Grand Secretary of the Wenhua Hall (文華殿大學士): named after the Wenhua Hall. Grand Secretary of the Wuying Hall (武英殿大學士): named after the Wuying Hall. Grand
Secretary in the Tiren Library (體仁閣) from 1881 to 1884 and the Wuying Hall (武英殿) from 1884 to 1885, Changning's great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson
the midst of this upheaval, Dorgon installed himself in the Wuying Palace (武英殿), the only building that remained more or less intact after Li Zicheng had
Qian Haiyue (錢海岳). History of Southern Ming, Volume 1:〔崇禎十七年五月〕壬寅,王即皇帝位於武英殿。詔曰:『……以其明年為弘光元年,與民更始,大赦天下。……』 "小史 使用了二百多年的年號-崇禎". 15 September 2009. Archived
Twenty-Four Histories (24 Shi), abbreviated as the Wu Yingdian edition (武英殿本) Qing dynasty, in the time of the Tongzhi Emperor (1856–1875) Jinling Publishing