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Bennett Pang
talk show produced by Television Broadcasts Limited. Bennett Pang Kin-San "《都市閒情》 - 魚樂 "健" 康 "新"一派". Hong Kong: Television Broadcast Limited. 2014. Archived
Sheren Tang
Sheren Tang
萬千星輝賀台慶 Nominee/Recipient 2004 峇里加倍開心之旅 Host 旅創新感受 翡翠實力派 Pleasure & Leisure 都市閒情 Super Trio Series (Series 7) 繼續無敵獎門人 TVB 37th Anniversary Gala 萬千星輝賀台慶 Nominee/Recipient
St Stephen's College (Hong Kong)
St Stephen's College (Hong Kong)
Documentary, 2010) (《保育好風光》) (RoadShow Documentary, 2012) Pleasure & Leisure (《都市閒情》) (TVB Show, 2013) Hong Kong Stories (《香港故事 - 百年樹人》(Episode 24 of Hong Kong