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Automobilhersteller Aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Asquith Motor Company Ltd. ist ein britischer Automobil- und Nutzfahrzeughersteller.
Das Unternehmen wurde im Juli 1981 als Asquith Motor Carriage Company Ltd. mit Unternehmenssitz in Great Yeldham gegründet. Am Anfang stand die Idee, noch erhaltene Exemplare des Austin 12 Van zu restaurieren. Eine zunehmende Anzahl an Bestellungen führte zum Entschluss, das Modell unter eigenem Markennamen neu aufleben zu lassen.
Das Unternehmen beschäftigte damals 30 Arbeitnehmer und stellte bis 1997 mehrere tausend Fahrzeuge her, die vorwiegend exportiert wurden. Steigende Herstellungs- und Entwicklungskosten sowie die Stornierung eines Großauftrags aus Japan führten dazu, dass Asquith Insolvenz anmelden musste.
Das Unternehmen wurde 1997 von Mike Edgar aufgekauft. Im folgenden Jahr kaufte schließlich Simon Rhodes alle Rechte auf und stattete in London eine Werkshalle zur weiteren Produktion aus.
Im Jahr 2005 kaufte Asquith die Vintage Motor Company Ltd. auf, die aktuell die Modelle Royale Windsor und Royale Sabre herstellt. Neu ist zudem der Asquith Shetland, der zurzeit das kleinste Modell des Herstellers ist.
Nachdem die Fahrzeuge bis 2002 auf dem Fahrgestell des Ford Transit aufgebaut wurden, dient seither der Iveco Daily als Basisfahrzeug.
Aktuelle Marken: Adam's | Aeon | AK | AM | Arash | Ariel | Arkley | ASD | ASM | Asquith (seit 1981) | Asquith (seit 1985) | Aston Martin | Autotune | BAC | Beauford | Bentley | Blackjack | Blaze | Blitzworld | Bounty | Bowler | BRA | Brooke | Buckland | Bugle | Caburn | Caterham | Chesil | Cobretti | Crendon Replicas | CWR | Dakar | Dare | Darrian | David Brown | Dax | Deronda | DNA | Doon | Dutton | Eclipse | Elysee | ERA | Europa | Exact | Extreme | Flite | Foers | Ford | Foreman | FRS | Furore | Gardner Douglas | GBS | Gentry | Gibbs | Ginetta | GKD | GP | Grinnall | Hawk | HDS | Healy | Hoppa | Image | Imperial | Ineos | Jaguar | JAS | JBA | JH | Jimini | JZR | Kellforms | King | Kingfisher Kustoms | Kougar | Land Rover | Lenham | Liege | Lister | Listerbell | Locust | Lomax | Lotus | LTI | Lynx | Lynx AE | Mac | Mac #1 | Madgwick | Maelstrom | Manx | McLaren | MEV | Midas | Midge | Midland Classic | Minari | Mini | Minus | Mirach | MK | MNR | Morgan | MR 2 Kits | Noble | Onyx | Parallel | Peel | Pembleton | Pilbeam | Pilgrim | Procomp | Prowler | Quantum | Radical | Ram | Renegade (seit 1970) | Renegade (seit 2008) | RKC | Roadrunner | Rolls-Royce | Ronart | RS | RSK | Sammio | Scamp | Searoader | Sidewinder | Simod | Sin | Spire | Storm Warrior | Stuart Taylor | Supersnake | Sylva | Technic | Tempest | Thruxton | Tifosi | Tiger | Toniq | Tornado | Tribute | Triking | Turismo | Tushek | TWRR | Ultima | Vauxhall | Vincent | Volksrod | Vortex | Wam | Westfield | Xanthos | Zenos
Ehemalige Marken nach 1945: 356 Sports | AB 1 | AB Performance | ABC | ABS | AC | AD | Adams | ADJ | Adrenaline | AF (1971–1980) | AF (1987–2005) | Africar | AGM | AKS | Albany | Albo | Aleat | Alfa | Alfastyl | Allard (1935–1960) | Allard (1994–1997) | Allora | Altair | Alto (1983–1988) | Alto (1985–1998) | Alvis | Amalfi | Andersen | Anglebug | Animoto | Aquarius | Aquila | ARA | Argson | Argyll | Aries | Armstrong Siddeley | Arnott | Arteesi | Ascari | Ashley | Astra | Atlantis | Auriga | Ausfod | Austin | Austin-Healey | Autech | Auto Milan | Auto Speciali | Autobee | Autobodies | Autocom | Autocult | AVA | Avante | AVC | Avelle | AWE | Ayrespeed | BAD Design | Baja | Bamby (1983–1985) | Bamby (2011–2021) | Bandit | Banham | Barabus | Barchetta | Barrett | Beach Buggy | Beaman | Beardalls | Beardmore | Beaujangle | Beaver | Bedford | Bedouin | Bell Performance | Berkeley (1956–1961) | Berkeley (1991–2002) | Bertini | Bilmar | Biota | Birchfield | BM | BMA | Bohanna Stables | Bonallack | Bond | Bonito | Bradford | Bradley | Brightwheel | Bristol | Brit | Britannia | Britton | Broadbest | Broadspeed | Brockmore | Brooker | Brookland | Brookwell | Broomstick | BS | BSA | Buckler | Bullock | Burlington | Buroche | Butterfield | BWE | Calvy | Camber | Cambridge | Candy Apple | Cannon | Caparo | Carbodies | Caribbean | Carisma | Carlton | Carson | Cavallo | CC | CCT | Centaur | Cerity | CHAD | Challemoe | Challenger | Cheetah | Chevron | Chrysler | Citroën | CK | Clan | Classic Chassis Services | Classic English Racing Automobiles | Classic Replicas (1989–2002) | Classic Replicas (2002–2005) | Classic Sports Cars | CN | Cobra Sports | Coldwell | Conan | Concordette | Connaught (1949–1957) | Connaught (2005–2016) | Convair | Cool Car 500 | Cooper | Copycats | Coram | Cornish Classic Cars | Coronet | Corry | Costin (1970–1972) | Costin (1990–2010) | Country Volks | Covin | Cox | CPC | CRS | CSC | CTR | Custom Glassfibre | Cyana | Cygnet | Daimler | Dante | Dash | Davrian | De Bruyne | Deanfield | Deauville | Deep Sanderson | Deetype | Delfino | Delkit | Dellow | DeLorean | Delta | Deltayn | Deon | Dezina | Dial | Diva | DMS | Dominator | Domino | Dorian | Douglas | Dragonfly (1981–1986) | Dragonfly (1994–1995) | Dreambird | Dri-Sleeve | DRK | Dunsmore | Durow | Dutton | DVT | Eagle | Eaglet | EB | Ecosse | Edge | EEC | EG | Eldon | Elva | Embeesea | Emery | Emmbrook | Encore | Enfield | English Cars of Distinction | Enzo Design | EPC | ERA | Euro 427 | Eurosport | Evanta | Evante | Evolution (1993–1999) | Evolution (2005–2006) | EWM | Excalibur | Fairlite | Fairthorpe | Falcon (1958–1964) | Falcon (1984–2002) | Farbio | Farboud | Fergus | FES | FF | Fieldmouse | Fiero Factory | Fletcher | Fleur de Lys | Formula 27 | Foulkes | Fourstyle | Frazer Nash | Freestream | Freestyle | Frenette | Frisky | Frogeye | Futura | Gaia | Gazelle | GB (1969–1974) | GB (1986–1988) | GCS | GD-XM | GE | Gecko | Genie | Gilbern | Gilcolt | Gill | Gitane | Glenfrome | Gnat | Gordano | Gordon (1954–1958) | Gordon (1960) | Gordon-Keeble | Gozzy | GPB | Grand Illusions | Grantura | Gravetti | Gregori | Griffin | Griffon | Group Six | GRS | GS | GSM | GT | GTD (1983–2004) | GTD (1984–1985) | GTM | GTS | Guyson | Hacker | Hadleigh | Haldane | Hamblin | Harbron | Harding | Harrington & King's | Hazelcar | Healey (1946–1954) | Healey (1998–2000) | Hensen | Heritage Replicas | Heron | HGM | Hi-Tech | Hillcrest | Hillman | HMC | Househam | HRG | Hudson | Humber | Humming Bird | Hustler | Hutson | Interstyl | Invacar | Invader | Invicta (1925–1949) | Invicta (1982–1984) | Invicta (2004–2012) | Invicta Replicas | Iota | Ipi | ISH | JAG | Jago | Jarc | Javan | JBM | JC | Jeffrey | Jenard | Jensen | Jensen-Healey | Jimi Jimp | Johnard | Jowett | JPC | JPR | Kaig | Kamala | Kara | KD | Keith | Kendall | Kenmar | Kestrel (1984–1985) | Kestrel (1984–1988) | KF | Khaleej | Kieft | Killeen | Kilo | King | Kingfisher | Kingfisher Mouldings | Kirk | Kübelwagen | Kudos | Kustom | KVA | Kyote | L & R | Lagonda | Lambert | Lamberti | Lanchester | Land Ranger | Landar | Larini | Larmar | Latham | Lawrence | LCD | Le Mans | Lea-Francis | Leaping Cats | Legend | Legendary | Lemazone | Leopard Craft | Lester-MG | Light Car Company | Lightning | Limited Edition | Lindy | Litton | Lloyd | LMB | LMC | Locost | Lola | Lucas | Luego | Lynx | Lyonheart | Magenta | Magnum | Mahcon | Malibu | Mallalieu | Mallock | Malone | Mamba | Manta | Manx | Marauder | Marcos | Margin | Markham-Peasey | Marlin | Martyni | Masterco | Maya | MC | MCA | McCandless | McCoy | MCR | MCW | MDA | Melling | Mercury | Merlin | Metaline | Metisse | MFE | MG | Microdot | Micron | Microplas | Middlebridge | Midtec | Midway | Minijem | Minion | Minotaur | Mirage | Moons | Morford | Morris | Mosquito (1974–1987) | Mosquito (1989–1993) | Moss | Motorville | Mountaineer | MR Z | Mumford | Murad | Murtaya | Muscle City | Mutant | Navajo | Naylor | NCF | Nelco | Nelson | NG | Nickri | Nimbus | Nimrod | Nobel | Nordec | Nostalgia | Nova | Nymph | Nyvrem | O & C | Ogle | Opperman | Opus (1966–1972) | Opus (1998–1999) | Overlander | Owen | PACE | Panache | Panic | Panther | Parabug | Paramount | Parradine (1987–1991) | Parradine (1998–2005) | Pashley | Pastiche | Peerless | Pell | Pelland | Peregrine | Phantom | Phoenix (1983–1986) | Phoenix (1997–1999) | Phoenix (1998–1999) | Pike | Piper | PKA | Powerbug | Powerdrive | Predator | Prestige | Princess | Probe | Proteus | Prova | Pulsar (1978–1982) | Pulsar (1984–1987) | Python | Quasar-Unipower | Racecorp | Radbourne | Raffo | Railton | Ranger | Rat | Raw | Rawlson | Razer | Razor | RBM | RD 1 | Reflex | Regent | Regis | Reliant | Replicar | Replicator | Reselco | RGS Atalanta | Rhino | Rickman | Rico | Riley | RLT | RMB | RML | RNW | Roamer | Robin Hood | Rochdale | Rodley | Rotor | Rotrax | Rover | Royale (1980–1990) | Royale (1991–2001) | RS Jigtec | RT | Russon | RV | RW | S & J | Sabre | Safir | Sagesse | Sandbach | Sandwood | Saturn | Savant | Saxan | Scamp | Schuppan | Scootacar | Scorhill | Scorpion (1965) | Scorpion (1972) | Scorpion (1979–1981) | Scott Ellis Racing | Scottish Replicars & Classics | Scout | SD | SDR | Seagull | Seaspray | Sebring | Sem | Seraph | Seta | Shapecraft | Shark | Shawspeed | Sheen | Sheffield | Sheldonhurst | Shelsley (1983–1984) | Shelsley (2000–2005) | Sherpley | Sherwood | Shirley | Sienna | Silhouette (1970–1978) | Silhouette (1987–1989) | Silurian | Singer | Siva (1969–1976) | Siva (1970–1976) | Skip | Skyspeed | SN | Southern | Southern Roadcraft | SP | Spartan | SPD | Specframe | Spectre (1994) | Spectre (1994–2009) | Speedex | Spirit | SPM | Sports Car Services | Spyder | Spyder 550 Motors | Squire | SR | Stafford | Stanbury | Standard | Status | Steadman | Stealth | Sterling | Stevens | Stimson | Stimulator | Stinger | Strada | Strathcarron | Street Beetle | Suffolk | Summerfield | Sun | Sunbeam | Sunbeam-Talbot | Super (1957–1965) | Super (1981–1987) | Sutol | Swallow | Swift | T & A | T & J | T 5 | TA | Talon | Tara | Taydec | Teal | TI | Tici | Tippen | TKH | TMC | Tornado | Tourette | Townend | Trac | Tramp | Transformer | Trevor Farrington | Tri-Tech | Triad | Trident | Trimin | Trio | Tripacer | Tripos | Triton | Triumph | Trojan | Troll | Turner (1951–1966) | Turner (2003–2012) | TVR | TWM | TX | Tyler | Typhoon | Ufo | Unicorn | Unipower | UVA | Vanden Plas | Vario | Venom | Veranti | Vi-Car | Viking (1966) | Viking (1980–1983) | Vindicator | Vintage | Virago | Viscount | Voodoo | Voyager | VPR | Vulture | Warwick | Wasp | Watford | Watling | Westbourne | Westpole | Whitby | White Rose | Winchester | Wizard | WMC | Wolseley | Worsley | WSM | Wyvern | Xener | Yak | YKC | Zealia | Zero | Zita
Accumulator Industries | Adams-Hewitt | AEC | Airedale | A.J.S. | Albion | Alexander | Alexander Dennis | All British | Alldays | Alley & MacLellan | Argyle | Argyll | Ariel | Armadale | Armstrong | Armstrong-Whitworth | Arrival | Arrol-Johnston | Asquith | Associated Commercial Vehicles | Atkey-Gimson | Atkinson | Atlas | Austin | Autocars and Accessories | Aveling & Porter | B.A.D.C. | Bantam | Barton | B.A.T. | Bean | Beardmore | Bedford | Belhaven | Bell Brothers | Belsize | Birmingham & Midland | Blackburn | Bluebird | Bradbury | Bristol (1904–1908) | Bristol (1908–1983) | British Berna | British Quad | Briton | Brush | Burford | Caledon | Caledonian | Carette | Carrimore | Century | Chambers | Charles H. Roe | Chelmsford | Chrysler | Churchill | Clarkson & Capel | Clayton | Cleco | Clyde (1905–1914) | Clyde (1913–1938) | Commer | Coulthard | County | County Commercial | Coventry-Victor | C.P.T. | Craig-Dorwald | Crawshay-Williams | Cremorne | Critchley-Norris | Crossley | Currie | Daimler | Dearne | Dennis | Devon | Duple | Duplex | Eadon | Eastern Coach Works | Easyloader | Electric Motive Power | Elieson | Enfield | Enfield-Allday | Ensign | Entwisle & Gass | Erewash | E.R.F. | Fergus | Fleet | Fleur de Lys | Foden | Ford | Forrest | Fowler | Freestone | Freight Rover | Frick | F.W.D. | Galloway | Garner | Garrett | General Motor Car | G.E.R. | Gilford | Girling | Glover | Goodchild | Granton | Greenwood | Greyhound | Guy Motors | GWK | Hall | Hallamshire | Halley | Hallford | Harrington | Hillman | Hobart | Horley | Horn Littlewood | Horstmann | Hubbard | Humber | Iden | Iris | Ivanhoe | Ivel | Ivy | James | James & Browne | Jensen | Jowett | Karivan | Karrier | Kerr-Stuart | Kingsburgh | Lacre | Lagonda | Lambourn | Land Rover | LDV | Leyland | Leyland DAF | L.G.O.C. | Lipscomb | Lothian | Lotis | Low Loader | Lowdeck | L.V.L. | Maidstone & District | Maltby | Marathon | Martin Cultivator Co. | Maudslay | McCurd | Melen | Mendip | Metro Cammell Weymann | Milnes-Daimler | M.J. | Mobile | M.O.C. | Monarch | Morris Commercial | Morrison-Electricar | Musker | Napier | Napier-Parsons | New Leader | Newmobile | Northcote | Northern General | Omnium | Pagefield | Palladium | Park Royal Vehicles | PDA | Peerless | P.F.S. | Progress | Raleigh | Reliant | Rex | R.G. | Roebuck | Rothwell | Rotinoff | Rover | Royal Enfield | Royal Scot | Royal Windsor | Ryknield | Rytecraft | Sandringham | Saunders-Roe | Savages | Scammell | Scott | Scout | Sedan Auto-Car | Seddon | Seddon Atkinson | Sentinel | Sheffield-Simplex | Shefflex | Simms | Simpson & Bibby | Singer | Smith | Smith Electric Vehicles | Soames | Standard Steam Lorry | Star | Stevens | Stirling | Stoneleigh | Straker-Squire | Straussler | Sunbeam | Talbot | Tasker & Sons | Thames | Thompson Brothers | Thor | Thornycroft | Tilling-Stevens | Tri-Kon | Tritractor | Trojan | Unipower | Unique | Vulcan | Wall | Wallace | Warrick | Watson | Wells | Westland | W. & G. | Wolf | Willys Overland Crossley | Wilson | Wolseley | Wrightbus | Yorkshire
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