EGE2Tv, named Ivolga 3.0, with increased to 160 km/h max speed and meant for traveling longer distances. Whilst still utilizing the 2.0 exterior, the interior
Св Су У Ъ Я E Л ЛВ О П СО Т Ф Фл ФД Х Хм Ц Ч Ш Щ Ы Э Ѵ Ѳ 9П "Рак" Ь 2-3-2В 2-3-2К 23-001 АА20 TП1-1 B5 "Друг" ЛК ОР21 ОР23 П34 П38 Та Тб TЭ Я-01 Foreign
there was only one train of such a model. The next modified trains, 81-540.2К/81-714.5М, made by Wagonmash (St. Peterburg) and Metrowagonmash, are another
RA1 can be operated singly and in the system of many units (in pairs with 2-3 sections) both. The family PA1 is represented by six models. The body, the