List of current equipment of the Chilean Army

Equipment of the Chilean Army From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is a list of equipment of the Chilean Army currently in use. It includes firearms, indirect fire weapons, military vehicles, aircraft and watercraft.




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FAMAE FN-750  Czech Republic /  Chile Semi-automatic pistol 9×19 mm Pistol is a clone of the CZ 75 produced locally by FAMAE and used by the Chilean Army.[1]
CZ P-07  Czech Republic
Taurus PT809  Brazil
Glock 17  Austria
Beretta Px4 Storm[2]  Italy Used by the Lautaro Special Operations Brigade (BOE).[3]

Battle / assault rifles

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SIG SG 510-4 FAMAE[4]   Switzerland /  Chile Battle rifle 7.62×51 mm Manufactured locally by FAMAE.[5]

As of 2014 they began to be progressively replaced by the IWI Galil ACE co-produced by FAMAE.[6]

IMI Galil[4]  Israel Assault rifle 5.56×45 mm
SIG SG 540/540-1 FAMAE[4][7]   Switzerland /  Chile Assault rifle 5.56×45mm Locally manufactured by FAMAE since 1991.[7]

As of 2014 they began to be progressively replaced by the IWI Galil ACE co-produced by FAMAE.[6]

SIG SG 542/542-1 FAMAE[4] Battle Rifle 7.62×51mm
SIG SG 543/543-1 FAMAE[4][8] Assault rifle 5.56×45mm Manufactured locally by FAMAE.[4]
Colt M-4 Panther[3][4]  United States Assault rifle 5.56×45mm Used by the BOE.[3] It is a special operations optimized rifle model (SOPMOD).[9]

As of 2021 they began to be gradually replaced by the IWI ARAD, after more than a decade of service.[10]

SIG SG 556   Switzerland Assault rifle 5.56×45mm A smaller number acquired in the 2000s.[5]
Heckler & Koch G36[4]  Germany Assault rifle 5.56×45mm
IWI Galil ACE 22 NC  Israel /
Assault rifle 5.56×45mm Standard army rifle co-produced at FAMAE from 2015.[11]
IWI ARAD  Israel Assault rifle 5.56×45mm Acquired by the BOE around 2021.[10]

Sniper rifles

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Barrett M82A1 United States US Anti-materiel sniper rifle 12.7×99 mm Used by the BOE.[3]
SIG Sauer SSG 3000[12] Switzerland CH Sniper rifle 7.62×51 mm
PGM 338 France FR Sniper rifle 8.6×70 mm Used by the BOE.[13]
APR 338 Switzerland CH Sniper rifle 8.6×70mm Used by the BOE.[13]
MARS-H United States US Sniper rifle 7.62×51mm Acquired by the BOE in 2021.[14]

Submachine guns

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Taurus SM-12[4] Brazil BR Submachine gun 9×19 mm
Heckler & Koch MP5 Germany DE Submachine gun 9×19mm Used by the BOE.[3]
Ingram MAC-10[4][15] United States US Submachine gun 9×19mm
FN P90[4] Belgium BE Submachine gun 5.7×28 mm
SAF-FAMAE[4] Chile CL Submachine gun 9×19mm Submachine guns produced and manufactured by FAMAE.[4]

Machine guns

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Browning M2[16] United States US Heavy machine gun 12.7×99 mm Machine gun used in the Chilean Army since 1943.[16] Currently used in M109 howitzers, M113 armored personnel carriers, Mowag Piranha 6x6 and 8x8 armoured fighting vehicles, HMMWV 4x4 vehicles, among others.[16]
MG 1/MG 3[4] Germany DE General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51 mm The Chilean Army was one of the first operators of the machine gun. Used as an infantry weapon, and also as a coaxial weapon on Leopard 2A4 tanks and Marder 1A3 infantry fighting vehicles.[16]
FN MP3 Belgium BE Heavy machine gun 12.7×99mm Machine guns pods on MD-530F helicopters of the Chilean Army Aviation Brigade (BAVE).[17]
FN MAG Belgium BE General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm Used as a coaxial weapon on Leopard 1V tanks.[18]
FN M3M (GAU-21) Belgium BE / United States US Heavy machine gun 12.7×99mm Machine guns mounted on helicopters AS532 Cougar of the BAVE.[19]
FN MAG 58M (FN LPH) Belgium BE General-purpose machine gun 7.62×51mm
FN Minimi[3][4] Belgium BE Light machine gun 5.56×45 mm
The procurement process for this machine gun began in the 2010s.[20] It can be mounted on HMMWV 4x4 vehicles.[21]
M249 Belgium BE / United States US Light machine gun 5.56×45mm


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Meriva Standard Pump Philippines PH Riot shotgun 12 bore Acquired by the Chilean Army Logistics Division in 2020.[22]
Armsel Striker South Africa SA Combat shotgun 12 bore Used by the BOE.[13]

Grenade launchers

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Mk 19 United States US Automatic grenade launcher 40×53 mm Mounted on HMMWV 4x4 vehicles, M113 armored personnel carriers and Mowag Piranha 6x6 and 8x8 armoured fighting vehicles.[21][23][24][25]
Milkor MGL South Africa SA Revolver grenade launcher 40×51 mm
M203 United States US Coupled grenade launcher 40×46 mm
IWI GL 40 Israel IL Coupled grenade launcher 40×46 mm It is used in Galil ACE 22 NC and IWI Arad rifles.[26]
CIS 40 AGL MK-10 Singapore SG Automatic grenade launcher 40x53 mm Automatic grenade launchers acquired in 2014.[27]

Indirect fire weapons


Anti-material weapons

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M40A1 United States US / Spain ES Recoilless rifle 106 mm Thumb There are a significant number of M40A1s built in the 1970s by the company Santa Bárbara Sistemas, and modernized over a decade ago. They are used from M249 Storm 4X4 vehicles.[28] 213 M40A1s as of 2016.[29]
Carl Gustaf M3 Sweden SE Man-portable recoilless rifle 84 mm Thumb Version in service more than 10 years ago.[30]
M72 LAW[31] United States US Rocket-propelled grenade 66 mm Thumb
AT4[31] Sweden SE Disposable anti-tank launcher 84 mm Thumb
Spike LR
Spike ER
Israel IL Anti-tank guided missile 130 mm
170 mm
Thumb The Spike LR was acquired in 2006 and in 2014 began receiving the ER version. They are used from portable launchers and also from mounts on AIFV armoured vehicles and HMMWV 4x4 vehicles.[32] Total 2,200 Spike MR, Spike LR and Spike ER missiles.[33]


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Light mortar 60 mm Thumb The BOE uses a commando-type mortar of this caliber.[3]
M29[34] United States US Medium-weight mortar 81 mm Thumb
Israel IL Thumb The army uses mortars of this caliber from Soltam Systems and FAMAE.[35]
Chile CL
Soltam M-65 Israel IL Heavy mortar 120 mm Thumb Mortars acquired in the late 1970s. Can be towed by military vehicles such as the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U1300 4x4 truck.[36]
Chile CL Thumb Used as a mortar carrier on Mowag FAMAE Piranha 6x6 armoured fighting vehicles.[37]
Elbit TT6 Israel IL Used on M106A2 mortar carriers.[23]
Cardom[38] Israel IL Recoil mortar system Thumb

Air defense systems

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Mistral 1 France FR Short range air defense Thumb Air defense system acquired in 1997. They are mounted on Mercedes-Benz Unimog 1300 4x4 trucks and use EL/M-2106 NG tactical radars from Elta Systems.[39]


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M101 Thumb 105 mm/33 caliber Towed howitzer United States US 136 The NA M101/33 towed howitzer is the institution's oldest serving artillery model, purchased from the United States after World War II.[40] The army acquired 190 of these howitzers, of which 136 were modernized in the late 1990s, changing from a 22-caliber barrel to a 33-caliber one for greater range.[40][41]

They can use trucks like the Mercedes-Benz Unimog 4x4 to tow them.[42]

OTO Melara M-56/14 P Thumb 105 mm/14 caliber Mountain howitzer Italy IT < 53 59 M-56/14 P mountain howitzers acquired in 1963.[41][43]
Soltam M-71 Thumb 155 mm/39 caliber Towed howitzer Israel IL < 60 36 Soltam M-68s purchased in the 1970s and later upgraded to Soltam M-71 standard and 24 Soltam M-71 howitzers purchased in the 1980s.[41]

They use MAN 22-361 and Mercedes-Benz AK 2632 artillery tractor trucks, both 6x6.[4]


Self-propelled artillery

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M109A3 CL
M109A5 CL
Thumb 155 mm/39 caliber Self-propelled artillery United States US 48 The army has 48 units, of which 24 are M109A3s purchased second-hand in Switzerland in 2004 and another 24 used units are M109A5s acquired in the United States; 12 between 2013 and 2014, and the other 12 in 2015.[40]

Units purchased from the United States were upgraded prior to delivery and received upgrades such as the M284 cannon and its M182 mounting. The M109 has the M2 Browning machine gun as a secondary weapon.[44]


Rocket artillery

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LAR-160 Thumb 160 mm Multiple rocket launcher Israel IL 8 Acquired in the mid-1990s. They are mounted on Mercedes-Benz MB 2653 6x6 trucks and are armed with the 35 km Mark IV rocket, which is manufactured by FAMAE.[40] Its believed that 8 launching systems were sold to the Chilean Army in 2008.




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Leopard 1V Thumb 105 mm Main battle tank Germany DE < 200 In 1997, 200 second-hand tanks belonging to the Royal Netherlands Army were purchased. They arrived in Chile between 1999 and 2000.[18] In 2008, they began to be replaced by Leopard 2A4 tanks in the north of the country. Currently, there are only units in service in southern Chile.[45]

As main weapon it uses the L7A3 rifled gun, and as secondary weapons he mounts two FN MAG machine guns; having one of the machine guns anti-aircraft function.[18]

Leopard 2A4CHL Thumb 120 mm 186 In 2006, 140 second-hand tanks were purchased in Germany, with more units later. It is estimated a total of 186 tanks purchased by the army, which were destined for northern Chile.[46]

As main weapon it uses the L/44 smoothbore gun, and as secondary weapons it mounts two MG 3 machine guns; having one of the machine guns anti-aircraft function.[46]


Armoured infantry vehicles

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Thumb Armoured personnel carrier / utility United States US / Chile CL ≃ 408 60 M113A1s purchased in the 1970s. 128 second-hand M113A2s purchased in Italy in 1996. This was followed by a batch of 14 M113A2 Plus with dozer blades, minesweepers and polymer tube slingshot launchers with a recovery crane for engineers. 158 second-hand M113A2s purchased in the United States in 2003.[23]

The army has other versions of the M113. It has an anti-armor version, M106A2 mortar carrier and M577 command units. There are 48 M548 ammunition vehicles purchased from Canada, plus units from the United States and Italy. FAMAE converted 22 German M113s into ambulances and 8 M548s into fuel tankers.[23]

The M113s are armed with Browning M2 machine guns and Mk 19 grenade launchers. The anti-armor version is armed with the KBA-B cannon and the M106A2 with the Elbit TT6 mortar.[23]

M108 VBCL Thumb Armoured utility carrier United States US 21 They are units that serve for command and control.[47] (Former Belgian Army)
Mowag Piranha Thumb Armoured fighting vehicle / utility Switzerland CH / Chile CL ≃ 177 Some 200 6x6 units were built under license by Cardoen Industries and FAMAE in the 1980s. The army originally received the version armoured combat vehicle for troop transport (VTP), 120 mm mortar carrier vehicle, anti-aircraft vehicle with turreted Ramta TCM-20 and Elta/M 2106 anti-aircraft defense radar vehicle.[Note 1] Later, some units were transformed by FAMAE into ambulances, command post vehicles, armored anti-armor vehicles and minesweepers. Also, 22 8x8 units that were built under license by FAMAE in the 1990s.[24][25]

The Mowag 6x6 and 8x8 are armed with Browning M2 machine guns and Mk 19 grenade launchers. The anti-armor version is armed with the KBA-B cannon.[24][25]

The army has ceded 45 units to the Carabineros de Chile between 2018 and 2022.[48][49]

M1151A1 HMMWV[4]
M1165 HMMWV[50]
Thumb Armoured tactical vehicle United States US 565[51]

(includes M1097A2 variant)

The BOE uses the M1165 HMMWV 4x4 vehicle. They have a central mount for a Browning M2 HB machine gun or a Mk 19 grenade launcher, and also have a side mount in the passenger position and in the cargo area for an FN Minimi machine gun.[21][50]
Thumb Infantry fighting vehicle / utility United States US 169 139 AIFV-B vehicles belonging to the Belgian Army acquired in 2006. There is the personnel transport version with 12.7×99 mm machine guns, the version with tower and KBA-B02 cannon, the command version, the telecommunications version and the version with dozer blade. Some personnel carriers integrated the Spike LR missile. Later, YPR-765s were purchased in the Netherlands.[52]

It is estimated that the army has a total of 169 units between AIFV-B and YPR-765.[52]

Marder 1A3 Thumb Infantry fighting vehicle Germany DE 180 to 270 146 second-hand units purchased in Germany in 2008. Further purchases were made later, and the estimated total number reached 270 units. Through the Centurion project, 180 units were enabled.[24]

As its main weapon it has a Mk 20 Rh-202 cannon, and as a secondary weapon an MG 3 coaxial machine gun.[24]


Light utility vehicles

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Toyota FJ45 Thumb Sport utility vehicle Japan JP N/A 4x4 vehicles that by 2020 are few in service and are used as telecommunications vehicles.[4]
M240 Storm I[4][47] Thumb Off-road utility vehicle Israel IL N/A These 4x4 vehicles are also used to mount the M40A1 recoilless rifles.[47]
Land Rover Defender 90 / 110 / 130[53] Thumb Off-road utility vehicle United Kingdom UK / Chile CL N/A These 4x4 vehicles use Spanish Arpa trailers.[4]
Land Rover Defender Toqui A-2[4][47][54] N/A These 4x4 vehicles were built in Chile for long-range reconnaissance missions.[4]
Honda XR250 Tornado[55] Thumb Off-road motorcycle Japan JP N/A
M1097A2 HMMWV Thumb Light utility vehicle United States US N/A At the end of 2005 the first 4x4 vehicles of this variant were received. There are them for exploration and reconnaissance missions, transport of troops, command and communications, among others. There is also a Spike ER missile launcher version.[50]
Honda CB250 Twister Thumb Road-going motorcycles Japan JP 3 3 motorcycles acquired in 2019 for the Intelligence Regiment No. 1 Soberanía.[56]
Can-Am Outlander Thumb Off-road quad bike Canada CA N/A Off-road quad bike 4x4 used by the BOE.[57]

Support trucks

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Mack Granite Thumb Heavy duty truck United States US 6 6 6x4 trucks donated by the United States government in 2018; 4 are dump trucks and 2 tankers.[58]
Nissan NP300 Navara Thumb Light pickup truck Japan JP N/A 4x4 pickup trucks purchased in 2021 and used for utility functions.[59]
Chevrolet Colorado LT MT 4WD Thumb Light pickup truck United States US 12 12 4x4 pickup trucks purchased in 2022 by the Logistics Division of the Chilean Army.[60]
International LT625 Thumb tractor truck United States US 2 2 6x4 traction trucks acquired in 2023 by the Logistics Division of the Chilean Army for cargo transportation.[61]

Engineering vehicles

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Mowag Piranha Thumb Minesweeper armoured vehicle Switzerland CH / Chile CL N/A 6x6 units converted by FAMAE for Pearson Engineering plow minesweeper functions.[24]
M113A2 Plus Thumb Utility armoured vehicle United States US 14 14 M113 with dozer blades, minesweepers and polymer tube slingshot launchers with a recovery crane for engineers.[23]
BrPz Biber AVLB Thumb Armoured vehicle-launched bridge Germany DE / Chile CL 3 These are modified versions of the Leopard 1 tank for engineering work. In 2001, the army acquired 3 BrPz Biber AVLBs, 3 PIPZ-1 AEVs, 2 tanks for detonating mines with the Pearson Engineering system, and 3 vehicles converted to transport bridge sections.[62][63]

In 2017, the army received a class 70 folding steel bridge prototype developed by FAMAE and Dictuc, similar to the aluminum bridge on the BrPz Biber AVLB, but expanding its transit capacity for larger-tonnage vehicles.[18][62][63]

PIPZ-1 AEV Thumb Armoured recovery vehicle Germany DE 3
Thumb Minesweeper armoured vehicle Germany DE 2
Thumb Armoured vehicle transports bridge sections Germany DE 3
Bergepanzer 2000 (BPZ 2000)
Bergepanzer 2000 WISENT (BPZ 2000-W)
Thumb Armoured recovery vehicle Germany DE 35[64] These are modified versions of the Leopard 1 tank for engineering work. They were acquired by the army in the early 2000s.[18][63]
Leguan Thumb Armoured vehicle-launched bridge Germany DE N/A
Pionierpanzer 2 Dachs Thumb Armoured recovery vehicle Germany DE N/A
Viablft Thumb Armoured breaching vehicle and tube fascine launcher Germany DE / Chile CL 7 Vehículo de Ingenieros Abridor de Brechas y Lanzafajinas de Tubos (Viablft) developed by FAMAE that is mounted on a Leopard 1 chassis. The first 2 units were delivered to the army in 2004, and in 2015 the delivery of 5 more units was completed.[62]
VIPP Thumb Armoured vehicle transports bridge sections Germany DE / Chile CL N/A Vehículo de Ingenieros Porta Puente (VIPP) developed by FAMAE that complements the BrPz Biber AVLB bridge-launching armoured vehicle, transporting sections of bridge that are transferred to the latter.[62]
AIFV-B Thumb Utility armoured vehicle United States US N/A They are units that use dozer blades.[52]
MW 370 Thumb Mine clearing vehicle Germany DE / United Kingdom UK 2 In 2008, 2 MW 370 were acquired from MineWolf Systems (now part of Pearson Engineering) and 3 Bozena 5 from Way Industry.[65]
Bozena 5 Thumb Mine clearing vehicle Slovakia SK 3
Sifting Excavator Thumb Mine clearing excavator United States US 1 The army operates 1 Sifting Excavator unit and 1 Demining Loader unit.[66]
Demining Loader Thumb Mine clearing loader United States US 1
HAMM 3410 Thumb Road roller Germany DE 1 1 unit donated by the United States government in 2018.[58]


Unmanned aerial vehicles

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Láscar[3]  Chile UAV fixed-wing Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance N/A UAV developed by the Chilean Army since 2008.[67][68]
SpyLite Thumb  Israel Miniature UAV N/A An unknown number of these UAVs were acquired in 2013.[69]
DJI Inspire 1 V2[70] Thumb  China UAV quadcopter N/A
DJI Inspire 2 Thumb 2[71] Acquired by the Comando de Ingenieros (Cinge) of the Chilean Army.[71]
DJI Mavic Pro[70] Thumb N/A
DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced Thumb 4[72] Units acquired for the BOE in 2021.[72]
DJI Mavic 3 Thumb 2[73] A Mavic 3 Thermal and a Mavic 3 Classic were acquired for the Fuerza de Tarea "Los Ángeles" of the Chilean Army for patrol work in the Macrozona Sur.[73]
DJI Air 3 Thumb 2[74] Acquired by the Escuela de Artilleria of the Chilean Army.[74]


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Zodiac[75] Thumb  France Inflatable boat N/A
Pumar  Chile The army has acquired various models of Pumar boats produced by ASMAR shipyards over the years.[76][77][78]
Lancha de Transporte de Pasajeros (LTP) Thumb Passenger transport boat 1[79] Boat Capitán IHL ordered to be built by the army in ASMAR, Talcahuano in 2015. Incorporated into the army in 2016 and destined for O'Higgins Lake for troop transport functions.[79][80]
Transport barge 1[81] Barge Aunashaka built by Sociedad Astilleros Tenglo Ltda., Puerto Montt in 2018 and intended for transport functions in the Beagle Channel.[81][82]

See also


  1. The vehicles with turreted Ramta TCM-20 were converted to command, telecommunications and VTP vehicles, with the turrets being withdrawn from service.[4]


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