何官錠 3:32 8. "一個人也好" (It is Fine To Be Alone (Qiu Wang Zi's solo song)) 游政豪游政豪 3:33 9. "笑自己" (Laugh At Yourself (Liao Xiao Jie's solo song)) 廖俊傑(小傑)(Liao
Album Nature Compose part Release date Kaia Lee 《口語化》 《開放世界》 And Roger Yo游政豪、Kaia Lee李佳歡co-creation Music 2019.11.08 Jess Lee 《追心者》 《痛快》 AndOliver Kim、吳易緯co-creation
(愛著愛著就永遠) Jennifer Hsu (徐世珍), Wu Huifu (吳輝福) Alex Chang Jien (張簡君偉) Roger Yo (游政豪), Fan Zhezhong (樊哲忠) 4:26 10. "Temperature of Pocket" (口袋的溫暖) Chang Zheng