judgment defaulter (Chinese: 失信被执行人) or court defaulters, commonly known as laolai (Chinese: 老赖) or untrustworthy person (Chinese: 失信人), is defined as a person
2018, Li was added to the List of Dishonest Judgment Debtors (Chinese: 失信被执行人名单) by the local court of Jingmen. According to the press release, Li defaulted
2023-02-28. "丝芭传媒:黄婷婷被纳入失信被执行人名单". 界面新闻. 2023-02-28. Archived from the original on 2023-03-09. Retrieved 2023-02-28. "黄婷婷回应被纳入失信被执行人名单:尊重司法判决". 新浪娱乐. 2023-02-28