Sexagenary cycleyǐchǒu (乙丑) combines the second stem with the second branch. This pattern continues until both cycles conclude simultaneously with guǐhài (癸亥), after
Chinese calendar correspondence tablerénzǐ (壬子) Water Rat 2032 121 0712-1019 4729 February 11 50 10,2 guǐchǒu (癸丑) Water Ox 2033 122 0712-1020 4730 January 31 51 1,3 jiǎyín (甲寅) Wood Tiger
Sima Yangvol.05. Vol.90 of Zizhi Tongjian recorded the same death date. ([太兴元年]三月,癸丑,愍帝凶问至建康,...丙辰,王即皇帝位,....) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.90. Per the Book of Jin (in
Tai SuiTài-Suì 丘德大將軍 Qiū Dé Dà-Jiāng-Jūn Yang Water Rat 52 9 2032 50 陰 Yin 癸 丑 (Ox) 癸丑太歲 Guǐ-Chǒu Tài-Suì 朱得大將軍 Zhū Dé Dà-Jiāng-Jūn Yin Water Ox 53 8 2033 51
Chinese calendar建丑月辛亥[1],…。己未[9],…。乙亥[25],…。[初一辛亥,初三小寒,十八大寒] 宝应元年建寅月甲申[4],…。乙酉[5],…。丙戌[3],…。甲辰[24],…。戊申[28],…。[初一辛巳,初三立春,十八雨水] 建卯月辛亥[1],…。壬子[2],…。癸丑[3],…。乙丑