of 1866, known in Korea as the Byeong-in Persecution (Korean: 병인박해; Hanja: 丙寅迫害), refers to the large-scale persecution of Catholics that took place in
([嘉平三年]秋八月戊寅,崩于京师,时年七十三。) Jin Shu, vol.01 ([正元二年]闰月疾笃,使文帝总统诸军。辛亥,崩于许昌,时年四十八。) Jin Shu, vol.02 ([咸熙二年]秋八月辛卯,帝崩于露寝,时年五十五。) Jin Shu, vol.02 ([泰始元年十二月]丙寅,王卽皇帝位,大赦,改元。)
Synoptical astrology Tai Sui Tai Yi Shen Shu Traditional Chinese star names 何丙郁 (2003). Chinese mathematical astrology : reaching out to the stars. Routledge