"Ancient Ghost Sword") is adapted from the tale Chin Sheng-se (金生色). Jamie Weng as Chin Sheng-se (金生色) Chiang Shu-na as Siao Wen (小雯) Elizabeth Lee as Mu Yue-chin
斤海蚵一元人民幣、所得生蚵販賣後紅利平分,受僱至小金門檳榔嶼採蚵,大陸漁民被捕後喊冤不知越界違法、央求海巡人員輕饒。 Li Chin-Sheng 李金生 (21 June 2019). 大陸走私帶殼牡蠣 金門當「中途島」赴台. China Times (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved
worked on the complete film). The short was starred by actor Liao Chin-sheng (廖金生), actress Tseng Yu-chun (曾玉春) and others. His goal was to raise USD 7 million