মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের উপরাষ্ট্রপতিদের তালিকা

উইকিমিডিয়ার তালিকা নিবন্ধ উইকিপিডিয়া থেকে, বিনামূল্যে একটি বিশ্বকোষ

১৭৮৯ সালে এই পদ সৃষ্টির পর থেকে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ৪৯ জন উপরাষ্ট্রপতি হয়েছেন। মূলত, ভাইস প্রেসিডেন্ট হলেন সেই ব্যক্তি যিনি ইলেক্টোরাল কলেজে রাষ্ট্রপতির জন্য দ্বিতীয় সর্বাধিক ভোট পেয়েছিলেন। যাইহোক, ১৮০০ সালের নির্বাচনে টমাস জেফারসন এবং অ্যারন বুরের মধ্যে ইলেক্টোরাল কলেজের ভোটের ফলাফল টাই হয়, যা রাষ্ট্রপতি নির্বাচনে হাউস অফ রিপ্রেজেন্টেটিভদের মনোনয়নের দিকে পরিচালিত করে। এই ধরনের ঘটনা যাতে আবার ঘটতে না পারে তার জন্য, সংবিধানে দ্বাদশ সংশোধনী আনা হয়, যা বর্তমান ব্যবস্থা তৈরি করে, যেখানে ভোটাররা উপরাষ্ট্রপতির জন্য আলাদা ভোট দেন। [১]


আরও তথ্য #, Portrait ...
#[ক] Portrait Vice President Term Party[খ] Election President
1 জন অ্যাডামস
April 21, 1789[গ]

March 4, 1797
Pro-Administration[ঘ] 1788–89 জর্জ ওয়াশিংটন[ঙ]
Federalist 1792
2 টমাস জেফারসন
March 4, 1797

March 4, 1801
Democratic-Republican 1796 জন অ্যাডামস[চ]
3 Aaron Burr
March 4, 1801

March 4, 1805
Democratic-Republican 1800 Thomas Jefferson
4 George Clinton[ছ]
March 4, 1805

April 20, 1812
Democratic-Republican 1804
1808 James Madison
Office vacant April 20, 1812 – March 4, 1813[জ]
5 Elbridge Gerry[ছ]
March 4, 1813

November 23, 1814
Democratic-Republican 1812
Office vacant November 23, 1814 – March 4, 1817[জ]
6 Daniel D. Tompkins
March 4, 1817

March 4, 1825
Democratic-Republican 1816 James Monroe
7 John C. Calhoun[ঝ]
March 4, 1825

December 28, 1832
Democratic-Republican 1824 John Q. Adams
Nullifier[ঞ] 1828 Andrew Jackson[ট]
Office vacant December 28, 1832 – March 4, 1833[জ]
8 মার্টিন ভ্যান বিউরেন
March 4, 1833

March 4, 1837
Democratic 1832
9 Richard Mentor Johnson
March 4, 1837

March 4, 1841
Democratic 1836 Martin Van Buren
10 জন টাইলার[ঠ]
March 4, 1841

April 4, 1841
Whig[ড] 1840 William H. Harrison
Office vacant April 4, 1841 – March 4, 1845[জ] John Tyler
11 George M. Dallas
March 4, 1845

March 4, 1849
Democratic 1844 James K. Polk
12 মিলার্ড ফিলমোর[ঠ]
March 4, 1849

July 9, 1850
Whig 1848 Zachary Taylor
Office vacant July 9, 1850 – March 4, 1853[জ] Millard Fillmore
13 William R. King[ছ]
March 4, 1853[ঢ]

April 18, 1853
Democratic 1852 Franklin Pierce
Office vacant April 18, 1853 – March 4, 1857[জ]
14 John C. Breckinridge
March 4, 1857

March 4, 1861
Democratic 1856 James Buchanan
15 Hannibal Hamlin
March 4, 1861

March 4, 1865
Republican 1860 Abraham Lincoln[ণ]
16 Andrew Johnson[ঠ]
March 4, 1865

April 15, 1865
National Union[ত] 1864
Office vacant April 15, 1865 – March 4, 1869[জ] Andrew Johnson
17 Schuyler Colfax
March 4, 1869

March 4, 1873
Republican 1868 Ulysses S. Grant
18 Henry Wilson[ছ]
March 4, 1873

November 22, 1875
Republican 1872
Office vacant November 22, 1875 – March 4, 1877[জ]
19 William A. Wheeler
March 4, 1877

March 4, 1881
Republican 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes
20 Chester A. Arthur[ঠ]
March 4, 1881

September 19, 1881
Republican 1880 James A. Garfield[থ]
Office vacant September 19, 1881 – March 4, 1885[জ] Chester A. Arthur
21 Thomas A. Hendricks[ছ]
March 4, 1885

November 25, 1885
Democratic 1884 Grover Cleveland
Office vacant November 25, 1885 – March 4, 1889[জ]
22 Levi P. Morton
March 4, 1889

March 4, 1893
Republican 1888 Benjamin Harrison
23 Adlai Stevenson I
March 4, 1893

March 4, 1897
Democratic 1892 Grover Cleveland
24 Garret Hobart[ছ]
March 4, 1897

November 21, 1899
Republican 1896 William McKinley[দ]
Office vacant November 21, 1899 – March 4, 1901[জ]
25 Theodore Roosevelt[ঠ]
March 4, 1901

September 14, 1901
Republican 1900
Office vacant September 14, 1901 – March 4, 1905[জ] Theodore Roosevelt
26 Charles W. Fairbanks
March 4, 1905

March 4, 1909
Republican 1904
27 James S. Sherman[ছ]
March 4, 1909

October 30, 1912
Republican 1908 William H. Taft
Office vacant October 30, 1912 – March 4, 1913[জ]
28 Thomas R. Marshall
March 4, 1913

March 4, 1921
Democratic 1912 Woodrow Wilson
29 Calvin Coolidge[ঠ]
March 4, 1921

August 2, 1923
Republican 1920 Warren G. Harding
Office vacant August 2, 1923 – March 4, 1925[জ] Calvin Coolidge
30 Charles G. Dawes
March 4, 1925

March 4, 1929
Republican 1924
31 Charles Curtis
March 4, 1929

March 4, 1933
Republican 1928 Herbert Hoover
32 John Nance Garner
March 4, 1933

January 20, 1941
Democratic 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt[ছ]
33 Henry A. Wallace
January 20, 1941

January 20, 1945
Democratic 1940
34 Harry S. Truman[ঠ]
January 20, 1945

April 12, 1945
Democratic 1944
Office vacant April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1949[জ] Harry S. Truman
35 Alben W. Barkley
January 20, 1949

January 20, 1953
Democratic 1948
36 Richard Nixon
January 20, 1953

January 20, 1961
Republican 1952 Dwight D. Eisenhower
37 Lyndon B. Johnson[ঠ]
January 20, 1961

November 22, 1963
Democratic 1960 John F. Kennedy[ধ]
Office vacant November 22, 1963 – January 20, 1965[জ] Lyndon B. Johnson
38 Hubert Humphrey
January 20, 1965

January 20, 1969
Democratic 1964
39 Spiro Agnew[ঝ]
January 20, 1969

October 10, 1973
Republican 1968 Richard Nixon[ঝ]
Office vacant October 10 – December 6, 1973[ন]
40 Gerald Ford[ঠ]
December 6, 1973

August 9, 1974
Office vacant August 9 – December 19, 1974[ন] Gerald Ford
41 Nelson Rockefeller
December 19, 1974

January 20, 1977
42 Walter Mondale
January 20, 1977

January 20, 1981
Democratic 1976 Jimmy Carter
43 George H. W. Bush
January 20, 1981

January 20, 1989
Republican 1980 Ronald Reagan
44 Dan Quayle
(b. 1947)
January 20, 1989

January 20, 1993
Republican 1988 George H. W. Bush
45 Al Gore
(b. 1948)
January 20, 1993

January 20, 2001
Democratic 1992 Bill Clinton
46 ডিক চেনি
(b. 1941)
January 20, 2001

January 20, 2009
Republican 2000 George W. Bush
47 Joe Biden
(b. 1942)
January 20, 2009

January 20, 2017
Democratic 2008 Barack Obama
48 Mike Pence
(b. 1959)
January 20, 2017

January 20, 2021
Republican 2016 Donald Trump
49 Kamala Harris
(b. 1964)
January 20, 2021

January 20, 2025
Democratic 2020 Joe Biden

জে. ডি. ভ্যান্স
(জন্ম. ১৯৮৪)
জানুয়ারি ২০, ২০২৫

রিপাবলিকান ২০২৪ ডোনাল্ড ট্রাম্প

আরও দেখুন

  • Acting president of the United States
  • Founding Fathers of the United States
  • List of presidents of the United States
  • Presiding Officer of the United States Senate
  • United States Senate Vice Presidential Bust Collection


  1. The U.S. vice presidents are counted according to uninterrupted periods of time served by the same person. For example, John Adams served two consecutive terms and is counted as the first vice president (not the first and second). Likewise, George Clinton is counted as the fourth and John Calhoun as the seventh, even though each one's consecutive terms in office were served under more than one president. Following the resignation of 39th vice president Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford became the 40th vice president even though he was chosen to serve out the remainder of Agnew's second term. Then, after Ford succeeded to the presidency later in that same term, Nelson Rockefeller became the 41st vice president and served out the remainder of the term.
  2. Reflects the vice president's political party at the start of their vice presidency. Changes during their time in office are noted. Also reflects the president's political party unless otherwise noted beside the individual's name.
  3. Due to logistical delays, John Adams assumed the office of Vice President ১ মাস ও ১৭ দিন after the March 4, 1789 scheduled start of operations of the new government under the Constitution. As a result, his first term was only ১,৪১৩ days long, and was the shortest term for a U.S. vice president who served a full term.
  4. Pro-Administration is a contemporary term for the supporters of the political and economic policies of the Washington Administration prior to the formation of the Federalist and DemocraticRepublican parties.
  5. George Washington remained unaffiliated with any political faction or party throughout his eight-year presidency. Greatly concerned about the very real capacity of political parties to destroy the fragile unity holding the nation together, he was, and remains, the only U.S. president never to be affiliated with a political party.
  6. The 1796 presidential election was the first contested American presidential election and resulted in a situation where the persons elected President and Vice President belonged to opposing political parties. Federalist John Adams was elected President, and Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republicans was elected Vice President.
  7. Died in office of natural causes.
  8. Prior to ratification of the Twenty-fifth Amendment, February 10, 1967, an intra-term vacancy in the vice presidency could not be filled.
  9. Resigned from office
  10. John Calhoun, formerly a Democratic-Republican, founded the Nullifier Party in 1828 to advance the cause of states' rights, but was brought on as Andrew Jackson's running mate in the 1828 presidential election in an effort to broaden the political coalition emerging around Jackson.
  11. Andrew Jackson's supporters from the former Democratic-Republican Party, which had largely collapsed by the mid-1820s, began calling themselves 'Democrat' during his first term in office, thus marking the evolution of Thomas Jefferson's Democratic-Republican Party into the modern Democratic Party.
  12. Succeeded to the presidency intra-term.
  13. John Tyler was elected vice president on the Whig Party ticket in 1840. His policy priorities as president soon proved to be opposed to most of the Whig agenda, and he was expelled from the party in September 1841.
  14. Ill with tuberculosis, William King traveled to Cuba after the 1852 election in an effort to regain his health, and was not able to be in Washington, D.C. to take his oath of office on March 4, 1853. By an Act of Congress, he was allowed to take the oath outside the United States, and was sworn in on March 24, 1853 near Matanzas, Cuba. He is the only vice president to take his oath of office in a foreign country.
  15. Died April 15, 1865; see Assassination of Abraham Lincoln for further details.
  16. When he ran for reelection in 1864, Republican Abraham Lincoln formed a bipartisan electoral alliance with War Democrats by selecting Democrat Andrew Johnson as his running mate, and running on the National Union Party ticket. Later, while president, Johnson tried and failed to build a party of loyalists under the National Union banner. Near the end of his presidency, Johnson rejoined the Democratic Party.
  17. Died September 19, 1881; see Assassination of James A. Garfield for further details.
  18. Died September 14, 1901; see Assassination of William McKinley for further details.
  19. Died November 22, 1963; see Assassination of John F. Kennedy for further details.
  20. The Twenty-fifth Amendment established a process whereby an intra-term vacancy in the vice presidency is filled by presidential appointment.



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