1964 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations

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During the Parade of Nations portion of the 1964 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena, preceded by their flag. The flag was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country. Although the Games were held in Japan, English was used to organize the Parade of Nations instead of Japanese. Had the parade followed the Japanese characters, Greece would have been followed by Iceland, and Rhodesia would have been the penultimate country before Japan. The Japanese language order would not be introduced until 2020 when the country hosted the games for the fourth time.[1][2]


More information Order, Nation ...
Order Nation Japanese name Roman transliteration Flag bearer Sport
1 Greece (GRE)ギリシャGirishaGeorgios MarsellosAthletics
2 Afghanistan (AFG)アフガニスタンAfuganisutanMohammad Ebrahim KhedriWrestling
3 Algeria (ALG)アルジェリアArujeriaMohamed LazhariGymnastics
4 Argentina (ARG)アルゼンチンAruzenchinJeannette CampbellSwimming
5 Australia (AUS)オーストラリアŌsutorariaIvan LundFencing
6 Austria (AUT)オーストリアŌsutoriaHubert HammererShooting
7 Bahamas (BAH)バハマBahamaTBCTBC
8 Belgium (BEL)ベルギーBerugīGaston RoelantsAthletics
9 Bermuda (BER)バミューダBamyūdaWhitfield HaywardPresident of the Bermuda Olympic Association
10 Bolivia (BOL)ボリビアBoribiaFernando InchausteCanoeing
11 Brazil (BRA)ブラジルBurajiruWlamir MarquesBasketball
12 Guyana (GUY)イギリス領ギアナIgirisu-ryō GianaDr. Joe Allí-ShawGuyana Olympic Association Official
13 Bulgaria (BUL)ブルガリアBurugariaEnyu ValchevWrestling
14 Burma (BIR)ビルマBirumaTBCTBC
15 Cambodia (CAM)カンボジアKambojiaTBCTBC
16 Cameroon (CMR)カメルーンKamerūnDavid NjitockMen's 100 metres
17 Canada (CAN)カナダKanadaGil BoaShooting
18 Ceylon (CEY)セイロンSeironRavi JayewardeneShooting
19 Chad (CHA)チャドChadoTBCTBC
20 Chile (CHI)チリChiriAquiles GloffkaFencing
21 Colombia (COL)コロンビアKoronbiaEmilio EcheverryFencing
22 Republic of the Congo (CGO)コンゴKongoTBCTBC
23 Costa Rica (CRC)コスタリカKosutarikaTBCTBC
24 Cuba (CUB)キューバKyūbaErnesto VaronaWeightlifting
25 Czechoslovakia (TCH)チェコスロバキアChekosurobakiaKarel KlečkaGymnastics
26 Denmark (DEN)デンマークDenmākuHenning WindSailing
27 Dominican Republic (DOM)ドミニカ共和国Dominika KyōwakokuAlberto TorresAthletics
28 Ethiopia (ETH)エチオピアEchiopiyaAbebe BikilaAthletics
29 Finland (FIN)フィンランドFinrandoEugen EkmanGymnastics
30 France (FRA)フランスFuransuMichel MacquetAthletics
31 United Team of Germany (EUA)ドイツDoitsuIngrid Engel-KrämerDiving
32 Ghana (GHA)ガーナGānaTBCTBC
33 Great Britain (GBR)イギリスIgirisuAnita LonsbroughSwimming
34 Hong Kong (HKG)香港HonkonTBCTBC
35 Hungary (HUN)ハンガリーHangarīGergely KulcsárAthletics
36 Iceland (ISL)アイスランドAisurandoValbjörn ÞorlákssonAthletics
37 India (IND)インドIndoGurbachan Singh RandhawaAthletics
38 Iran (IRI)イランIranNosratollah ShahmirOlympic Committee Official
39 Iraq (IRQ)イラクIrakuTBCTBC
40 Ireland (IRL)アイルランドAirurandoJohn LawlorAthletics
41 Israel (ISR)イスラエルIsuraeruGideon ArielAthletics
42 Italy (ITA)イタリアItariaGiuseppe DelfinoFencing
43 Ivory Coast (CIV)コートジボワールKōto JibowāruTBCTBC
44 Jamaica (JAM)ジャマイカJamaikaTBCTBC
45 Kenya (KEN)ケニアKeniaKip Keino[3]Athletics
46 South Korea (KOR)韓国KankokuTBCTBC
47 Lebanon (LIB)レバノンRebanonTBCTBC
48 Liberia (LBR)リベリアRiberiaWesley Momo JohnsonAthletics
49 Libya (LBA)リビアRibia
50 Liechtenstein (LIE)リヒテンシュタインRihitenshutainAlois BüchelAthletics
51 Luxembourg (LUX)ルクセンブルクRukusenburuguJosy Stoffel[3]Gymnastics
52 Madagascar (MAD)マダガスカルMadagasukaruTBCTBC
53 Malaysia (MAS)マレーシアMarēshiaKuda DittaAthletics
54 Mali (MLI)マリMariTBCTBC
55 Mexico (MEX)メキシコMekishikoFidel NegreteAthletics
56 Monaco (MON)モナコMonakoJoseph AssoOfficial
57 Mongolia (MGL)モンゴルMongoruCh. NaydanOfficial
58 Morocco (MAR)モロッコMorokkoTBCTBC
59 Nepal (NEP)ネパールNepāruRam Prasad Gurung[3]Boxing
60 Netherlands (NED)オランダOrandaAnton GeesinkJudo
61 Netherlands Antilles (AHO)オランダ領アンティルOranda-ryō AntiruTBCTBC
62 New Zealand (NZL)ニュージーランドNyūjīrandoPeter SnellAthletics
63 Niger (NIG)ニジェールNijēruIssake DaboreBoxing
64 Nigeria (NGR)ナイジェリアNaijeriaTBCTBC
65 Northern Rhodesia (NRH)北ローデシアKita-RōdeshiaTrevor HaynesAthletics
66 Norway (NOR)ノルウェーNoruwēCrown Prince HaraldSailing
67 Pakistan (PAK)パキスタンPakisutanManzoor Hussain AtifField hockey
68 Panama (PAN)パナマPanamaLorraine DunnAthletics
69 Peru (PER)ペルーPerūTBCTBC
70 Philippines (PHI)フィリピンFiripinManfredo AlipalaBoxing
71 Poland (POL)ポーランドPōrandoWaldemar BaszanowskiWeightlifting
72 Portugal (POR)ポルトガルPorutogaruFernando MatosJudo
73 Puerto Rico (PUR)プエルトリコPuertorikoRolando CruzAthletics
74 Rhodesia (RHO)ローデシアRōdeshiaLloyd KochField hockey
75 Romania (ROU)ルーマニアRūmaniaAurel VernescuCanoeing
76 Senegal (SEN)セネガルSenegaruTBCTBC
77 Spain (ESP)スペインSupeinEduardo DualdeField hockey
78 Sweden (SWE)スウェーデンSuwēdenWilliam HamiltonEquestrian
79 Switzerland (SUI)スイスSuisuPeter Laeng
80Taiwan Taiwan (TWN)中華民国Chūka MinkokuYang Chuan-kwangAthletics
81 Tanzania (TAN)タンガニーカTanganīkaTBCTBC
82 Thailand (THA)タイTaiKatesepsawasdi BhakdikulAthletics
83 Trinidad and Tobago (TRI)トリニダード・トバゴTorinidādo TobagoWendell MottleyAthletics
84 Tunisia (TUN)チュニジアChunijiaSlaheddine BalyOfficial
85 Turkey (TUR)トルコTorukoÇetin ŞahinerAthletics
86 Uganda (UGA)ウガンダUgandaTBCTBC
87 Egypt (EGY)アラブ連合共和国Arabu Rengō KyōwakokuTBCTBC
88 Uruguay (URU)ウルグアイUruguai
89 United States (USA)アメリカAmerikaParry O’BrienAthletics
90 Soviet Union (URS)ソビエトSobietoYury VlasovWeightlifting
91 Venezuela (VEN)ベネズエラBenezueraTéodoro CaprilesSwimming
92 Vietnam (VIE)ベトナムBetonamuTBCTBC
93 Yugoslavia (YUG)ユーゴスラビアYūgosurabiaMiroslav CerarGymnastics
94 Japan (JPN)日本NihonMakoto FukuiSwimming

See also


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