Grand Secretary of the Wenhua Hall (文華殿大學士): named after the Wenhua Hall. Grand Secretary of the Wuying Hall (武英殿大學士): named after the Wuying Hall. Grand
Secretary in the Tiren Library (體仁閣) from 1881 to 1884 and the Wuying Hall (武英殿) from 1884 to 1885, Changning's great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson
(《禮記·祭統》); annotated by Zheng. Wuying Hall's Thirty Classics Annotated and Clarified version (《武英殿十三經注疏》本). vol. 23, p. 124 of 140. quote: (周既去鎬京猶名王城為宗周也)
Qian Haiyue (錢海岳). History of Southern Ming, Volume 1:〔崇禎十七年五月〕壬寅,王即皇帝位於武英殿。詔曰:『……以其明年為弘光元年,與民更始,大赦天下。……』 "小史 使用了二百多年的年號-崇禎". 15 September 2009. Archived
Even as late as 1733, a 2300-volume Wuying Palace Collected Gems Edition (《武英殿聚珍版叢書》) was printed with 253,500 wooden movable types on order of the Qianlong