Liu Zhang (warlord)(兴平元年,痈疽发背而卒。州大吏赵韪等贪璋温仁,共上璋为益州刺史 ,诏书因以为监军使者,领益州牧,以韪为征东中郎将,率众击刘表。) Sanguozhi vol.31, Pei Songzhi annotation. (英雄記曰:焉死,子璋代為刺史 。會長安拜潁川扈瑁為刺史 ,入漢中。荊州別駕劉闔,璋將沈彌、婁發、甘寧反,擊璋不勝,走入荊州。)
Yellow Turban RebellionHouhanshu vol. 8. (廣陽黃巾殺幽州刺史 郭勳及太守劉衛。) Houhanshu vol. 8. (靈帝末,黃巾起,州郡各舉義兵,先主率其屬從校尉鄒靖討黃巾賊有功,除安喜尉。) Sanguozhi vol. 32. (中平元年,黃巾賊起,特選拜豫州刺史 。 ...
Zhao Ang population began to suffer. Zhao Ang's superior, Wei Kang, the Inspector (刺史 ) of Liang Province, took pity on the plight of the people and planned to start
Gongsun Zanknown to be virtuous and kind. He served as Inspector of You Province (幽州刺史 ) and had good relations with the foreigners. Therefore, the Han government
Liu Qiao (Jin dynasty) (朝廷以屯騎校尉劉喬爲豫州刺史 ,寧朔將軍沛國劉弘爲荊州刺史 ... 於是劉喬屯汝南... 昌遣其將黃林帥二萬人向豫州,劉喬擊卻之。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.85 (...劉喬遣其將李楊等向江夏。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.85 (越承制以豫州刺史 劉喬爲冀州刺史 ,以范陽王虓領豫州刺史