choice. This image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Ottoman_empire.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-2.5,2.0,1.0, Cc-by-sa-3.0-migrated, GFDL 2011-10-03T16:02:55Z
your choice. English Map of Baha'u'llah's banishment from Iran to ultimately Acre in the OttomanEmpire. Dutch Plattegrond van Bahá'u'lláhs verbanningen.
signature of Alexander Ypsilantis, leader of the Greek Revolt against the OttomanEmpire in 1821. Greek Η υπογραφή του Αλεξάνδρου Υψηλάντη, ηγέτη της Ελληνικής
Derivative works of this file: OttomanempireHe.svgOttomanempire de.svg Podolia Eyalet, OttomanEmpire (1683).svg Image:Ottomanempire 1481-1683.jpg Source: