Luciano Floridi
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Luciano Floridi (16. novembra 1964. –), italijanski filozof i logičar, fellow of St Cross College, University of Oxford.
Ovaj članak ili neki od njegovih odlomaka nije dovoljno potkrijepljen izvorima (literatura, veb-sajtovi ili drugi izvori). |
- Augmented Intelligence — A Guide to IT for Philosophers. (in Italian) Rome: Armando, 1996.
- Scepticism and the Foundation of Epistemology - A Study in the Metalogical Fallacies. Leiden: Brill, 1996.
- Internet - An Epistemological Essay. (in Italian and in French) Milan: Il Saggiatore, 1997.
- Philosophy and Computing: An Introduction. London/New York: Routledge, 1999.
- Sextus Empiricus, The Recovery and Transmission of Pyrrhonism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
- The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information. (editor) Oxford: Blackwell, 2003.
iPod and Videos
- Relevant Information, the SIRLS/Thomson Scientific ISI Samuel Lazarow Memorial lecture, University of Arizona, USA, February 8 2007. View the Presentation Arhivirano 20. 3. 2007. na Wayback Machine while you listen to the podcast. Download Arhivirano 28. 6. 2010. na Wayback Machine Lecture (MP3, 52MB). Download Arhivirano 28. 6. 2010. na Wayback Machine Question and Answer Session following the Lecture (MP3, 39MB). Quicktime Streaming Video Arhivirano 27. 6. 2007. na Wayback Machine (requires the Quicktime Plug-in, broadband recommended). Windows Video Arhivirano 28. 6. 2010. na Wayback Machine (.wmv format, requires IE and Media Player version 9 or higher for streaming). iPod Compatible Arhivirano 25. 7. 2008. na Wayback Machine (.m4v, 375MB, download only).
- A Look into the Future of ICT North American Computing and Philosophy Conference, August 10-12 2006, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA.
- Where are we in the philosophy of information?, June 21 2006, University of Bergen, Norway.
- The Logic of Information Arhivirano 6. 2. 2008. na Wayback Machine, presentation Arhivirano 16. 9. 2009. na Wayback Machine, discussion Arhivirano 16. 9. 2009. na Wayback Machine, Télé-université (Université du Québec), 11 May 2005, Montréal, Canada.
- From Augmented Intelligence to Augmented Responsibility[mrtav link], North American Computing and Philosophy Conference, January 24 2002, Oregon State University, USA.
- Artificial Evil and the Foundation of Computer Ethics, presentation, discussion, CEPE2000 Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry Arhivirano 25. 7. 2008. na Wayback Machine, July 14-16, 2000, Dartmouth College, USA.
Također pogledajte
Vanjski linkovi
- Home page and articles online
- Interview for the American Philosophical Association — Philosophy And Computing Newsletter
- Biography, in English
- Biography, in Italian, from Cervelli in Fuga (Roma: Accenti, 2001)
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