1914 Ottoman census

Census of the Ottoman Empire From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1914 Ottoman census

The 1914 Ottoman census was published as the Memalik-i Osmaniyyenin 1330 Senesi Nütus Istatistiki.[a][1] The statistics were prepared by using the figures from the 1905–06 census of the Ottoman Empire.[clarification needed][sentence fragment].[1]

1914, Muslim, Greek and Armenian population.

The 1914 census data reflected major changes in the territorial boundaries and administrative divisions of the Ottoman state.[2] The 1914 Ottoman general election provided a significant source of population data. The Empire's total population in the census was recorded as 18,520,015.[2] The grand total for 1914 showed a "net gain" of 1,131,454 people from the 1905-06 Ottoman census survey. The data reflected the loss of territory and population in Europe due to the Balkan Wars, as the total net gain within the Ottoman state’s population was 3,496,068.[2]

The census underestimated non-Muslim populations.[3][4] For example, in Diyarbekir, the Armenian population was reported at 73,226 in the 1914 Ottoman census, but in September 1915, Reshid Bey announced that he had deported 120,000 Armenians from the province.[5][6]

Census data

More information Vilayet, Muslims ...
VilayetMuslimsGreek OrthodoxArmenian OrthodoxJewsGreek CatholicsArmenian CatholicsProtestantsLatinsSyriacsChaldeansJacobitesMaronitesSamariansNestoriansYazidisGypsiesDruzeCossacksSerbsWallachiansTotal
Çatalca120,04836,7978421,480--- ?59,756
Edirne360,417224,45919,72522,5152148115 ?631,094
Constantinople560,434205,37572,96252,1263879,9181,2132,905 ?909,978
Adana341,9038,53750,139664372,5115,036 ?411,023
Ankara877,28520,22644,5071,026147,0692,381 ?953,817
Antalya1235,76212,385630250--- ?249,686
Aydın1,249,067299,09619,39535,0411892479 ?1,608,742
Bitlis309,999-114,704--2,7881,640 ?437,479
Bolu1399,2815,1462,96120592 ?408,648
Canik1265,95098,73927,05827-2611,257 ?393,302
Diyarbekir492,1011,82255,8902,0851139,9607,376 ?619,825
Erzurum673,2974,859125,6571058,7202,241 ?815,432
Eskişehir1140,5782,6138,276728-316215 ?152,726
İçil1102,0342,500341107-- ?105,194
İzmit1226,85940,04855,403428-4491,937 ?325,153
Kale-i Sultaniye1149,9038,5412,4743,6429-67 ?165,815
Karahisar-i Sahip1277,6596327,4377-29 ?285,820
Karesi1359,80497,4978,544362-10951 ?472,970
Kastamonu737,30220,9588,9598--- ?767,227
Kayseri1184,29226,59048,659--1,5152,018 ?263,074
Konya750,71225,07112,971479-254 ?789,308
Kütahya1303,3488,7553,910--638- ?316,894
Mamuret-ül-Aziz446,37997176,070--3,7518,043 ?538,227
Maraş1152,6451127,842251234,4806,111 ?192,555
Menteşe1188,91619,923121,615--- ?210,874
Niğde1227,10058,3124,890--45769 ?291,117
Sivas939,73575,324143,406344-3,6934,575 ?1,169,443
Trabzon921,128161,57437,5498-1,3501,338 ?1,122,947
Urfa1149,384215,161-8651,5571,652 ?170,988
Van Vilayet179,380167,7921,383--- ?259,141
Beyrut648,31487,2441,18815,05224,2102773,823 ?824,873
Halep576,32013,77235,10412,1938,1825,7398,643 ?667,790
Kudüs-i Şerif266,04426,0351,31021,2591,086-1,733 ?328,168
Suriye791,58260,97841310,14027,6622471,873 ?918,409
Zor165,77018672272151 ?66,294

As a result of the substantial territorial losses in Europe suffered during the Balkan Wars, the total population of the Empire fell to 18,520,016, of whom an even larger percentage than before, 15,044,846, were counted as Muslim, with 1,729,738 as Greek Orthodox, 1,161,169 as Armenian Gregorian, 187,073 as Jewish, 68,838 as Armenian Catholic, 65,844 as Protestant, and 62,468 as Greek Catholic. No separate figures were given for Franks.[7]

The capital, Constantinople (Istanbul) was an important location due to expulsions from Balkan Wars. According to the 1914 census, its population increased slightly, to 909,978, excluding Franks, with 560,434 Muslims, 205,375 Greek Orthodox, 72,963 Armenian Gregorian, 52,126 Jews, 9,918 Armenian Catholics, 2,905 Roman Catholics, 1,213 Protestants, and 387 Greek Catholics.[7]

1 Sanjak


  1. Population statistics of the Ottoman state in the year 1914 in Istanbul, 1919


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