List of textbooks in electromagnetism

List of physics and engineering textbooks covering electromagnetism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of textbooks in electromagnetism

The study of electromagnetism in higher education, as a fundamental part of both physics and electrical engineering,[1][2][3] is typically accompanied by textbooks devoted to the subject. The American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers recommend a full year of graduate study in electromagnetism for all physics graduate students.[4] A joint task force by those organizations in 2006 found that in 76 of the 80 US physics departments surveyed, a course using John Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics was required for all first year graduate students.[4] For undergraduates, there are several widely used textbooks, including David Griffiths' Introduction to Electrodynamics and Electricity and Magnetism by Edward Purcell and David Morin.[5] Also at an undergraduate level, Richard Feynman's classic Lectures on Physics is available online to read for free.[6]



Undergraduate (introductory and intermediate)

There are several widely used undergraduate textbooks in electromagnetism, including David Griffiths' Introduction to Electrodynamics as well as Electricity and Magnetism by Edward Purcell and David Morin.[5] Richard Feynman's Lectures on Physics also include a volume on electromagnetism that is available to read online for free, through the California Institute of Technology. In addition, there are popular physics textbooks that include electricity and magnetism among the material they cover, such as David Halliday and Robert Resnick's Fundamentals of Physics.


A 2006 report by a joint taskforce between the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers found that 76 of the 80 physics departments surveyed require a first-year graduate course in John Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics.[4] This made Jackson's book the most popular textbook in any field of graduate-level physics, with Herbert Goldstein's Classical Mechanics as the second most popular with adoption at 48 universities.[4] James Russ, professor of physics at Carnegie Mellon University, claims Jackson's textbook has been "[t]he classic electrodynamics text for the past four decades" and that it is "the book from which most current-generation physicists took their first course."[41] In addition to Jackson's textbook there are other classic textbooks like Classical Electricity and Magnetism by Pief Panofsky and Melba Phillips, and Electrodynamics of Continuous Media by Lev Landau, Evgeny Lifshitz, and Lev Pitaevskii, both pre-dating Jackson's book. Among the textbooks published after Jackson's book, Julian Schwinger's 1970s lecture notes is a mentionable book first published in 1998 posthumously. Due to the domination of Jackson's textbook in graduate physics education, even physicists like Schwinger became frustrated competing with Jackson and because of this, the publication of Schwinger's book was postponed so that it was finally completed and published by his colleagues.[42]

In addition to the mentioned classic books, in recent years there have been a few well-received electromagnetic textbooks published for graduate studies in physics, with one of the most notable being Modern Electrodynamics by Andrew Zangwill published in 2013, which has been praised by many physicists like John Joannopoulos, Michael Berry, Rob Phillips, Alain Aspect, Roberto Merlin, Shirley Chiang, Roy Schwitters[43] but also well received in the electrical engineering community.[44] Another notable textbook is Classical Electromagnetism in a Nutshell by Anupam Garg published in 2012, which has been also praised by physicists like Anthony Zee, Ramamurti Shankar, Jainendra Jain, John Belcher.[45]

Here is the list of some important textbooks that discuss generic physical areas of electromagnetism.


Here is the list of some important graduate textbooks that discuss particular physical areas of electromagnetism.

There is a controversy in scientific community about using different units in electromagnetism that have been discussed.[153][154][155][156][157][158]

Electrical engineering


According to a 2011 review of analytical and computational textbooks in electromagnetism by David Davidson, Julius Stratton's Electromagnetic Theory remains the classic text in electromagnetism and is still regularly cited.[Note 18] Davidson goes on to point out that Constantine Balanis' Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics and Roger Harrington's Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields are standard references at the post-graduate level.[159] Also for advanced undergraduate level, the textbook Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics by Simon Ramo, John Whinnery, and Theodore Van Duzer is considered as standard reference.[160][161]

Traditional differences between a physicist's point of view and an electrical engineer's point of view in studying electromagnetism have been noted. According to a 2023 lecture titled What Physicists Don't Know About Electromagnetism given by the theoretical physicist Hans Schantz[162] and based on the comparison of textbooks Electromagnetic Theory by Julius Stratton and Classical Electrodynamics by John Jackson, Schantz argues "today's physicists who are educated using curriculum out of Jackson are less informed about practical electromagnetics than their counterparts of 80 years ago," and says it's because physicists are now shifted from classical electrodynamics to quantum electrodynamics. Schantz also continues that concepts like impedance, Smith chart, antenna, and electromagnetic energy flow, are not appreciated by physicists.[163] Mathematician Sergei Schelkunoff who made many contributions to engineering electromagnetism also noted differences between physicist's and electrical engineer's view in electromagnetism. According to Schelkunoff:

The classical physicist, being concerned largely with isolated transmission systems, has emphasized only one wave concept, that of the velocity of propagation or more generally of the propagation constant. But the communication engineer who is interested in "chains" of such systems from the very start is forced to adopt a more general attitude and introduce the second important wave concept, that of the impedance. The physicist concentrates his attention on one particular wave: a wave of force, or a wave of velocity or a wave of displacement. His original differential equations may be of the first order and may involve both force and velocity; but by tradition he eliminates one of these variables, obtains a second order differential equation in the other and calls it the "wave equation." Thus he loses sight of the interdependence of force and velocity waves and he does not stress the difference which may exist between waves in different media even though the velocity of wave propagation is the same. The engineer, on the other hand, thinks in terms of the original "pair of wave equations" and keeps constantly in mind this interdependence between force and velocity waves.[164]

The usefulness of electrical engineering's approach to electromagnetic problems has also been noted by other physicists like Robert Dicke[165] and more specially Julian Schwinger.[166][167] Schwinger's emphasis on using electrical engineering's point of view was even more general than just in electromagnetic phenomena so that he argued for the use of engineering worldview even in pure branches of physics like high-energy physics.[167] Schwinger also said about his transformation from a person who saw electrical engineering problems as a pure physicist to a person who saw pure physical problems as an electrical engineer: "I first approached radar problems as a nuclear physicist; soon I began to think of nuclear physics in the language of electrical engineering."[168]

Many of the important and classic graduate electromagnetic textbooks related to electrical engineering listed here are published or reissued by IEEE under the name of The IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory.[169][Note 19]

Undergraduate (introductory and intermediate)








There are also many outstanding and notable textbooks published in optics which is a branch of electromagnetism dealing with interactions of light or visible spectrum electromagnetism with matter. Here is the list of some important textbooks in different areas of classical optics. These textbooks are suitable for both physics and electrical engineering studies depending on the context.



Light scattering



Another branch of electromagnetism that has been developed separately is magnetism, which is about studying magnetic properties of different materials and their interactions with electromagnetic fields. There are also many classic textbooks published in magnetism which some of them are listed here and they could be used in both physics and electrical engineering studies depending on the context.



Magnetohydrodynamics is an interdisciplinary branch of physics that uses continuum mechanics to describe the interaction of electromagnetic fields with fluids that are conductive. It combines classical electromagnetism with fluid mechanics by combination of Maxwell equations with Navier-Stokes equations. This relatively new branch of physics was first developed by Hannes Alfvén in a 1942 paper published in Nature titled Existence of Electromagnetic-Hydrodynamic Waves.[487] In 1950 Alfvén published a textbook titled Cosmical Electrodynamics which considered as the seminal work in the field of magnetohydrodynamics.[488] There are also two closely related fields to the traditional field of magnetohydrodynamics which are called electrohydrodynamics and ferrohydrodynamics. Electrohydrodynamics deals with interaction of electromagnetic fields with weakly conductive fluids[489] and ferrohydrodynamics deals with interaction of electromagnetic fields with magnetic fluids. Today magnetohydrodynamics and its related fields have many applications in plasma physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, astrophysics, geophysics and many other scientific branches. Here is the list of some important textbooks in different areas of electro-magneto-ferro-hydrodynamics.



There are many important books in electromagnetism which are generally considered as historical classics and some of them are listed here.

See also


    1. Reissue of the 1964 textbook published by Addison-Wesley.
    2. Second volume in the book series The Feynman Lectures on Physics. In the first volume of the series which is titled Mechanics, Radiation, and Heat, there are also some topics about electromagnetism and optics.
    3. Reissue of the 1995 textbook published by Saunders.
    4. This is an intermediate textbook also suitable for graduate studies.
    5. Reissue of the 1973 textbook published by MIT.
    6. First volume in the book series Pauli Lectures on Physics.
    7. Reissue of the 1972 textbook published by McGraw Hill.
    8. Eighth volume in the book series Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics.
    9. Reissue of the 1962 textbook published by Addison-Wesley.
    10. Third volume in the book series Sommerfeld Lectures on Theoretical Physics.
    11. Reissue of the 1964 textbook published by Macmillan.
    12. Volume 1: Dielectrics in Static Fields
      Volume 2: Dielectrics in Time-Dependent Fields
    13. Reissue of the 1969 textbook published by Addison-Wesley.
    14. Reissue of the 2001 textbook published by the same publisher.
    15. Volume 1: Foundations and Solid Media
      Volume 2: Fluids and Complex Media
    16. Second volume in the book series Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics.
    17. Reissue of the 1962 textbook published by North-Holland.
    18. Although Stratton's textbook originally published in 1941 and no further edition of it was ever published, but the textbook has accumulated more than 19000 citations in Google Scholar. "Electromagnetic Theory [Google Scholar]". Retrieved 12 January 2024.
    19. Most of the books (not all of them) published in the series are available on web page IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory in Wiley website.
    20. This is an intermediate textbook also suitable for graduate studies.
    21. Earlier editions published as:
      Fields and Waves in Modern Radio
    22. This is an intermediate textbook also suitable for graduate studies.
    23. IEEE classic reissue of the 1990 textbook published by Van Nostrand.
    24. IEEE classic reissue of the 1973 textbook published by Prentice Hall.
    25. IEEE classic reissue of the 1961 textbook published by McGraw Hill.
    26. Reissue of the 1968 textbook published by McGraw Hill.
    27. Although William Smythe was by training and profession a physicist, but he mentions in preface of the book: "...this book is written for the experimental research physicist and engineer rather than for the theoretical man." Smythe, W. R. (1989). Static and Dynamic Electricity (3 ed.). Hemisphere. p. xxiii. ISBN 0-89116-916-4. OSTI 6903398. Retrieved 20 December 2023.
    28. IEEE classic reissue of the 1941 textbook published by McGraw Hill.
    29. Reissue of the 1963 textbook published by Pergamon.
    30. IEEE classic reissue of the 1978 two volume textbook published by Academic.
    31. Volume 1: Theories and Applications
      Volume 2: Numerical Simulations
      Volume 3: Advanced Topics
    32. IEEE classic reissue of the 1970 textbook published by Pergamon.
    33. IEEE classic reissue of the 1992 textbook published by McGraw Hill.
    34. IEEE classic reissue of the 1981 textbook published by Prentice Hall.
    35. Reissue of the 1951 textbook published by McGraw Hill.
    36. Volume 1: Microwave Remote Sensing Fundamentals and Radiometry
      Volume 2: Radar Remote Sensing and Surface Scattering and Emission Theory
      Volume 3: From Theory to Applications
    37. Volume 1: Theory and Phenomena of Metamaterials
      Volume 2: Applications of Metamaterials
    38. IEEE classic reissue of the 1968 textbook published by Macmillan.
    39. Earlier editions published as:
      Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics
      Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLAB
    40. Reissue of the 1999 textbook published by the same publisher.
    41. Reissue of the 1975 textbook published by Holt McDougal.
    42. Reissue of the 1976 textbook published by the same publisher.
    43. Fourth volume in the book series Sommerfeld Lectures on Theoretical Physics.
    44. Reissue of the 1944 textbook published by the Brown University.
    45. Earlier editions published as:
      Introduction to Optical Electronics
      Optical Electronics
      Optical Electronics in Modern Communications
    46. Reissue of the 1976 textbook published by Wiley.
    47. Reissue of the 1983 textbook published by the same publisher.
    48. Reissue of the 1957 textbook published by Wiley.
    49. IEEE classic reissue of the 1951 textbook published by Van Nostrand.
    50. IEEE classic reissue of the 1965 textbook published by Wiley.
    51. Rewritten edition of the 1982 author's textbook titled Solar Magnetohydrodynamics.
    52. Reissue of the 1985 textbook published by Cambridge University.
    53. Reissue of the 1965 textbook published by McGraw Hill.
    54. Third volume in the book series Planck Introduction to Theoretical Physics.
    55. Volume 1: The Classical Theories
      Volume 2: The Modern Theories
    56. First edition published in 1910.


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