The decade of the 1530s in music (years 1530–1539) involved some significant events, publications, compositions, births, and deaths.

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1520s . 1530s in music . 1540s
. Music timeline


  • 1532: Thomas Tallis takes his first known musical appointment, as organist at Dover Priory.[1]
  • 1533: Claudin de Sermisy appointed a canon at Sainte-Chapelle in Paris
  • 1534: Nicolas Gombert appointed a canon of Notre-Dame in Tournai
  • 1535: Cristobal Morales joins the papal choir at St Peter's basilica, Rome
  • 1536: Pierre Certon appointed Master of the Choristers at Sainte Chapelle in Paris.
  • 1538: Tallis moves from Dover to Waltham Abbey.
  • Thomas Appleby appointed organist and choirmaster at Lincoln Cathedral
  • 1539: Joan Brudieu appointed maestro di capilla at la Seu d'Urgell Cathedral in Catalonia, a position he held until his death (bar a couple of gaps) until his death in 1591.



  • Madrigali de diversi musici: libro primo de la Serena (Rome: Valerio Dorico). The first book of madrigals to be identified by that name. The majority of pieces are by Philippe Verdelot.


  • Carpentras
    • First book of masses (Avignon: Jean de Channay)
    • Lamentations for five voices (Avignon: Jean de Channay)
  • Hans GerleMusica Teusch (Nuremberg: Hieronymous Formschneider), an instructional book for playing and arranging for the viola, rebec, and lute
  • Sebald HeydenDe arte canendi: Rudimenta,[2] first installment of an important treatise on singing


  • Hans Gerle - 2nd collection of lute music Tabulatur auff die Laudten published in Nuremberg. It included arrangements of pieces by Jean Mouton, Josquin and Jacob Obrecht
  • Clement JanequinVingt et quatre chansons musicales...composes par maistre CL Janequin published by Pierre Attaignant in Paris
  • Philippe Verdelot – First book of madrigals for four voices, published by Ottaviano Scotto in Venice






  • Luis de NarváezLos seys libros del Delphin (Valladolid: Diego Hernandez), a large collection of lute music
  • Philippe VerdelotLe dotte, et eccellente compositioni...
  • Ein Hubsch new Gesangbuch, the first Protestant hymn-book, published in Ulm.


  • Jacques Arcadelt
    • First book of madrigals for four voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano), the most reprinted madrigal book of the sixteenth century
    • Second book of madrigals for four voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
    • Third book of madrigals for four voices (Venice: Girolamo Scotto)
    • Fourth book of madrigals for four voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Noel Bauldeweyn – Missa da Pacem (Nuremberg: Ott, RISM 15392). Published under the name of Josquin des Prez.[3]
  • Jean Calvin – First edition of 'The Geneva Psalter'
  • Alfonso dalla Viola – First book of madrigals for four voices (Ferrara: Henrico De Campis & Antonio Hucher for Giovanni De Buglhat)
  • Georg Forster – First volume of his 'Fresh German Songs' published in Nuremberg
  • Nicolas Gombert
    • First book of motets for four voices (Venice: Girolamo Scotto)
    • First book of motets for five voices (Venice: Girolamo Scotto)
  • Paul Hofhaimer – collection of musical settings of the odes of Horace 'Harmoniae Poeticae', published in Nuremberg
  • Jacquet of Mantua
    • First book of motets for five voices (Venice: Girolamo Scotto)
    • First book of motets for four voices (Venice: Girolamo Scotto)
  • Pierre de Manchicourt – Book 14: 19 Motets for four voices (Paris: Pierre Attaingnant & Hubert Jullet), the last volume in Attaingnant's motet series and the only one dedicated to a single composer

Classical music


  • We-Liang-Hu composed music for a play by 14th-century poet Gao Ming.

Sacred music



  • Johannes Heugel – Consolamini, popule meus, for eight voices, probably the earliest German composition for double choir[4]
  • Costanzo FestaHyntni per totum annum[5]




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