback
release date
release date[a]
2167The Christmas Invasion[b]Jenny T. ColganBBC Books (Target collection)5 April 20185 April 2018
4190The Fires of PompeiiJames Moran14 July 2022[103]14 July 2022[104]
191Planet of the Ood[105]Keith Temple13 July 202313 July 2023[106]
Specials (2008–2010)201The Waters of Mars[107]Phil Ford13 July 202313 July 2023[108]
  1. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated

Eleventh Doctor

Featuring Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor.

More information Series, Story no. ...
Series Story no. Novelisation title Author Original publisher Paperback
release date
release date[a]
5203The Eleventh HourTrevor BaxendalePearson Education5 May 2011
205Victory of the Daleks[b]Peter Gutiérrez
206The Time of Angels[c]Trevor Baxendale
211The Lodger[b]Peter Gutiérrez
7237The Crimson HorrorMark GatissBBC Books (Target collection)11 March 202111 March 2021
Specials (2013)240The Day of the Doctor[d]Steven Moffat5 April 20187 June 2018

  1. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  2. Also adapts "Flesh and Stone"

Twelfth Doctor

Featuring Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor.

More information Series, Story no. ...
Series Story no. Novelisation title Author Original publisher Paperback
release date
release date[a]
8244Robot of SherwoodDavid MaulePearson Education29 May 201829 May 2018[b]
249Mummy on the Orient ExpressJane Rollason
250FlatlineNancy Taylor
9256The Girl Who DiedJane Rollason20 September 201820 September 2018[b]
257The Woman Who LivedChris Rice
258The Zygon Invasion[c]Peter HarnessBBC Books (Target collection)13 July 2023[109]7 September 2023[110]
260Face the RavenNancy TaylorPearson Education20 September 201820 September 2018[b]
10274The Eaters of LightRona MunroBBC Books (Target collection)14 July 2022[111]14 July 2022[112]
276Twice Upon a TimePaul Cornell5 April 20187 June 2018

  1. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  2. mp3-CD issued by Pearson with paperback of the novelisation
  3. Also adapts "The Zygon Inversion".

Thirteenth Doctor

Featuring Jodie Whittaker's Thirteenth Doctor.

More information Series, Story no. ...
Series Story no. Novelisation title Author Original publisher Paperback
release date
release date[a]
11283Kerblam![113]Pete McTigheBBC Books (Target collection)13 July 20233 August 2023[114]
284The WitchfindersJoy Wilkinson11 March 202111 March 2021
  1. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated

Fourteenth Doctor

Featuring David Tennant's Fourteenth Doctor.

More information Series, Story no. ...
Series Story no. Novelisation title Author eBook
release date[a]
release date
release date[a]
release date[b]
Specials (2023)"Destination: Skaro"Steve Cole[115]19 September 2024[c][116]5 September 2024 [d][117][118]19 September 2024 [c][119]19 September 2024[c][120]
301The Star Beast[121]Gary Russell30 November 2023[122]11 January 20241 February 2024[123]
302Wild Blue Yonder[124]Mark Morris7 December 2023[125]11 January 20241 February 2024[126]
303The Giggle[127]James Goss14 December 2023[128]11 January 20241 February 2024[129]
  1. Published by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella unless otherwise indicated
  2. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by BBC Children's Books as part of Fleeting Faces in Fifteen Doctors 15 Stories
  4. Published by BBC Children's Books as part of The Official Annual 2025

Fifteenth Doctor

Featuring Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor.

More information Series, Story no. ...
Series Story no. Novelisation title Author Hardcover
release date[a]
release date[b]
release date[c]
14304The Church on Ruby RoadEsmie Jikiemi-Pearson25 January 2024[130]8 August 2024[131]25 January 2024[132]
305Space Babies[133]Alison Rumfitt8 August 2024[134]8 August 2024[135]
30873 Yards[133]Scott Handcock8 August 2024[136]8 August 2024[137]
310Rogue[133]Kate Herron and Briony Redman8 August 2024[138]8 August 2024[139]
  1. Published by BBC Books unless otherwise indicated
  2. Published by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella unless otherwise indicated
  3. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated

Novelisations of audio dramas

Novelisations of audio dramas broadcast on radio or released on home audio.

More information Library no., Novelisation title ...
Library no.[a] Novelisation title Doctor Author Hardcover
release date[b]
release date[c]
release date[d]
Slipback6thEric Saward14 August 198615 January 1987
153The Pescatons4thVictor Pemberton15 September 1991
156The Paradise of Death3rdBarry Letts21 April 1994
The Ghosts of N-Space[e]16 February 1995
Jubilee[140]6thRobert Shearman9 October 2025
The Chimes of Midnight[141]8th9 October 2025
  1. Number in Target's Doctor Who Library, if applicable
  2. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  4. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  5. Published as part of the Virgin Missing Adventures range

Novelisations of unproduced stories

Novelisations of stories written, but not produced, for television or film.

More information Novelisation title, Doctor ...
Novelisation title Doctor Author Hardcover
release date[a]
release date[b]
release date[c]
The Nightmare Fair6thGraham Williams18 May 19891 June 2023[142]
The Ultimate EvilWally K. Daly17 August 19892 March 2010[d]
Mission to MagnusPhilip Martin19 July 1990
Doctor Who and the Krikkitmen4thJames Goss18 January 201814 February 2019[e]18 January 2018
ScratchmanTom Baker
(with James Goss)
24 January 20199 April 2020[e]24 January 2019
  1. Published by Target's parent companies (Allen Wingate, W. H. Allen, BBC Books) unless otherwise indicated
  2. Published by Target Books (or by BBC Books under the Target Collection umbrella) unless otherwise indicated
  3. Unabridged from BBC Audio/AudioGo unless otherwise indicated
  4. Published by BBC Books

Novelisations of webcasts

Novelisations of stories released via the web.

More information Novelisation title, Doctor ...
Novelisation title Doctor Author Original publisher Paperback
release date
release date
Scream of the ShalkaShalkaPaul CornellBBC Books2 February 20042 June 2016
Adventures in Lockdown[a]13th
Chris Chibnall
Steven Moffat
Russell T Davies
Neil Gaiman
Joy Wilkinson
Vinay Patel
Pete McTighe
Paul Cornell
Mark Gatiss
5 November 2020
  1. Collection of short stories released during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. Includes prose versions of the webcasts "Message from the Doctor", "Shadow of a Doubt", "The Shadow in the Mirror", "Listen", and "The Secret of Novice Hame".

Novelisations of comic strips

More information Novelisation title, Doctor ...
Novelisation title Doctor Author Original publisher Hardcover
release date
release date
Dead on Arrival & Other Stories[a][143]3rd
Paul MagrsBBC Audio1 December 2022
"Into Control"[b]14thSteve ColeBBC Children's Books12 October 202312 October 2023
  1. Audiobook adaptations of comics from World Distributors' Doctor Who Annuals
  2. Published as part of Ten Days of Christmas, this is an adaptation of the comic story of the same name from The Official Annual 2024

Unofficial novelisations


A number of fan-run publications have published unofficial novelisations of stories Target was not able to secure rights to. Obverse Books has also published unofficial novelisations to raise money for charity. As well as novelisations of the two 1960s Dalek films, Obverse also published original novels presented as novelisations of further films based on other television stories featuring Peter Cushing's portrayal of Dr. Who and short story collections presented as novelisations of hypothetical episodes of the proposed 1960s radio adaptions, also featuring Cushing's Dr. Who.[144]

More information TV No., Title ...
019, 021The Daleks' Master Plan1stRosemary Howe1980ZerinzaUnlicensed Australian fanzine publication - issues 14-16. Later reprinted as single volume.
Doctor Who and Shada4thPaul ScoonesMarch 1989TSVUnlicensed fan club publication.
099Doctor Who and the Pirate Planet4thDavid BishopSeptember 1990TSVUnlicensed fan club publication.
142Revelation of the Daleks6thJon PreddleJuly 1992TSVUnlicensed fan club publication.
105Doctor Who and the City of Death4thDavid LawrenceNovember 1992TSVUnlicensed fan club publication.
Shada4thJonathan Way1993Doctor Who Appreciation SocietyUnlicensed fan club publication published across six issues of Cosmic Masque, the Doctor Who Appreciation Society's fan fiction publication.
133Resurrection of the Daleks5thPaul ScoonesJanuary 2000TSVUnlicensed fan club publication.
167Doctor Who and the Invasion of Christmas[145]10thThe Midnight FolkFebruary 2016Obverse BooksUnlicensed novelisation strictly limited to 40 copies. "The Midnight Folk" is a pseudonym for Paul Magrs, Andrew Hickey, Stuart Douglas, Nick Campbell, James Gent, Ira Lightman, Ian Potter, Phil Craggs, and Matthew Bright. Proceeds went to aid the Cystic Foundation Trust.
Dr. Who and the Daleks[146][147]Dr. WhoAlan SmitheeApril 2019Obverse BooksUnlicensed novelisation of the 1965 film
Daleks Invasion Earth 2150AD[148][149]Dr. WhoAlan SmitheeApril 2019Obverse BooksUnlicensed novelisation of the 1966 film
Journey into Time[150]Dr. WhoDavid Agnew (editor)June 2020Obverse BooksIncludes an unlicensed novelisation of the late 1960s radio pilot as well as original stories written as if the radio series had been produced.

Omnibus and two in one releases


A number of novelisations were released in omnibus editions, mostly by book clubs.

More information Title, Novelisations included ...
TitleNovelisations includedAuthorPublisherPublished
Doctor Who and the Daleks OmnibusDoctor Who and the Planet of the Daleks (abridged)Terrance DicksArtus BooksSeptember 1976
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks (abridged)
The Doctor Who OmnibusDoctor Who and the Space WarMalcolm HulkeBook Club Associates1977
Doctor Who and the Web of FearTerrance Dicks
Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen
The Adventures of Doctor WhoDoctor Who and the Genesis of the DaleksTerrance DicksNelson DoubledayOctober 1979
Doctor Who and the Revenge of the Cybermen
Doctor Who and the Loch Ness Monster
Dalek OmnibusThe Dalek Invasion of EarthTerrance DicksW. H. Allen23 June 1983
The Planet of the Daleks
The Day of the Daleks
The Further Adventures of Doctor WhoDoctor Who and the Deadly AssassinTerrance DicksNelson DoubledayJanuary 1986
Doctor Who and the Face of Evil
Doctor Who and the Robots of Death
Remembrance of the Daleks/Prisoner of the DaleksRemembrance of the DaleksBen AaronovitchBBC Books15 July 2016[151]
Prisoner of the Daleks (New Series Adventure)Trevor Baxendale
The Essential Terrance Dicks Vol. 1Doctor Who and the Dalek Invasion of EarthTerrance DicksBBC Books26 August 2021[152]
Doctor Who and the Abominable Snowmen
Doctor Who – The Wheel in Space
Doctor Who and the Auton Invasion
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks
The Essential Terrance Dicks Vol. 2Doctor Who and the Genesis of the DaleksTerrance DicksBBC Books26 August 2021[152]
Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars
Doctor Who and the Talons of Weng-Chiang
Doctor Who and the Horror of Fang Rock
Doctor Who – The Five Doctors

In 1988–1989, W. H. Allen's Star imprint published a number of the Target novelisations in a format of two novelisations in one book in a range titled Doctor Who Classics. These were produced by fixing together two Target books with a new front page and outer cover. The pairings were:

More information Title 1, Author ...
Title 1AuthorTitle 2AuthorPublished
The Dalek Invasion of EarthTerrance DicksThe CrusadeDavid WhitakerAugust 1988
The GunfightersDonald CottonThe Myth MakersDonald CottonAugust 1988
The DominatorsIan MarterThe KrotonsTerrance DicksSeptember 1988
The Mind of EvilTerrance DicksThe Claws of AxosTerrance DicksMarch 1989
The DæmonsBarry LettsThe Time MonsterTerrance DicksMarch 1989
The Seeds of DoomPhilip HinchliffeThe Deadly AssassinTerrance DicksMay 1989
The Face of EvilTerrance DicksThe Sun MakersTerrance DicksMay 1989

Spin-off novelisations


The Companions of Doctor Who

The Companions of Doctor Who was a series of original full-length novels, the first original novels based on Doctor Who. The books were based on characters who had appeared in the television series as the Doctor's companions, and explored their lives after leaving the Doctor's company.

The first two books were Turlough and the Earthlink Dilemma by Tony Attwood, based upon the character played by Mark Strickson in the early 1980s, and Harry Sullivan's War, written by Ian Marter, who had played Harry Sullivan in the series a decade earlier. These books sold well, but after a third attempt (a novelisation of the 1981 Doctor Who spin-off, K-9 and Company) the series ended due sale not matching the same level as Doctor Who novelisations.[153] Other novels would have featured Tegan, Sarah Jane Smith, Victoria, Jamie McCrimmon, UNIT, and a sequel to Harry Sullivan's War.[153]

More information Book title, Author ...
Book title Author Paperback
release date
release date
Turlough and the Earthlink DilemmaTony Attwood15 May 1986
Harry Sullivan's WarIan Marter16 October 19865 December 2024[154]
K-9 and CompanyTerence Dudley15 October 19873 December 2015

The Sarah Jane Adventures

Beginning in 2007, Penguin Books under its Penguin Character Books imprint began publishing novelisations based upon the spinoff series The Sarah Jane Adventures.

More information No., Title ...
1Invasion of the BaneTerrance Dicks1 November 2007Penguin Character Books
2Revenge of the SlitheenRupert Laight1 November 2007Penguin
3Eye of the GorgonPhil Ford1 November 2007Penguin
4Warriors of KudlakGary Russell1 November 2007Penguin
5Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?Rupert Laight3 November 2008Penguin
6The Lost BoyGary Russell3 November 2008Penguin
7The Last SontaranPhil Ford6 November 2008Penguin
8The Day of the ClownPhil Ford5 November 2008Penguin
9The Wedding of Sarah Jane SmithGareth Roberts5 November 2009Penguin
Judoon Afternoon[155]Trevor BaxendaleSeptember 2010Pearson Education
The Haunted House[156]Trevor BaxendaleSeptember 2010Pearson Education
Painting Peril[157]Trevor BaxendaleSeptember 2010Pearson Education
Blathereen Dream[158]Trevor BaxendaleSeptember 2010Pearson Education
The Nightmare ManJoseph Lidster25 November 2010ePenguin (e-book)
Death of the DoctorGary Russell25 November 2010ePenguin (e-book)

Direct to video spinoffs

Novelisations of spin off productions that were released direct to video.

More information Novelisation title, Author ...
Novelisation title Author Original publisher Paperback
release date
release date
Shakedown[a]Terrance DicksDoctor Who BooksDecember 19955 May 2016
Downtime[b]Marc PlattDoctor Who BooksJanuary 1996
The Dæmons of Devil's End[c]Suzanne Barbieri, Debbie Bennett, Raven Dane, Jan Edwards, David J Howe, and Sam StoneTelos PublishingNovember 2017
Dæmos RisingDavid J. HoweTelos Publishing13 August 2019
Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor Philip MartinTelos PublishingNovember 2019
MindgameDavid J. HoweTelos PublishingAugust 2020
CyberonJames HornbyArcbeatle Press21 September 202021 September 2020
AutonDavid BlackBBVApril 202210 September 2024
Wartime[160]Stephen James WalkerTelos PublishingJanuary 2023
  1. Published as part of the Virgin New Adventures range.
  2. Published as part of the Virgin Missing Adventures range.
  3. Novelisation of the Reeltime drama The White Witch of Devil's End. Special edition titled Olive Hawthorne and the Dæmons of Devil's End.[159]

Audio spinoffs

More information Title, Author ...
Erimem - Return of the QueenClaire Bartlett4 January 2018Thebes PublishingAdaptation and expansion of the episode of the same name from Imagination Theatre's Kerides the Thinker radio series featuring Erimem
RepublicaMicah K. SpurlingJuly 2021BBVNovelisation of the BBV audio featuring "The Professor and Ace" written by Mark Gatiss.
Cyber-HuntCallum Phillpott3 September 2021BBVNovelisation of the BBV audio featuring "Fred" and the Cyberons written by Martin Peterson.
CybergeddonLupan Evezan3 September 2021BBVNovelisation of the BBV audio featuring the Cyberons written by Paul Ebbs.
The Rani Reaps the WhirlwindMicah K. SpurlingSeptember 2021BBVNovelisation of the BBV audio written by Pip and Jane Baker. An unabridged audiobook of this novelisation was released 26 November 2024.
The Root of All EvilPaul MountApril 2022BBVNovelisation of the BBV audio featuring the Krynoids written by Lance Parkin.
The ChoiceJames MulhollandApril 2022BBVNovelisation of the BBV audio featuring K9 written by Nigel Fairs. In this novelisation, the character of K9 has been changed to "B.E.S.", a bionic ferret.
The Minister of Chance[161]Dan Freeman30 June 2022Arcbeatle PressNovel of the Radio Static series.
Children of the Circus[162]Kenton Hall14 December 2023Oak Tree BooksNovelisation of the audio play that is a sequel to The Greatest Show in the Galaxy


Generally, Doctor Who stories that have been broadcast will be adapted into print, rather than vice versa. There have been three occasions where print media has been adapted for the screen or formed inspiration for television episodes.

The 1995 New Adventures novel Human Nature, written by Paul Cornell and featuring the Seventh Doctor, was adapted by the same author for the 2007 series of Doctor Who as a two part story with the episode titles "Human Nature" and "The Family of Blood", with David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor.

Steven Moffat based his 2007 episode "Blink" upon his 2005 short story, "What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow", originally published in Doctor Who Annual 2006.

Gareth Roberts reused his concept from a 2006 Doctor Who Magazine comic strip story as the basis for an episode of the same name "The Lodger", which was transmitted as part of Series 5 (2010), featuring Matt Smith.

See also



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