Motor Brigade (7th Armoured Division), dug in about 3.7 mi (6 km) south-east of Bir Hakeim. The 15th Panzer Division engaged the 4th Armoured Brigade, which
dug in south-east of Bir el Haiad but the panzers were between them and Sidi Rezegh. By dusk on 21 November, the 4th Armoured Brigade was 8 mi (13 km) south-east
afterwards, the Australian Mounted Division's 4th and 12th light horse regiments (4th Light Horse Brigade) conducted a mounted infantry charge with bayonets
The Action at Bir el Gubi (November 1941) (Arabic: بئر الغبي, romanized: Biʾr al-Ġubbiyy, lit. 'Well of the Depressed Terrain') took place on 19 November
the 4th Armoured Brigade were to occupy Hill 176, west of Trigh Bir Hakeim, then attack the Ariete and force it to withdraw. The 2nd Armoured Brigade was