嵯峨本『伊勢物語』 (in Japanese). Printing Museum, Tokyo. Archived from the original on 29 September 2022. Retrieved 8 May 2023. Kazuo Mori (25 May 2017). 嵯峨本と角倉素庵。
嵯峨本『伊勢物語』 (in Japanese). Printing Museum, Tokyo. Archived from the original on 29 September 2022. Retrieved 8 May 2023. Kazuo Mori (25 May 2017). 嵯峨本と角倉素庵。
嵯峨本『伊勢物語』 (in Japanese). Printing Museum, Tokyo. Archived from the original on 29 September 2022. Retrieved 8 May 2023. Kazuo Mori (25 May 2017). 嵯峨本と角倉素庵。
skills of the famous craftsman Hon'ami Kōetsu (本阿弥光悦, 1558–1637) and his disciples. Called Sagabon (嵯峨本, Saga books), these are widely considered the most