Neptune in Sailor Moon and Tsunade in Naruto. Albums Ame ha suki desu ka (雨は好きですか) Character albums and songs Sayonara no Daimeshi (さよならの代名詞) (Yoroiden
add a handakuten marker ( ゜) changing the h (f) to a p. For example, は (ha) becomes ぱ (pa). A small version of the hiragana for ya, yu, or yo (ゃ, ゅ or ょ
なれꜜば(鳴れば) おこなえꜜば(行えば) For accented verbs, no accent shift occurs: いꜜれば(射れば) しらべꜜれば(調べれば) しんずꜜれば(信ずれば) なꜜれば(成れば) かꜜえれば(帰れば) ならꜜえば(習えば) てつだꜜえば(手伝えば) For the spoken
transcribe sounds: for example, the syllable [ɕi] (し) is written as shi and [tɕa] (ちゃ) is written as cha, reflecting their spellings in English (compare to si and