Ο θάλαμος αρ. 6gov/Ward No. 6». . «crimeorpunishment.jvergara.digital.brynmawr.edu/ward-no-6». . «elculture.gr/Θάλαμος αρ. 6». . «allocine.fr/film/La Salle n°6».
Live & LoudWard) - 3:17 3. I Don't Want to Change the World (Osbourne, Wylde, Castillo, Kilmister) - 4:06 4. Desire (Osbourne, Wylde, Castillo, Kilmister) - 6:00
Tribute (άλμπουμ, Ozzy Osbourne)Iommi, Butler, Ward) - 2:50 10. Children of the Grave (Osbourne, Iommi, Butler, Ward) - 5:57 11. Paranoid (Osbourne, Iommi, Butler, Ward) - 2:59 12. Goodbye
Πρώιμη φλαμανδική ζωγραφικήVolume 26, 1998 Ward, John. "Disguised Symbolism as Enactive Symbolism in Van Eyck's Paintings". Artibus et Historiae, Volume 15, No. 29, 1994 Wieck,
Sabotage (άλμπουμ, Black Sabbath)(Iommi/Butler/Ward/Osbourne) - 4:00 2. Don't Start (too Late) (Iommi/Butler/Ward/Osbourne) - 0:49 3. Symptom of the Universe (Iommi/Butler/Ward/Osbourne) - 6:29