Datei:Nuvola Libya flag.svgThis image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Nuvola_South_Sudan_flag.svg licensed with PD-Sudan, PD-ineligible 2011-09-09T01:37:35Z Spesh531
Datei:OIC Diagram-en.svgThis image is a derivative work of the following images: File:Nuvola_Albanian_flag.svg licensed with PD-self 2007-06-22T10:52:16Z Min's 60x60 (38541 Bytes)
Datei:Nuvola Libya flag 1977-2011.svgThis icon is part of Commons:Project Nuvola 2.0+, a project to extend the scope and usefulness of the Nuvola icon set by David Vignoni. English URL: https://commons
Datei:OIC Diagram-it.svgimages: File:OIC Diagram-en.svg licensed with LGPL 2011-09-25T10:28:09Z Aris Katsaris 1150x850 (1281029 Bytes) Updated Libyan flag 2011-07-14T07:42:35Z Brightgalrs